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Yes. Indeed. Imagine what an absolute shithole totalitarian nightmare it would have been. Economy in ruins, feudalism returned. We are lucky our grandparents knew what a total shit that regime was

Of course what happened since, especially the last couple of decades isn’t great, but better than scumbag Nazis for seventy years

Well said!
*hugs sweaty nigger*

You are retarded.

Such degeneracy can only flourish in times with no real concerns.
This period will not last forever, and a movement will rise to wash away the filth.
Who is going to stop it this time, when the whole West is suffering from the same sickness?
Working class soldiers from England fighting German revolutionaries to save Muslims from being expelled from Germany whilst Muslims are shitting up England?
As soon as it boils over in one country, the rest will follow.

Can you imagine being occupied by the Germans?
Thank fuck we only have to deal with infinity niggers and Muslims instead.

Its the price the west has to pay for being well .. west. Geographical isolation has its price - you are safe but you cant wage wars. This means generations after generations the youth will degrade. Thats why the countries that have true power wage wars. Not because they are bad but because they need to send their people to war. Some of them will die some will live to tell how hard it is to kill civilians. In fact this what Hitler's idea was. The eastern slavic people will be left behind the Ural mountains and the generation after generation of german youth will wage war against them in the future. He was not stupid