Why isn't anyone talking about the fact that there's 5% more boys born than girls...

Why isn't anyone talking about the fact that there's 5% more boys born than girls? Doesn't that statistically mean there will always be incels no matter how hard they try?

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The human gene pool tries to compensate for the fact more young men die in wars and in stupid accidents like riding motorcycles hands free while high on coke.

Becuase thats a global demographic and not a regional one.
>For example there are more girls here(America) than there are girls.
Also in some places they kill women since they are deemed useless like they are lel.

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>Migration isnt compensation for the "Gene pool"

society turns to shit when women outnumber men. unfortunately we need them as much as they need us.

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Lmao i meant more girls than there are boys.

That 5% will die in some war of dubious importance, whats the problem?

Also to think that guy actually worked out to achive natural physique.

That's actually false.You're counting windowed boomers instead of teenagers.


Migration isn't birth rate, idiot.

Yeah sure, there are more boys. But the average girl will sleep with at least 10 (maybe more depending on how much marxist crap they've been fed) different ones. At the end of the day it balances out and we lose our dignity as thinking species.

Stop complaining. Men are the disposal gender, just a fact of life. Women live life on easy mode because their value is derived from between their legs and nothing else they do really matter, no one honestly cares if a woman is smart or capable, she only has to be young and hot. On the other hand men have to prove themselves in several facets of life in addition to being good looking in order to find a mate. The upside is that if you do push yourself to become better than ~70-80% of the population (which actually isn’t as hard as you might think given how lazy and stupid many men are) you will literally drown in puss and have it begging for your attention. Women have a glass ceiling and a glass floor, men have neither, and they never will. There will always be chads and there will always be incels and nothing you can do will change that, so start busting your ass to make sure you are chad.

>no one honestly cares if a woman is smart or capable

I unironically do. I'd be pretty miserable if I had to live my life with someone intellectually inferior. But I agree with the rest.

The 5% more boys are expected to die off without having kids. But it's the women who have the harder life.

That's why we need wars to keep that male population in check.

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>But it's the women who have the harder life.

Must be a swede on vaycay.

I guess I should have clarified that I meant she doesn’t need to be to initially attract a mate, though she might in order to keep one depending on how picky the man is (or rather how picky he is able to be given his own status - obviously low-value men have to take what they can get). But she would always be able to find someone to mate with because we all know how many simps are out there that will throw away their whole lives on a whore just because she gave him the time of day. You may not stay with her long term but no matter what her problems are there is some guy out there that would put up with her

Atta boy.

Listen, Anons, if you aren't retarded you won't be an incel. The end.

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>Im account all demographics from old to babies.
>Women here out number men.


The thread literally says that more boys are born born, not old hags with infertile wombs

He was being sarcastic you fucking retard

And yet there are still incels. Curious isn't it?

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>what are traps

next question please

thats so we can have priests

Yes but they’re all having sex with the same ten best guys, they couldn’t care less about the losers

>Doesn't that statistically mean
Why would it be any different if it was 50/50 though?

If every woman in a population fucks two men, then the female average is two partners. If those two men are the same for every woman, then the male average is also two partners.

The female average is the result of something like
>(2+2+2+2+2+...)/N = 2
While the male average is the result of something like
>(N+N+0+0+0+...)/N = 2

The only number of males in a society that can eliminate "incels" in principle is 1. In many animal species, all adult males bar one are disposed of by the group.

no more boys die before they reach adulthood because boys have a eaker immune system and are more at risk of being injured due to getting more into fights, doing more dangerous things.
More girls are born in times of famine.

Nope men die way earlier