What does >>>Jow Forums thinks of Henry Kissinger?

What does thinks of Henry Kissinger?

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Based Realpolitik.
Roastie Palestinian fetishists and commies hate him

>Kissinger, The Politics Of Faggotry


>According to a variety of very authoritative sources, Henry A. Kissinger is not a Jew, but a faggot.

>I will not tolerate any denial of civil rights to a person who happens to be homosexual. Ordinarily, a homosexual is like an ordinary person suffering the affliction of nasty boils; one recognizes the distinction between the person and the affliction.

>The problem with Kissinger is not simply that he has a homosexual personality. The problem with Kissinger is like that of that flaming, fascistic faggot Roy M. Cohn, who is justly hated by most of the ordinary homosexuals of the United States, and a number of those from other nations. Similarly, Henry A. Kissinger is no ordinary, common, garden-variety of homosexual. His heathen sexual inclinations are merely an integral part of a larger evil.

>One does not need to catch Henry in flagrante in the Carlyle Hotel, or with a Roumanian waiter in Acapulco. Whatever he does in particular hotel-rooms, or after meetings with Roy M. Cohn at certain New York City restaurants, or by arrangement of certain California acquaintances, need not be reported here. Kissinger may wash (one hopes) and dress, before leaving a hotel-room. He does not, and cannot change his personality.

>To a trained eye, the evening television news-broadcasts over the past ten years have provided all the evidence needed to recognize what Kissinger is. I recognize him in the same way, and with the same accuracy I can tell by looking, the difference between a cat and a dog. Psychologically, Henry is a distinct species. He is of the species some psychopathologists prefer to describe as an extreme anal variety of sadomasochistic personality, of the same pathological type as organized crime's Roy M. Cohn.

(Part 1)

>Put Kissinger and Cohn under similar circumstances of stress, and each will behave on all crucial points of psychopathology like the other.

>Take the case of Roy M. Cohn's physical assault on Barbara Dreyfuss, or Nancy Kissinger's, the "Newark Strangler's," homocidal behaviour more recently. Normal public figures do not strangle every person who says something they do not like. More lies have been told internationally about me, for example, than any living public figure of the past ten years; I have never had an impulse to strike a journalist for such reason, nor, I am more or less certain, does President Ronald Reagan, or any other psychologically normal or reasonably normal person in public life. We say of such public attacks, "It goes with the territory." We have more important issues with which to concern ourselves. Not so in the case of narcissistic, anal sado-masochists such as a Kissinger or Cohn.

>They are not psychologically normal. They are something very, very sick.

>Most citizens have noticed about Kissinger, that he explodes into irrational rages very easily. He exhibits a distinctly unmanly testiness. Sometimes, before a classroom at Harvard, or in attempting to play confidence-man with a foreign head of government or diplomat, Kissinger pretends to be "all charm." As long as he believes he is being admired, or admired for reasons of fear, Kissinger can be almost generous, more or less "seductive" in the way some confidence-men--of the sort who wear too much perfume, and too much jewelry--often are with prospective "suckers." Cross Kissinger, rip away his narcissistic, anal self-delusions, and his impulses turn instantly homocidal -- as Pakistan's Bhutto recalled vividly before he died by Kissinger's decree.

(Part 2)

>Call Roy M. Cohn "a nasty little faggot" in public, and Cohn instantly finds himself seized by an uncontrollable grudge-urge to kill. He will nurse that grudge over years; he will be obsessed by it. He will return, again and again, to projects intended to destroy the person against whom he holds that grudge. It is not necessary to offend Cohn directly to stir up such a grudge-obsession; it is merely sufficient to be a person Cohn believes to stand in the way of some petty ambition of his at the moment. He doesn't mind being a faggot; he objects to being viewed as "unmanly," as a "nasty little" anything.

>There are, unfortunately, too many persons who suffer the same mental disease as Kissinger and Cohn. One pities them; no human being, however wretched, should have to continue suffering the condition in which a Kissinger and Cohn exist; the problem is that very foolish people, world-wide, have given power to such homocidal types.

>To understand the kind of faggot Henry Kissinger is, what Roy Cohn is, think back to the Emperor Nero and his court. Think of Studio 54, then of Nero's court, and then of Studio 54 again. Think of Roy Cohn's parties (faithfully reported in exaggerated, name-dropping detail, in the New York Daily News). Think of Nero, and then of Kissinger, and then of Nero, and then of Roy M. Cohn. That is the kind of faggot Henry Kissinger is.

>That kind of faggotry destroyed Rome. Will you permit it also to destroy the United States?

(Part 3/end)

He said to Nixon that gassed Russian Jews weren't a concern for his vision of American foreign policy and that, at best, was an humanitarian concern... maybe.

The only old man I'd ever beat up

"Kissinger was born Heinz Alfred Kissinger in Fürth, Bavaria, Germany in 1923 during the Weimar Republic to a family of German Jews."

"The Greek people are anarchic and difficult to tame. For this reason we must strike deep into their cultural roots: Perhaps then we can force them to conform. I mean, of course, to strike at their language, their religion, their cultural and historical reserves, so that we can neutralize their ability to develop, to distinguish themselves, or to prevail; thereby removing them as an obstacle to our strategically vital plans in the Balkans, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East."

(As reported in the popular Greek magazine, Oikonomikos Tachydromos on 14 Aug. l997, Henry Kissinger, while addressing a group of Washington, D.C. businessmen in Sept.1974)

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I want to know what he has in that magic murder bag.

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Illuminatti faggot

Best geopolitical thinker of the 20th century.

The petrodollar paved the way for the shit fiat currency system which has fucked over every Anglo country and siphoned our wealth off to the Jews while getting Americans killed in wars for Israel.

tldr; another faggot kike

A perfect example of the superiority of the Ashkenazi gene pool.
Give it up whiteboi, the kikes have won.

he wrote a book a couple years ago called new world order or some shit that basically tries to justify everything he did in life

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A jew


wat abut soros

Fucking hate that guy,
Very good video
The Effects of Jimmy Carter's Foreign Policy on Rhodesia
The Kissinger Proposals

May 1976

Henry Kissinger and Robert Mugabe: The Forgotten Connection via Remarkably Creative Negotiation

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I know someone who has met him, sat with him at a dinner after a UN summit.
She said he was fine, a little grumpy towards the end of the meal and had terrible body odor.

First ten seconds of this.youtube.com/watch?v=ngQyzSez4cM

It's important to note that he's a Machiavellian at heart. That's why Neocons, especially Christopher Hitchens, hate him. Neocons view the world in terms of moral blacks and whites. Machiavellians seek to influence events pragmatically.

A Neocon foreign policy is in practice much more inconsistent than a Machiavellian one. That is because it demands that bad people are forever bad, rather than trying to work with them on shared concerns.

Kissinger did some things wrong for sure, but if you're going to hate someone hate them for the right reasons.

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I finished Volume 1 of the Niall Ferguson biography on him.

He's a pretty standard Neo-Con Jew. Smart, understands how things actually work, not how idealists want them to work (see his work "converting" Nazis after the war).

He was a Neo-Con though. He helped pull Nixon away from the more traditional elements who were trying to influence him, like the John Birch folks. He was just an early stage one.

I think he may have been more of a Rockefeller Republican. They were the bloc of moderates and liberals in the Republican party that historically represented the interests of business, but not morality. The key distinction would be that the Rockefeller Republicans weren't "reformed" Trotskyites hellbent on liberating the world. Kissinger's toleration of necessary evils around the world is terribly offensive to the Neocon mindset.

complete and utter parasite, he helped hand over China to the communist's

Neo-con Jewish war criminal, the man Netanyahu wishes he was.

Comes to America at age 15 in 1938 but never loses the thick German accent? I thought Jews were supposed to have a high verbal IQ

Read Brice Taylor's 'Thanks for the Memories'. All you need to know

The notion that he was a neo-con is complete bullshit. Neo-cons see foreign policy as the forces of angels against the forces of evil. Kissinger was a pragmatist.

His brother speaks without a German accent. There's an anecdote that when asked why he said "I listen when other people speak, and Henry doesn't", or something to that effect.