Plot Twist 911 and Kavanaugh

In order to win Presidency, Trump did 911 with stolen Tesla technology.

When Jordan Peterson refers to Trump as a "very smart man" he's actually quoting the Pope referring to Satan as a "very smart man".

Further more, the wikileaks uncovered an email to Katrina Peterson blaming her father for destroying the twin towers, who just so happens to share his initials with John Podesta, who was spotted in Pasadena, home of rocket scientist - Jack Parsons...

911 was a Star Gate Ritual and the invasion of Iraq was to appease the Babylonian Gods who on October 1st 2017 completed the Osiris Ritual and resurrected the old Church and Government of Mars lead by Horus, who was worshipped at ground zero on 911.

John Podesta's email about the Torture Chamber is a direct reference to the Egyptian Book of The Dead, which states "Oh two headed serpent who comes forth from the torture chamber"

John Podesta's daughter Megan, who is a pro-gun and pro-weed advocate from Mountain View was given the Nuclear Codes by none other than Christine Ford in what is a resurgence of the Oppenheimerian Communism Era.

Now I am become Death was a reference to the end of time. Chronos and Saturn both mean TIME - which happens to be a song on the Dark Side of The Moon... Which is a quantum proposition about life in Antarctica.

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Other urls found in this thread:

MKUltra is really just the ancient Egyptian scriptures which induce altered states of DMT psychoactivity in the brain. Including psychological torture.

John Podesta
Jack Parsons and Jordan Peterson are all the devil

The Katrina Peterson email is addressed to Barbara Bush

Barbara Bush is alleged to be the daughter of Alesteir Crowley.

Jack Parsons refers to himself as the son of Alesteir Crowley.

-----Original Message-----
From: David McCullar
To: katrinapeterson33
Sent: Sat, May 7, 2011 12:15 am
Subject: Barbara please don't ignore me lady.

I killed Osama Bin Ladin as the scapegoat from your dad's childhood
for his and mine bombing the Pentagon and WTC's, believe me... I'm sure he has mentioned it to you and laughed.

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Sage you double-nigger. This is some brain-damaged Canadian slit who's been shitting up other threads with Q-tier bullshit from Reddit.

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