Pack it up fellas it's over.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh god I'm going to stay up fuming after I watch this, aren't I.

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>Oh god I'm going to stay up fuming after I watch this, aren't I.
tell me how bad it was.
this kavanaugh thing has filled me with rage, i wonder if I can make it through an oliver segment.
i barely made it through a 3 min cuomo segment.

Did he ask for his consent first?

Oh boy a limey rat uses non-sequiturs and Pavlovian conditioning to sum up a complex issue in 4-8 minutes, providing all of the intellectual and moral superiority with none of the work.

Do I have that correct?

Yes and then some, especially if you watched the entire hearing. He misrepresents what was actually said the entire time.

SNL was worse. Fucking Kimmel was rage inducing. What does is tell you when all these alleged comedians just happen to have the same message

I'm only halfway through but GOD DAMN this guy is a liar. Doesn't mention any of the details that discredited Ford's story.
Fuck oliver.
I can't wait to watch the liveleak of this sorry piece of shit.

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John Oliver is a low IQ retard

Oh my god this fucker spends half the episode mocking kavanaugh for crying.
We need to turn this episode into a set of memes that show what a piece of shit he is.

Attached: oliver_kavanaugh.png (490x616, 239K)

Underrated post

Stop shilling for YouTube, asshole.

OP is a fag

I remember when he said Trump would never be President.

This. I hope people have this episode in their minds when the FBI's investigation results come in next week.

Fuck that smarmy cuck and his shit show

>FBI Investigation. DO IT

God I hope it comes out that Ford was a morally bankrupt slut and Kavanaugh wasn't near the house.

this fucking nigger is saying she described the events in detail


Oh keeps getting worse.
He's going to get killed over this episode.
The smugness and hostility is cranked up so fucking far, guys.
Save this episode offline.
youtube-dl -f 22 or -f 137+140 (1080p)

>a foreigner tells us how we should think about politics

Why does this sheep shagger have a show here?

Doesn't mention the Vince Foster case history.

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Republicans have no scruples. They'll hypocritically confirm the guy that raked Clinton over the coals over a blowjob


Lemmie stop you right there buddy.

Seriously, back this episode up, guys.
It has the potential to completely destroy Oliver.
It will ruin him. Possibly with violence at some point.
It's not just his skewed representation of Kavanaugh, it's the fact that he's so morally superior and smug the whole fucking time.
It will NOT age well.

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They'll just deny the facts

>this video is not available

>save it
Done. Hopefully the violence you speak of is with due legal process, and televised nationally.

>It has the potential to completely destroy Oliver.
i want to believe. but i can't let you get my hopes up.

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These late night talkshow hosts are the most frustrating people to watch. Not because they're dishonest, but because you know that a large segment of the population will just eat this shit up without questioning it. NPCs will believe anything this man tells them. 90% of them probably couldn't think of any rational justification for their views, because they're just continued to think a certain way by oligarchs.

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He makes a reference to "cucks" in every other episode. He's a self-conscious cuck and tries to joke it off. Doesn't work though.

memes mocking women for crying about rape allegations

John Oliver is a faggot, Mr Bean should bitch slap him.


>men are too emotional for the supreme court
Jesus christ. Fucking reeeee. Can we spread rumors about this fucking kike to make him cry?

Obviously this is a hit piece, but to be fair Brett made a really poor showing.

>hurrr masculinity is toxic we need to do something about the masculine menace
>hahaha look at that little faggot crying while talking about what a nice kid his daughter is
JFC I hate these fucking people. After his “do it” moment from a few years ago with Trump I don’t know how that guy isn’t embarrassed to show his smug face in public. Sociopaths, every last one of them

Someone should shop the video so that it has those pictures of obama having a sob

Amazing how Colbert still manages to look like the biggest prick there.

Brett was understandably upset. The false accusations, plus the dems taking cheap shots at his wife and daughter. If he had walked into that court room, and acted as composed as a Buddhist monk, they probably would've accused him of being an unfeeling sociopath.

quit being hysterical, take a keg

Never send a cryboy to do a man's job

I’m mostly referring to his off-putting facial ticks, very odd speech structure, and particularly his indignant responses to questions with asking the same question to the asker.

It’s clear they were trying to set him up in a “hah! You are a blackout drunk so you are a forgetful rapist”. He just generally didn’t handle it well.

Unironically and non-jewishly, I would rather he not get confirmed and trump cram a female nominee through before midterms.

Of course, I’d rather him than nobody. But given the choice I’d prefer another, more rightwing nomination. I do believe he would be good for the job but that public perception of him is irreparably damaged, just like the dems wanted.

Ugh, when I was young I used to like this guy. Now I'm just filled with disgust. Why did you guys do this to me? This whole fucking Kavanaugh debacle is just making me angry. Hate politicians so much.

>Everyone else trendy in their tight suits
>Maher stepped straight out of the late 90s, clearly distancing himself physically
I know he's a superior centrist and a bit of a cuck, but he's the best of the bunch

I agree it was expected for him to be upset and emotional. I think he overdid it a bit though.
On the other hand, I guess no one is allowed to say this, but Ford's testimony was ridiculously over the top. There is absolutely no way someone can be so upset and traumatized 35 years after non-rape. She wasn't even hurt in the alleged incident. I think 50% of population had more traumatic experiences than that in their youth and don't crumble every time they talk about it.


Or Clinton could of just tell the truth once. But he thought he was smarter than everyone else.

We all know that any truly right wing candidate won't get elected. If any party or candidate existed that had the potential to create meaningful change, they wouldn't be allowed to exist. I'll admit Brett kind of collapsed under the pressure, but honestly, he's our best bet right now.

We should deport his bitch ass

I mean, at least he shits on muzzies and actually allows dissent on his show, to some small extent.

welcome to 2016

There were a couple of women on trumps list that are both more right-wing than Brett. Brett is well renown for putting justice over feelings.

He literally would be the best pick for Supreme Court in a world not gone mad, but I’d prefer someone who is going to err on the side of the right wing than on the side of perfect justice.

>still watching le current year man

It's 2018! Come on!

>liking snaggletooth in the current year


All he needs is a Nintendo Switch

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Can we deport this guy?

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6 late night Jews in one pic.

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The first season was somewhat neutral, and did it's research. Then they because what they are now in the second. Shame really. They could of used their powers for good if they had any morals.

WTF America

I dont understand why it is so difficult for white Europe and to emigrate into your country, yet you allow faggots like this and piers fucking Morgan in .....
Honestly you should make any brit who wants to emigrate swear allegiance to the constitution, take mandatory ccw classes and own at least 2 fire arms,
Denounce the British monarchy and government and make sure they aren't total fucking pussy' s

John Oliver raped me 30 years ago

Freudian slip kinda thing?

that's your hero?

Want to get surprised? Watch the SNL cold open.

First minute the fake black fox news anchor calls Feinstein and Grass Lee "two old white people".

Video not avalible in Australia
Almost as if HBO know the average Aussie without a VPN will rip that kike puppet to shreds in the comments.

Almost positive that is 2 jews, m8


100% agree. She's reviewed the rape multiple times. Her crackly little girl voice was obviously an act. You could also tell that she didn't feel comfortable wearing her glasses. Multiple times she looked over them or removed them. She was told to wear them so she would appear homely.

>here's a man who is potentially having his life ruined by false rape allegations
>watch as he cries while he testifies ahahhahaa
soulless bugmen

Didn't listen to the whole thing, but the part where she described the event sounded like it was written for a shitty teen novel.

Every little thing a republican said that is a little weird is always BLOWN out of proportion and bloated for 4 mins. HE SAID HE LIKES BEER LUL.
It is like watching kids on fortnite argue

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John Oliver skewers his own anus.

limey bastard should go back to where he came from

Cringefest. He couldn't go a full 3 minutes without acting like he has an axe to grind. At least try to act aloof about how much you hate anyone stemming your flow of underage boys.

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>God I hope it comes out that Ford was a morally bankrupt slut and Kavanaugh wasn't near the house.
God I hope they will jail her for lying under oath

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

Net neutrality btw

They all deserve a baseball bat to the face.

That absolute ass devastation at the end where he makes a mock supreme court, with the justices represented by dogs, represents Gorsuch with a lobster because that seat was "stolen" and cries he will represent Kavanaugh with a hockey mascot. He also begs the RBG dog to please not die.

What's this fuck doing with a 1st Cav pin on his lapel? He isnt' worthy, the fucking libtard.

>they probably would've accused him of being an unfeeling sociopath
this. There was no way he could have acted without getting attacked. Sadly I dont have kids so I cant really understand what was happening in his mind but seeing your kids getting attacked by leftists for no reason at all is probably kinda hard and redpilling.
>they will pay for it

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this sounds autistic as fuck

His wife was a 1st cav medic apparently, so he wears it in ”her honor”

He can be pretty good except when he gets into politics. Then it really sucks.

'Twas. I am now watching the SNL "cold open" and it is even far worse than this.

Lol I am imaging when he puts in a constitutional ban on abortion lmao

Least rotted fruit out of a pile of rotted fruit is still pretty bad fruit, especially if you eat it up like a moron.
And what the fuxck is Larry "Black Vanderbilt" Wilmore still doing in these?

Just a few more days

god damn disgusting what they are doing to kav

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white man love to rape and steal since 1492.

>Hello, fellow shills.
>buy my crap if you hate The Not-President!

kavanaugh is a bad cookie and a bad hombre

Nobody cares what Diet Nicaragua thinks about anything.

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Each and every one is a fucking tumour. We need a full purge to cleanse the world of this filth before it drags us all down with it.