Why didn't this guy just tell the truth and being a belligerent drunk? Literally everyone drinks in college and he was obviously a fratfag. Is anyone seriously going to judge him for drinking in college? All this lying has made him much less credible.
Why didn't this guy just tell the truth and being a belligerent drunk...
American citizens are done with you your time is coming and you will hang for your crimes
Tell Brock he wasted Soros' money here... again. You're going to lose badly in 2018. This was the nail in the coffin.
No one is afraid of you. Is it so hard to believe there's people on this board with different political opinions than yours?
the dems would have easily turned that into "you did it and don't remember".
CHAD Kav. How was this beast not dripping with bitches?
I can’t wait to see them string (((you))) up for this kind of meddling.
Doesn't sound like something a friend would say.
Surely a police report will exist for this
He's innocent, but I really hate his facial expressions and the annoying sounds he makes with his mouth. He does have a punchable face
>He's innocent
How do you know this? I'm not saying he's guilty, but how do you know he's innocent?
Alcoholics are compulsive liars
Kavanaugh should not be nominated for that alone. As if being a sexual predator and rapist were not bad enough.
I’m sure this random guy’s background isn’t Democratic and isn’t an I’m With Her toad. Now anyone can make exaggerated, unsubstantiated claims about Judge Kavanaugh. This is full crisis mode
The fuck happened to innocent until proven otherwise?
He hasn't been proven guilty.
He admitted to drinking and sometimes too much. He just denied getting blackout drunk.
Watching his testimony I see no signs of intellectual impairment from excessive drinking. He is as sharp as a razor.
I like how it's only after the Dems thought about focusing on calling him a drunk during the Ford hearings that suddenly now a bunch of witnesses are magically appearing with wild stories about drunk Brett. Before then, I guess these people just didn't feel it was their civic duty to mention his drinking and just focus on his gang rape parties.
Kek, this.
That's not a real thing in US law. You're proven innocent, not innocent by default. The allegations are unproven.
I’m pretty sure drinking in college isn’t a crime
He never said he drinks too much. He said he likes alcohol like most people.
If he didn't lie, then they wouldn't have said anything.
FBI investigating someone drinking in college now
It's not, unless you're underage. You know what is a crime? Lying under oath.
this is almost funny
keep trying jidf :)
What is his exact lie he said he never blacked out and didn’t remember what he did , he is a lawyer dude he isn’t going to fall into perjury traps .
You're not guilty just because somebody makes an accusation. Women lie about this shit all the time. Also, there's 0 dna evidence or videos even if he did do it. Court isn't about what you know, it's about what you can prove. You're a retard if you think it isn't a coincidence these allegations are coming out now. Democrats have no morals or ethics. They'll do and say whatever they can to stay in power.
[citation needed] schlomo
Fake news
Snopes debunked it already
No he said that sometimes he drinks too much
because you can't win with these people. literally almost everyone has been black out drunk at some point in their lives. if he admitted that it did happen IN COLLEGE no less then they would be like "oh yeah? well PROVE you didn't rape her when you were blacked out then!"
Had you not been a paid shill, you would've understood that this place drove out just about every liberal faggot that tried to sincerely influence it with political discourse. They either assimilated and converted, or ran away screaming. You know that this place sickens you, yet teases you with a challenging, realistic worldview, teaches you how reality works. It points out things that you held as truth, but faced with incontrovertible fact, you must admit were lies. The absurdity of what you've been taught from communism, to race relations, will eventually gnaw at you. You'll finally start questioning, and when you realize you've been lied to, you'll be angry. You won't even renew your contract with Brock.
It happened dozens of times as you cowards were paid to shill this place in 2016.
This time is no different. The undeniable fantasy of your closely held beliefs will be dispelled. Its gonna be a rough election cycle for you. Go ahead and check to see how many of your coworkers were here in 2016. I bet its very few.
You're bioluminescent