Just how deep does the Red-Pill go?

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There are many twisting paths, I can't remember the way out.

Attached: TheRabbitHole.jpg (500x503, 43K)

Through your gut and out your ass

Nintendo endorses the Alt Right

Attached: meltan.jpg (396x681, 39K)

>how deep does the Red-Pill go?
All the way up your faggot ass.

The final destination is either Black or Iron pill

more like
>rape pill

>Just how deep does the Redpill go?
To the beginning.
So deep you realise the Foundation of (you) is but a construct of (((them))).

For the redpill to change your view of the World it had to change the Viewer.
This is why none may "leave" Jow Forums.
You have become Jow Forums.

"Enjoy your Stay"

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bump first really good thread i see in weeks. Jow Forums is not dead yet


no offense but this is pretty obvious and basic stuff to anyone with a brain

>implying NPC's use their Brains.
None taken.

>when we read another person thinks for us: we merely repeat his Mental process.
Arthur Schopenhauer.

It's surprising the stuff you come out with once you use your cognition only to find out someone said it a couple of decades or centuries ago.

What a kike business it is to promote (((intelectuals))).
>oy goyim listen to our Judas Goats! They already think for you!

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>>when we read another person thinks for us: we merely repeat his Mental process.
This is why writing is so important.
When you come up with ideas - write them down.
It lets you see flaws easier to better refine your ideas.
Trust your intuition, it has been suppressed under the concept of (((mental illness) but truth is that the intuition is human's greatest asset and weapon.

Its such a wonderfull thing that we are all " user" here.

No way to earn (((recognition))) for thinking.
Just perpetual honing of ideas and arguments .
Even when you write an impecable post and other anons screencap it.
(You) still are Anonimous; no ego to praise, the value is strictly in the Word.
Perfect for incentivising Anons to contribute their own thoughts to the Board for the sake of improving "thought" itself.

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aliens on Jow Forums

ancient humans in relativity traps occasionally dropping into normal space and orderin shit off the internet

Kim Jong Un is a level 60 night elf on wow

Anonymous 5 is Richard C Hoagland

Xenon 129 on mars

>Einstein admitting the holocaust is a hoax

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well he was good at math

>Bibi tricking congress into destabilizing the middle east

Pt 1

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Pt 2

>Israel knew Iraq had no wmds

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>tfw you realize that MK ULTRA is what has woken up everyone to the cabal and that was the entire point

in canada their version of mkultra is called CBC, it's their state media

>so deep you realise the Foundation of (you) is but a construct of (((them))).

No. Our foundation is within our heritage and within the history of Europe. That is why they want a mixed race corporate slave race, these people truly have their foundations controlled.

It goes so deep that it pops back out the other side at the blue pill.

You NPC brainlets can't even comprehend how deep the red pill goes

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