Why don't atheists breed...

Why don't atheists breed? Could it be because they're hedonists and materialists and consider raising the new generation an intolerable burden on their disposable income? How come women in the poorest nations on Earth can pop out 8 kids each but atheist women in the first world can't even find enough cash to have one?

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No soul.

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Im pretty sure they do just like all the others. Data polls dont mean shit.

>How come women in the poorest nations on Earth can pop out 8 kids each
Because they're low IQ shitskins, which is also the reason why they're overwhelmingly religious.

Could it be because the world is full of fucking religious nut jobs trying to kill and convert each other and it's not fair to bring a child into a world filled with mental illness ? Which particular cult do you belong to user ?

They cant breed because they are gay.

>Data polls dont mean shit.

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Is that how you rationalize not breeding so you don't have to share the money you spend on chicken tendies?

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>Data polls dont mean shit
how kiked can you get? you're one of those folks who believes in holocausters, no?

because they are liberal marxists who have drank the globalist 90% population reduction koolaid

Show us a picture of your Aryan wife and your 20 Aryan children, OP.

yes, that's exactly what they do
I've never met an atheist that wasn't trying to fill the hole in their sole with swank and bragging

You're misinterpreting the chart you stupid fucking goy. That's an estimated percentage growth in population worldwide, which means there is expected to be every so slightly more in 2060 as there are in 2015. This doesn't mean they aren't breeding, it just means that they are having on average 2 children and not contributing to population growth. That or they are having more than 2 children and the "extras" are presumably converting to primarily Christianity.

The Muslim "growth" can also be attributed Africa being coerced into following Islam while also having a severely detrimental population growth that is felt around the globe because of Globalist shills.

Literally fucking kill yourself memeflag for implying something completely unrelated to your own infograph and failing miserably on any sort of intellectual level.

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Because intelligent people can delay gratification and take responsibility for their actions and easy access to contraception exists.

Atheists dont mind aborting the babies.

Remember when they say "Islam is growing" it is bullshit.
Muslim population is growing yes but that doesn't mean that "muslim" will become "Trully muslim"
For example in France, The muslim population is the less practising muslim population in all Europe (thanks to Secularism).
(Sorry for my english)

General ugliness, both internal and external. They just happen to be weak, cynical, fat fucks.

Christians only breed in Africa. A inb4 muh china meme.

Chinese won't keep the faith going without outside help. It used to be that Nestorian Church was ever present in China(in times of Genghis Khan) but as soon as it started having troubles in its own homeland(India) and gibsmedats stopped coming, the whole thing disappeared. Don't bet on Chinese spirituality.

It still comes down to personal responsibility. Intelligent christians exist just as unintelligent atheists exist.

Except in medical cases where the fetus isn't viable (e.g. diseased, deformed etc), or the mothers life is at risk there really is no reason to abort a Fetus/baby.

That being said even catholic hospitals should allow access to contraceptives or preventatives such as the "morning after pill"/ru486 to victims lf sexual assault or incest, especially since conception does not occur immediately post coital relations therefore there's no abortion taking place.

We need to find a happy medium between pro life and pro choice. There is NO excuse to carry a baby for 5 months and 'change your mind'. Obviously there might be a relatively short time where someones choice might change, in the first trimester though even that is too much for pro lifers to tolerate (understandably)

Perhaps itnreally does come down to better education and complete open access to all forms of birth control and 'morning after preventatives... that way no 'babies' will be 'murdered' and Roe v Wade can finally be truly "settled law".

But shitcunts don't want to do that.. shit cunts want it their way only and refuse to understand there is an easy fix to what appears to be an overwhelmingly complicated problem. People gunna fuck, abstinence only education is bullshit, teach people to wrap up and pill up where needed and properly fund male birth control to take away the feminist narrative and help prevent all this "murder"

Inb4 reddit spacing, insults etc

>That being said even catholic hospitals should allow access to contraceptives or preventatives such as the "morning after pill"/ru486 to victims lf sexual assault or incest, especially since conception does not occur immediately post coital relations therefore there's no abortion taking place.
Yes, but that would be counter-productive for the church. Birth control and abortion are both forms of soft eugenics and they definitely don't want a more intelligent population, because that'd translate into future generations being more secular and consequently less low IQ shitskins to sustain the religion.
Good post though, aside from the reddit spacing.

What does it matter? Natural population decline worldwide is a good thing. What is a bad thing is opening your borders to be invaded by nigger hordes. What's a bad thing is to live in this ponzi scheme bubble economy that requires infinite growth on a planet with finite resources in order to sustain its unsustainable debt based economy. Stop being kiked.

Thanks! The Church aside, It is funny to see the response of self-confessed white supremacists who are pro-life when they learn how many black babies and therefore potential future black people have not been born due to the pro-choice movement. Their brains literally 404!

>they definitely don't want a more intelligent population, because that'd translate into future generations being more secular
Atheists are the intellectual cream of the crop. We know this because they post on Reddit and watch Rick and Morty.

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>People gunna fuck, abstinence only education is bullshit
This is a load of fucking shit. People know that if you have sex there's a risk of pregnancy. Simply tell them if they fuck they might have a baby and if they do tough shit, they need to raise it. Don't want a baby? Don't fuck. That simple. Personal responsibility. Tired of this absolute cucktastic culture where people want to act like fucking animals without any of the consequences. Have some self control.

Even if you want to pretend religiosity and higher birth rates are not caused by lower IQ but merely "correlated" with it, there's no denying that it's in the church's best interest to have more shitskins on the planet to convert, and sabotaging their reproduction is anathema to that goal no matter how you look at it.
Regardless, can you address ? I assume you practice what you preach and aren't just being hypocritical?

>Posting a pic of my family on Jow Forums
No thanks retard. I'm not invested enough in it to endanger my kids by plastering pics of them on one of the most autistic and degenerate websites on the internet

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Read the first sentence. Key words "personal responsibility".. how'd you miss that? Theres nothing wrong with bolstering responsibility with tools to make it easier. It's not giving hedonism a licence, its making people more aware that if you have unprotected sex you expose yourself to many potential STI's, STD's and pregnancy. Do you want people to keep aborting babies? Have you ever done faster than the speed limit on the highway and not been pulled over? Safe sex IS taking responsibility. Male birth control WILL take the power away from radical feminists. Onions green IS people.

Is Onions onions now? Is this Onions life?

Predictable excuse. Can you show us your real flag at least? I'm getting the impression that you're a third worlder yourself, probably a mutt from the US or Latin America, in which case it's a good thing you don't have any kids.

Because they are too ENLIGHTENED

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>claims to have kids
>wastes his time asking stupid questions on one of the most autistic and degenerate websites on the internet
Based memeflag

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>religion causes people to have more children, that makes it true

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Devote your your and riches to be forgotten in 3 generations? Shitty investment; get a dog

For one atheist women aren't very common. At least in the US.Furthermore if an atheist male is willing to marry a religious female she's not likely to accept his atheists views.

I gave up on finding an atheist woman, and settled for christian, have 3 white kids with her. The children are being raised without any specific religious affiliation. I am very clear with them they can grow older, and more mature, read some books, and decide what they believe in then. Keeping my wife and my and hers religious families from brainwashing them the second they exited the womb has been a never ending battle though.

Swing and a miss, Ahmed

Nice trips Satan. Not letting your wife and her family pass on their values to her kids disgusts me, you're filth

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>Swing and a miss, Ahmed. I'm not a low IQ shitskin just a low IQ shitposter
Carry on then, m8.

They are passing on their values, which match mine incidentally.

They aren't passing on their superstitions and their myths they accept as fact, before my kids brains are developed enough to evaluate what they are saying, and before they are old enough to read and comprehend a counterpoint to what they are being told. I think anything short of that is unfair to them. When they are in their late teens and somewhat capable of thinking for themselves they can talk religion all they want.

>tfw 40% of the whole world will be Muslim when I'm 80, frail and vulnerable

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Get out of my country you dumb cunt

>why are people with no morals, living a hedonistic lifestyle and the best technologies to suppress birth not reproducing
also I can’t understand why budaist are shrinking so much

Is there any data about Orthodox jews? They have as many kids as Muslims.

At least you'll have company in hell

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circle jerk.reddit

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Do not cry when you get a tranny, or a sodomites.

Looks like the world will soon become a lovely place to live, isn't it? Good thing it won't have to worry about burning anymore. In hell, that is.

sure, you enjoy visiting your son in prison and supporting your mudshark daughters half breed kid.

>but daddy I can just ask Jesus for forgiveness! tats what you taught me!

>but daddy hes a christian so he must be good rr-right daddy? Jesus wouldn't care if he was black!

If the only thing stopping you from cutting your dick off and getting fucked in the ass is the irrational belief in the ghost of a dead Jew then you should reevaluate your life.

Keep deluding yourself. Secularism breeds degeneracy. There are no blue haired Christians running around talking about white privilege, it's 100% an atheist phenomenon. Have fun, moron.

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Maybe not directly breeding but in my personal experience most atheists aren't born into non religious families they just eventually become atheists and it's becoming a more common occurrence so they are propagating in a way I guess?

>There are no blue haired Christians running around talking about white privilege
They're too business burning the coal.

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I see, how many of those atheists with blue hair do you think were raised christian?

Kys retard

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>I see, how many of those atheists with blue hair do you think were raised christian?

or jewish?

Almost none. There is a strong correlation between how atheist a nation is with how degenerate it is. I feel sorry for your kids, you've doomed them to being tricked by degenerate atheist worldviews that tell them faggotry is normal and healthy and if they ever feel depresses it's probably because they're a tranny.

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Is it that time again when I show that every single poll shows that atheists are overwhelmingly left wing SJWs who despise western civilization? Ok then lets do it

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It's called social Darwinism. Whites are the retarded ones.

>Cherry picked images
Lets see the data. I thought you fedora tippers were all about the scientific evidence, what's wrong? Can't find any actual proof that atheists aren't universally degenerate filth? Sad!

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your data doesnt say that
but the reason they dont breed is that they're mad at daddy in the sky
that's also the reason why they die alone of alcohol poisoning
they feel slighted by daddy god
they hold the grudge until they die from it
simple really
that's also the reason why "fundamentalist" religious believers (read: real ones) live 30% longer than other people

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>basing your worldview on American politics
Dumb cunt can't even think for himself

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Gas them all

>we're a fun group

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enjoy your miserable self-centered parody of a life

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>Almost none

I know you're trolling at this point, but if you aren't you are extremely naive. Take a look at how many atheists there actually are, and take ops point, compare that to how many degenerates there are and do the math.

I will agree that converts who were raised religious but abandon it in their teens go through a rebellious phase a lot of the time. But from my vantage point it is the fact the child was raised religious that caused this phenomenon, not the atheism that becomes the default position.

Morality is important, more important than you understand. That is why it is dangerous to link it to a story or history with so many inconsistencies. When people question the story, rightfully, they question morality itself if the two have been presented to them as synonymous.

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That's not due to atheism actually. It's just that intelligent people breed less in general, while dumbfucks in trailer parks and shitskins do 10 kids a pop and every single one of those is religious as fuck.

>I-It's just the Americans
Wrong again. Sad.


>The same-sex marriage survey revealed a deep divide between Sydney’s western and eastern electorates.

>But the factor that correlated most strongly with a no vote was religious affiliation, not overseas birth. It had a correlation of -0.8, implying a close to 1:1 relationship

Anywhere atheists are you will find degeneracy. The greens voting base is almost entirely atheist.

they still support jihad
that's the only practice they actually need

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user knows
atheists hate their parents

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Christ I’m glad I deleted reddit

>I'm so smart that's why I let my race get bred out of existence
Talk about damage control. Sure, you're one of the "intelligent people" who decide not to do the one thing that even bacteria can figure out and reproduce. The level of self delusion among you fedora tippers is absolutely unbelievable.

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because in the long run it reproducing won't matter. i'll be dead by the time anything interesting comes about.

>better education and complete open access to all forms of birth control
you jew

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My wife is FOB Asian. She doesn't want kids, at least until she is done with Uni. She cares more about helping people now, and not concerned with what the next generation thinks/believes. She's athiest, and of breeding age. As much as I want to breed her, she wants to pursue a life of helping others of our generations with medicine.

Your Queen is one of the four Popes, dumbass.

oh and morals don't exist, brainlets

Based Buddhists, the only religion that is redpilled on the nature of existence.

>religion rejecting gay marriage means you would be a degenerate without it
>acting as if religious countries aren't just as degenerate
This is sadder

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>they definitely don't want a more intelligent population, because that'd translate into future generations being more secular
because we're so much smarter now than when we conquered the world and made it our bitch in the name of the lord
listen to yourself

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Yeah, that's true though on average atheist IQ is higher. Sorry to rustle your below average IQ jimmies bucko.

Nice try faggo. Another set of cherry picked news articles and I'll go ahead and blow you the fuck out with actual data once again. Church going Christians are the MOST likely to associate ethnicity with national identity. The least? Non-religious.

You can't fucking win. Give up. It's a proven fact that atheists are almost universally degenerate hedonistic leftists who don't care for nation or race or culture they just want to consume

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it's not funny to read a memeflag kekistani moron advocating the abortion of white babies in the name of curbing nigger ones
as if abortion was the only way to keep niggers down
as if dying as a people was a price worthy t pay to curb down niggers
your self defeat is patent in every word you type, sargon clone
your lack of reason is the jews' curse

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>we conquered the world and made it our bitch in the name of the lord
Lmao, we conquered the world for money and clay, you naive retard. All things which the bible expressly denies in favour of being poor and meek.

>medical marijuana
he has a point there
CBD contains no THC yet it's illegal in many states
that's retarded and serves the (((prison industry)))

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>A-Atheists can be redpilled too

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>Have baby
>its retarded and smells like shit
>10 years later
>you have a semi-retarded miniature self to banter with and teach about the world
>buy dog
>its retarded and smells like shit
>10 years later
>its still retarded and smells like shit

>Shitty investment; get a dog
You are the slave picking up his shit.

no faith no survival, dummy
watch yuri bezmenov on religion
you may hate god but you still need it for your people to even survive, much moreso to prosper

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Because atheists operate on pure reason, which leads them to seek short term pleasure because this life is all there is. The excesses of reason are tempered by religion, lest all societies implode who embrace pure reason.

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Atheists don't marry and raise families. They spend their life being an eternal s-oyboy

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Lol at all the christcuck butthurt because they subconsciously know that if they dont drill the myths in early nobody would believe their retarded nonsense

>that graph
>in some countries there's barely a 10% difference in associating ancestry with national identity
>that somehow proves that atheism equals degeneracy
What a fucking retard

>56% of atheists identify as liberal
>10% of atheists identify as conservative
womp womp

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but they love it because they can shit on, bark at and bite people by proxy
city dog owners are shit

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>pure reason

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>you still need my JEW GOD for your people to even survive
The absolute state of the west.