Say it with me Jow Forums:

Say it with me Jow Forums:

"Thank you for your service."

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>nasty things like war
Just reading this shit makes me feel like someone is trying to cut my balls off

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Those kind of "veterans" should wear yellow stars to identify themselves.

>change veteran to include fighting for social justice
>anyone can claim to fight social justice
>anyone can claim to be a veteran
this is some Syndrome level shit right here, everyone can be veterans so no one is a veteran.

Yeah that's what these faggots need, something else to feel entitled to.

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When I was in France some walmart regular thanked me for my service.
That's retarded and only american thing to do. It doesn't mean shit and what the fuck are you thanking a legioner for. Motherfuckers indoctrinated so heavily after 9/11 that they follow the programming where ever they are. I didn't think about you or what ever bullshit they sell you about the importance of service.
I wanted to kill something that's all it was.

only if the very fine people are included too
>what's your criterion for excluding them?

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of course its a jew. jews dont like to serve though because they're natural cowards and beta weaklings with shit manlet genetics and allergies

What's most ridiculous about this is that the term "social justice warrior" originated as a taunt towards rabid progressives treating themselves like heroes fighting the good fight (hence the usage of "warrior"). Now here they are actually wanting to be compared to soldiers.

>Dr Warren j (((Blumenfeld))), editor of”Homophobia...”found himself behind behind a vet, in a vet offices
Lel. What a fag

This is a person literally outlining their thought process as
>this person receives benefits that I do not
>they receive them at the cost of enormous personal sacrifice, doing uncomfortable, dangerous tasks
>how can I receive these benefits, but *without* the self-sacrifice
Even if you do think this way, why would you expose it? Is this considered to be virtuous nowadays?

Do you look very foreign? People here don't usually give a shit about the army but if you were in the Legion they might see it differently

Yes this needs to happen now, lgbt freaks should also march, if the veterns dont like it, they can go get stuffed

Lel, but the fags are the one who get stuffed, knkwwhaddimean

Instant blood boiling. The sheer audacity. I am Jack's glare of complete contempt.

The fight for women to vote and gays to stuff things in their asses is more dangerous than wars of the patriarchy user
fucking bigot

100% agree with this
I myself have been enlisted in the great meme wars of 2016 which have left me traumatized for life.
Never got a single "thank you".

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Disgusting vets should give them helicopter rides for being so delusional.

>how he found himself behind a military veteran at the veterinarian's office and noted how the veteran was given a discount because of his service to the nation

>That got Blumenfeld thinking


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Notice how (((Blumenfeld))) is only compelled to want this to happen so that he can get a fucking discount.
And knowing Jews, he still thinks dollar store items are overpriced.

>Glorified manchilds daycare vs glorified womanchilds pastime
sounds good to me

Meme war vets count?

Link faggit

>Violently attack people, physically, verbally and emotionally harass those you disagree with. Threaten to harm their children, their pets, their family constantly
I'll stick with the child killers who make no bones about it and don't pretend they're virtuous moral paragons for it thanks.

I wonder if zogbots will still sign up to die for israel when they can get the same benefits from calling whitey a nazi online.

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Legionnaires are a bit different, iirc the French have a historical appreciation for foreigners fighting for them or something.

Regardless you are 100% correct, american military fetishization is so fucking stupid

You have to wear your pepe armband to get discount in Aldi

Meme war vet here, we getting pensions now

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(((Dr.Warren J. Blumenfeld)))
Jow Forums is right and I didn't even have to read the whole first line

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Nigger, that's retarded!

I don't give a fuck about their service in pointless foreign wars or as a welfare queen serving the surveillance state, but thinking you can just change who gets to be a "veteran" is retarded.