AUS/POL/ Maggie Snack Edition

Evening Lads, let's try this again. Don't forget Q&A tonight:

>Opt Out of MHR

>Scandals for Labor and the Unions

>Chinese Influence on our Major parties

>Commons Index [WIP]

>Malcolm Turnbull hits out at government in secret recording

>NSW government over-funding private schools by $160 million

>Police search for missing 12-year-old boy

>Captive in Campbelltown as patient fights to leave public hospital

>Police find axe, knife, stun gun, knuckledusters in car in Queanbeyan

>Australia must demand Myanmar war crimes tribunal, says investigator

>Beachside town rocked by double stabbing

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Other urls found in this thread:

>'Game over': Macquarie's German tax scandal

>The $30 billion tech giant nobody understands

>Who’s who in the Colts?

>Pressure mounts in the ACT over tenancy laws

>Parliament to consider sweeping changes to the way ABC board members are picked

>Man bites dead magpie in sick celebration after West Coast Eagles victory

Previous Threads:


It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while the pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

Malcolm Fraser exposing Jewish power in Australia and saying they deliberately bombed the USS Liberty
If you're an Australian Jow Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

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Need black gf

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>had several ulcers at the back of my throat for the last week
>finally healed up
>tfw now have a mouth ulcer on my labial frenum, in constant pain
>got a 5 am start tomorrow
>tfw "long weekend" was the quickest weekend ive ever experienced
>starting to suspect that i might have diabetes

who JUST here

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Remember when this man, who set up strategies to ensure that Australia was the only country in the world that made it through the Global Financial Crisis completely intact, and who promised a nationwide broadband network with super-fast speeds that would cost approximately 31 billion U.S. dollars, was stabbed in the proverbial back by his own political party - after which his political party lost the election to a government that offered a heavily "watered down" national broadband internet network...

... and, 10 years later, the National Broadband Network Corporation working on this inferior network, had to be "bailed out" by the same government that offered the "watered down" version, to the tune of over 14 billion U.S. dollars - causing the single-worst infrastructure disaster in this nation's history - a project that has now blown out to more than 35 billion U.S. dollars while still unfinished...

... while a significant proportion of households in rural areas have to put up with approximately 5 Mbit connections and frequent disruptions (with a permanent latency of about 0.6 seconds because the technology that NBN Co. is utilizing for rural residents is a satellite)?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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Coles cleaner here, where my other cleaner bro at? Last night was fucked, was suppose to slave away from 12am-5am but got stuck there until 7am, ah well at least I get paid a bit more.

Feel JUSTed AF tho in good news, in an effort to get into a better job (police), I've just been informed today that I successfully passed their video interview and I'm moving onto the fitness testing stage.

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Not the cleaner guy but I saw you talking about getting into the police Last night.. What ate the cops getting paid today

>tfw government is still struggling to reduce the debt that the labor party caused during 2007-2013

sure they had good intentions but its really fucked things up for future generations

opps, pic related

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65k-70k a year starting I think, ranking up 100k+ in some states.

Recommend a good dual cab ute and if you say hilux I'll gut ya

Commo crewman.

No, you don’t.

GU patrol or kys

Centrelink is making me do some youth path program I know this isn't going to land me a job.

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Jew a cockhead. I know someone used to work for him. He’s a balls to the wall fucknuckle

So find a job on your own. It's not that hard user if you go for the lowest tier jobs.

freelance some shit then, fuck knows what you can do with the internet these days

Unironically the ranger.
T. Landcruiser owner

>that the Labor Party after they stabbed Kevin Rudd in the back, caused
Fixed that for you.

gets you off the couch for five minutes though.

Debt is nothing to be afraid of though. The United states inflated all of theirs away after World War two (from 120% to 30%). Japan operates at 233% debt with no issue.

Yeah it's not much money when you think about the shit you have to see /put up with ect but good on you for doing it.

M8, it can't be any worse than what I'm doing. And it's more money than what I'm earning.

Fuck all.

>sure they had good intentions

Spoiler: They (He) didn't. It was a calculated move to get Australia caught up in the Chinese debt trap. "trying to avoid a recession" was the perfect cover. Even though recessions are natural and part of a healthy economy.

You will meet some good people

greetings from england

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>Japan operates at 233% debt with no issue.
>one of the highest suicide rates in the world

Hopefully user, if I do get in I'll do AMA's in these threads and tell people about it.

Japan is 30th.
Belgium is higher.
Latvia is higher.
Ukraine is higher.
Russia is much higher.
A lot of nigger countries are higher.

>>one of the highest suicide rates in the world
Japan as a country is working fine. Suicide rates are irrelevant to the point I was making user.

Do it m8. After a few years they will give up trying to help you and then you realise how good it was having someone/anyone trying to get you along a bit.

i do child care for primary schools, 7-9 then 3-6, doing a justice diloma in between, talk about just

I'm going to do it and hope it lands me a job if I show enough enthusiasm one of the other guys gave them an email and it was some like fuckthepigs or [email protected] so it won't be too hard to impress.

the US can do that since its tied to the petrodollar and every country uses it to trade shit. we do the same thing and people lose interest in buying our (((bonds))) due to the destruction of purchasing power via inflation and the fact that our interest rates are only going to go down in the future

So you're doing a dead end job studying a useless diploma?

Where did your life go wrong indeed, and don't give me any story about getting into uni either, you could of done University level units in OUA that would of been quicker and applied via VTAC (or your states equivalent)

>using wikipedia as an argument

>be australian
>most deadliest creatures known to man
>step outside
>kill yourself
>have a lower chance of injuring yourself in the army
>purposely not gather statistics since 2011


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Are you happy your tax dollars are being spent on interest on money that never existed until our govt asked for it?
Don't you think our government should be in charge of our own currency?

>100k moneys
>destiny to recieve boomer inheritance

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Legend.... You will get In

fuck uni, ive got more opertunities with my security licence to work casual in something that is mildly a step up but at the moment putting on my resume that ive done coordinating for 1 and a half years full time is a big thing at the end of next year i should be back in security

>the US can do that since its tied to the petrodollar
No way you are this retarded. Absolutely no fucking way. Any country can fucking inflate it's debt away you fucking idiot. It has nothing to do with the "petrodollar". China was fucking deflating their debt away in 2011you fucking idiot. If you create inflation, you can outgrow your debt, this is literally what the modern economic system is based on "cheap credit". This form of economics is also known as "reaganism"

>100k moneys

100k larps?

Are you hitting on me?

Remember Jews are just a secretive cult run on cronyism. Do not allow them to flout anti discrimination laws.

No I had insurance

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>Are you happy your tax dollars are being spent on interest on money that never existed until our govt asked for it?
With inflation, this money simply "disappears". Literally.
>Don't you think our government should be in charge of our own currency?
Not if it will make Australian's lives better? The US copes just fine at 100% debt, yet Australian's have no vision, and wet the bed at 40% debt. Canada is at 90% debt, and yet they are not on the brink of collapse. Australia could be experiencing a literal golden age, but thanks to faggots complaing "muh-muh debt must be reduced!" we will never be able to experience true prosperity that Australia is capable of.

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why would anyone want to use the US dollar if it wasnt tied to the petrodollar?

Read Spengler.

Haha nah bit of encouragement never hurt any anons.

Using the USD has nothing to do with inflation

>Read Spengler.
Read an economics book

So is the Queen a reptilian?

>>NSW mother had sex with her young children to win over men online

>>Outrage over dead tawny frogmouth at NSW festival

>>Roosters confess to hundreds of lies in grand final shame

>>ASX records worst performance in two weeks

>>Malcolm Turnbull describes Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott as 'miserable ghosts'

>>‘Simply not an option’: Bill Shorten writes to PM over ABC controversy

>>NSW MP David Elliott has said the Labour Day public holiday should be replaced with a "Corroboree Day" celebrating indigenous Australians.

cant read that article you posted btw, it just shows me the first paragraph and thats it

Why does that Markle woman go around pretending to be an englishwoman, and why does everyone play into her delusions? It's like watching a really lame episode of the twilight zone.

>Inflation and Debt: Is It Possible to Inflate the Debt Away?[WATCH]

>Can it be inflated away?

Just because a book told you debt is good does not mean it's true.
Having people/ nations indebted to you might be good but being indebted isn't.

Jews are behind the organised labor movement too (what we now call Unions)

>Just because a book told you debt is good
Don't misunderstand me. Debt is not something to be afraid of, inflation is what is good. There are many different economic models, unless you want to start mass deflation and unemployment you should be happy with driving inflation, and if you are happy to drive inflation there is absolutely no reason that you should not have debt, as you will inflate your debt away.

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>inflation is what is good
>taxation without representation

gee, I wonder who could be behind this post

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Read Erick butler league of rights if you want a good overview of the jews activities primarily in Australia

deflations great if you have no debt, everythings cheap

the best book on jews and what they're like is the bible

Usury is great too!

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Jesus died because a small group of protestors made a lot of noise at his trial

Every time I get sushi the girls are really nice to me. I want to fuck a nip now. Or are they just trained to be that nice?

But the extra money we pay is used to undermine our society/ national identity.
This money is used by monopolies to further expand their monopoly, and that means destroying opposing smaller companies (which make up a nations industry).
Once we have sent the majority of jobs/ industries overseas how will our government pay our national debt.

The jew and its marxist allies hate Christianity because it exposes their true nature

>deflations great if you have no debt
Yeah man. I love those great depression unemployment lines, terrific. Love it when people horde money because they are waiting for goods to get cheaper, which causes bankruptcies, which then causes more unemployment and longer unemployment lines.


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Haha you are spot on mate. I find the problem is that people who read the Bible often don't understand how the world works and those often that are redpilled on how the world works have never read the Bible. Combine the Bible and being redpilled is the key to all the answers. Also here's a link to butler you might like it.

They do that to everyone, but I like to think they like me.

Daily reminder to join LADSOC

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remember when Kmart and Myer were practically giving everything away in 07, 08?

probably not because you were still an itch in your daddies ball sacks

fuck off Sewell

What should I cook for dinner that's something Australian?

Bible is pretty red pilled if you maintain a certain level of skepticism of what you're reading


Im not sewell haha, Ladsoc are a good organisation bro its like a PCYC for redpilled motherfuckers

Sausage sandwich.

Why don't ministers talk about the nwo now? When I was a kid I remember that the ministers would have a example every Sunday.... Now nothing but feel good bs

LadSoc are fucked due to the shitty rep of their leadership. I used to know Sewell and he's a decent enough guy (not without his history) but Blaire will drag don any group he joins let alone leads

like socialism, you're supposed to grow out of it at a certain age

Someone has read too many UNA articles

So nwo is bs? Just not sure what you mean

Try the chicks that sell skin care products in those little stalls in shopping centers.
No straight young guys stop there always nanas and gays.
You ever want to be pampered for 5 minutes for free that's the way to go.

Someone has realistic outlook and actually knew Sewell for a few years. You need to understand just how badly Blaire can fuck LadSoc over by being a massive target for any (((journalist))) or rival organisation

>But the extra money we pay is used to undermine our society/ national identity.
Oh yeah man, I so see the United States having such an issue with that. The #1 superpower in the world has >100% Debt:GDP, a lot of it owned by China. I mean, it's not like with the United States debt they finance the largest military in the world or anything.
>This money is used by monopolies to further expand their monopoly and that means destroying opposing smaller companies (which make up a nations industry).
lmao what? Companies are now eroding entire nations? Are you a fucking idiot or what? When Huawei buys some US debt, nothing happens other than it owns some US debt. It can't make the US send jobs overseas, that's not how national debt works dude, just because you're in debt doesn't mean you send jobs to the country you're indebted to lmao.
>Once we have sent the majority of jobs/ industries overseas how will our government pay our national debt.
I don't remember once bringing up industry or governance. I brought up inflation, and debt. To answer your question though: The government can finance national projects (you know, things like the NBN?), they can invest in companies. This is exactly how the United States and most other economies around the world work (in fact, so does Australia to a degree, except for trying to inflate our debt away).

NWO is just another name foe another layer in the smoke and mirror show that hides the truth.

You make such a compelling argument.

What is the alternative, give me solutions not problems

what you're talking about the whole siege mentality theme common in modern day Christianity teachings

it's good for when your younger and aren't encouraged to aspire to fucking other men in the arse or mutilating your genitals and changing genders, sort of like basic arithmetic and science, religion is a good foundation for what younguns will experience later in life