They must be aware of what they are doing right?

Im speechless desu, what the fuck is wrong with France and Europe in general.

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they want to get BLACKED

Homosex thread for homosexuals

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Stop saying "France" when you mean "Macron". Nobody likes this cunt.

Attached: DoWoe54XUAUEy4V.jpg (960x954, 153K)

quite frankly this
nobody sane supports the globalist shill

A french president is the proper receptacle for black semen.

Attached: Noble french meeting 2.jpg (838x559, 226K)


>Stop saying "France" when you mean "Macron". Nobody likes this cunt.

So why youd vote for him?

are these the pricks he pays to fuck his wife

I didn't. A lot of faggots voted for him because the other option was FN and they've been taught since kindergarten that "raicism is bad mkay" and that "le pen" is a bad word