Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jow Forums. Today I wear this hat in your honor. Tell me your favorite moment of my presidency to commemorate this special event!

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when it ended

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Jan 20 2017

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The deal with Iran and how you paid Israel a lot of money so they will look to other side.

Beat me to it

>favorite moment of my presidency
November 9th 2016.

When you closed Guantan... wait that never happened

When you talked me into stockpiling 47 guns. Thanks Barack, NRA shouldve named you highest grossing seller from 2012 to late 15.

I like how you suppressed the economy so completely it made Trump look like an economic wizard by comparison.

He supported this bitch

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pic related unironically the defining moment of obama's presidency. The moment he played with fire

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It's great now the jews claim him but he claims a madrassa in Indonesia and spiritual identification domestically with the likes of Farrakhan
>we wuz black Muslim jews.
>we wuz president n shiet

The part where the wealthy help with insurance but my 35k families doubled

My fellow 4chanians.

Yes we can.
Let me clear.
Um, if if if okey dokey.

Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United Hackers of Jow Forums.

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Shit i remember 2003 like it was yesterday i have lurked since then on and off never posted till November 2016 now here i am posting Happy Fucking Birthday

Of course i stopped lurking in 2006 and came back in 2016 o don't know why but i did baka

hi king nigger, bow before me and kiss my feet while you are here

Pic first, vid second

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The part where he helped people get healthcare even if they had pre-existing conditions, that probably saved a lot of lives.

Who is this nigger?

Not gonna lie, that helped me a fucking lot year one. I had a baller fucking plan 500 MOOP and a decent subsidy.

Ive been paying way fucking more than ever every year since. And guess what? Since I am unable to work due to injury that means I CANT GET A FUCKING SUBSIDY. Can’t get Medicaid because if a fucking white male.

Basically waiting to kms at this point. Thanks Obama.

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I loved how he got it near the very beginning of his presidency when he still hadn't done anything, simply for being a nigger. Was a real waking moment for me on how little the (((Nobel Prize))) really meant anymore.

I remember when being a lefty was first and foremost being anti war, it amazes me how the left just couldn't give two shits about war anymore, this is one of the things that opened my eyes to the hypocrisy of left wing politics and set me on the road to being a true dissident conscious of the JQ

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I can't decide if it was the time you played golf during the Louisiana floods or the time you authorised illegal drone strikes on little children in Pakistan.

So many empty promises of his, like ending the wars in the Middle East and closing Gitmo. Of course his masters never would have allowed either of those things or any of the other things he said, but the stupid NPC population ate it up.

You were always a good goy.

i dont remember when i was happier that morning when i jumped from bed after 2 hours of sleep hungover and shaking, dreading to hear the news
it was the largest boulder than fell off my heart when i heard the news
i put my hands in the air and roared
went on Jow Forums but it was packed, couldnt post a thing, it was too fast
i thanked God and went to drink more

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The moment the negro shit said the famous last words to GEOTUS: "At least I will go down as A president". TY Based negro for forcing trump to run on the elections!

Kek this.


My favourite part of King Nigger's presidency was when he came to my country to shit on my country.
The cheeky wanker.


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