Is there actually any way of curing civilization at this point?
No other civilization has experienced this level of social breakdown and recovered.
Is there actually any way of curing civilization at this point?
No other civilization has experienced this level of social breakdown and recovered.
Other urls found in this thread:
>brit falg
>doesnt ignore
It wouldn't be hard at all.
Literally just deport all of the illegals and convert the Jews.
The only thing that could save what remains of western civilization long-term is a couple of civil wars (US, western europe) and/or societal collapse.
A hard reset if you will but there is a chance that the dark horde of 3rd world mongrels with their AKs, explosives and RPGs (here in europe) will prove to be 'difficult' dealing with as the vast majority of the white population are unarmed in comparison to the 3rd world mongrels.
>No other civilization has experienced this level of social breakdown and recovered.
Based on what?
Maybe for eurocucks. Burgers own more than half of the firearms on the planet.
Oh look women are now prioritising careers over motherhood, and now its mens fault. How childish of men.
lmao because of the hat it reads ''English men are to blaim...''
Humanity is cyclical
Mass violence is probably around the corner
>convert the Jews.
What the FUCK are you talking about
>convert the jews
we've tried that here before, don't recommend it
>Is there actually any way of curing civilization at this point?
Yes. Stop validating the opinions of women.
Probably not. I say that because most people who study history, and are able to see whats happening to the US from a historical perspective, know's that it's on it's way out within a few generations. Maybe 4 or 5. They full admit that there's no coming back.
On a personal level, realistically, there's not much we can do. We'd have to agree as a nation to regress to pre 1900's society in terms of social order. Zero chance of feminists allowing that to happen, they'd rather see the country burn to the ground. Maybe if a serious war happens, civil or not, where a very large part of the citizens take arms, because then nobody really gives a shit about feminism or equality at that point, and maybe that would linger around for awhile after the war until it eventually degrades again.
Or if robot waifu's actually become a thing and guys simply stop interacting with women on a large scale because of building pressure from things like #metoo where everyone claims they've been raped, women acting like men are the root problem of society, etc. etc. Only then will girls realize that men want women who are actually feminine and will be good homemakers and take care of the children/take care of the community. But they probably won't realize it.
>convert the jews
Into lampshades?
Feminism isnt the root problem. Beta male enablers are.
The affliction is chemotherapy
>any way of curing civilization at this point?
Total war
>betamale enablers
Are feminists
>Convert the Jews.
Good luck, we tried that before, ended badly for us.
But as uaual this article was created by a feminist who still can't admit they're the reason men aren't interested in women anymore.
You can easily conflate the two, but they're two distinct entitites.
who said that you will recover
There is a way, become part of Poland, we will together throw the leech-niggers out of the country and laugh out loud at the Marxists instead of letting the european culture die.
Will be fun im telling you.
>Is there actually any way of curing civilization at this point?
Civilisation itself is the problem. This is just "progress". It is the natural progression.
It seems that human civilizations just end up exploding. I think people have always wondered why the great civilizations of the past just died out. Now we know. The further you diverge from nature, the sicker humans become until we no longer function, society no longer works, and then it collapses.
The only option is to let it explode and ride it out because people always survive from each civilization and start the next one.
Has there ever been a time in civilization when women took responsibility for their actions?
Their nature is forbids it.
Convert the Jews into carcasses or Israeli citizens, perhaps. That's the only way you save civilisation.
A dictator.
most of men (not only whites ones) are fags
it's not about the jewish conspiracy or whatever
men are faggots and that's why I have so much women sexual partner, they love me because I'm a real man, I can fight barehand, I can shoot an assault rifle, I lift, I fuck for hours. I hold 8 Bitcoins. I'm an alpha male.
Are women to blame for childish men? They scream all day about toxic masculinity then cry when there are no real men anymore.
I've never seen ANY shitskin @ the shooting range and I live in Paris.
>convert the Jews.
the absolute state of american protestantism
>bragging about $64k
anyway, the bulk of women would rather share an adulterous, violent criminal for a boyfriend, than commit to a loving and gentle, decent man.
it's simply (most of) women's nature to attach themselves to the warlord archetype. unforunately this is a negative force against civilization. Because in our society, the only people who get the 'warlord' triggers are criminals, drug abusers, psychotics, homeless, and generallly,. misfits and dregs.
this is all of course easily avoidable if we simply revoke womens rights. which will happen eventually
funny how one can browse this board for hours and read all kind of doomsday scenario's and never ever will you hear someone criticize:
> the capitalist market economy
from which comes
> commodification of people
> commodification of social well-being
> concentrated wealth accumulation
> destruction of the natural environment
from which come pretty much all of the major problems plaguing the world
but keep on blaming non-whites and feminists. I'm sure it will help in some way.
All this degeneration, started at about the end of 19th century, and then the world was already overpopulated.
Maybe this degeneration is a punishment from above, for not limiting the world's population.
Everything in this world must have a limit.
A limit to how much can you live, a limit on how much you can earn, a limit on how many people should walk the earth, a limit on how much you can eat, drink, sleep, do that...and that...
Maybe when the world isn't overpopulated anymore, all this shit will disappear like it never was.
yeah overpopulation is clearly the problem, it's not the fact that "german" philosophers in the late 1800s basically destroyed western civilization as we know it, and "certain groups" orchestrated together to dismantle every empire, from prussian to british to french.
>this degeneration is a punishment from above, for not limiting the world's population
To only Jews and a bunch of brown slaves right shlomo?
I dunno man.
People have such a dangerously thorough understanding of how sex and human relationships REALLY work that you can't really just shove everything under the matress again and say "OK, we're rolling back the calendars again, just go back to being an exploitable idiot or at least just pretending again."
Even Marriage 1.0 was a raw deal. Most men don't really want to give up their freedom and the fruits of their labors in return for occasional duty sex, a pat on the back from the community, and the abstract notion of "passing down your bloodline".
The old regime was only sustainable when we a) had a pre-scientific understanding of how sex and women worked, b) were in the mental straightjacket of religion, and c) when men were easy to manipulate, like pawns on a chessboard.
Sure, there are a lot of guys who are inclined towards being a "steady guy" who wagecucks for decades and happily keeps his wife fat and happy, but many men myself included have no interest in a life of servitude. Not even a civilizational collapse would make many men especially less naive, older men in their 30s and 40s willingly enter into that sort of thing.
capitalism is the market of competition
it's the "natural" way, you hippie
the welfare state let's people who cannot feed themselves continue to reproduce and thus overpopulate the world
it is a controlled process used to enslave masses of people
capitalism let's you work for yourself and be in control of your own destiny
Games are more fun than women ever since they demanded equality.
No, there isn't. The ONLY way for things to get better is, for the system itself to crumble.
> Riots
> Lawlessness
> Anti-white rhetoric
> Degredation
> etc.
These things need to continue to happen and happen as fast as possible. Lemmings need to see THEIR system fail, so they'll be open to the ideas of a better system (National Socialism).
This won't happen without national calamity.
You are seriously retarded if you think society can move forward with women being allowed to vote and allowed to organize their own lives. Maybe some can pass a mental fitness test, but the majority of women should be property of their brothers/fathers/husbands.
This of course would require having a society that valued the things we used to value, before the Marxists took over all academia and media and filled it with hogwash to turn everyone into a mindless degenerate.
slaughter every western w*man, relatives included
I didn't say anything about womens' rights.
The problem in the end won't be getting women to do what you want, women are happy to be controlled, they just want the Biggest Daddy around and right now that's Big Daddy Government.
The problem will be getting most men wanting to play Big Daddy in the House once they've had a taste of NOT constantly living with, and taking care of, the nagging, whining adult teenager.
Every year, more and more of the male population (and of particular interest to this board, the bulk of the white male population) are hitting their early or even mid30s without getting married. And once you get to that age without society successfully dragging you to the alter, the less likely you are to do so at all.
Older single men are statistically more reluctant to marry or really have a LTR at all every year they spend as an older adult. They understandably grow protective of whatever assets they have, they grow settled into their single habits, they are no longer being dragged around by the nose by their hormones.
I am not as sure as you are that locking up women and demanding men marry them or go without will be enough to get most white men especially older guys to marry. It's far, far easier to convince men to fall for the marriage meme when they're young dumb and full of cum.
Women should never have gotten the vote, all our problems stem from then.
I dislike Islam but it's right when it comes to women.
Men should not even be able to vote, to vote you had to accomplish something. (Own land, and pay for land) which is a basic requirement.
Merely attaining an age, which anyone can easily do, should not mean you can vote on the way your society functions.
They have a stranglehold on ages 15-30. Those are crucial years for developing into adulthood which are being wasted by many on drugs, video games, drinking, getting in massive debt for a meme degree, cock carousel style dating ... If civilization is to survive, there needs to be a cultural shift in those years.
>before the Marxists took over all academia and media and filled it with hogwash to turn everyone into a mindless degenerate
So take it back. Being passive and running away out of frustration, anger, or trying to keep your kids away from degenerates has only furthered their goals. It’s so far gone that only a long term plan would be the non suicidal option.
>new rhodesia
>does not contain rhodesia
You're assuming that times aren't changing and that things aren't getting bad enough for people to want a little traditionialism. We don't even need all the people to agree with us, only the majority. Just think about it, how many men out there, especially white males, have been screwed by child support, cheating wife, extreme feminism, wife aborted their baby, wife ran off with their child, abused by their mothers, had their spouse (or the woman they loved) use and dump them, be a traditional beta because mom taught them to be that way, woman gets promoted at work because she's a woman, woman gets accepted to university because she's a woman, etc.
That number is rising significantly, especially among young white males. Don't act like it isn't happening. People that don't care about this right now are just reaping the (((benefits))) of a decadent society on its way out. When this begins to affect their way of life, they'll begin to side with us.
People are absolutely selfish, and that's what we're counting on. Don't act like every bit I've said isn't true nor like it isn't beginning to occur en masse. The more white men get screwed by the system, the more they're going to hate the system. Lucky for us, this system is beginning to openly side against us. That's going to work in our favor because the more white males that are ostracized in some form or fashion, is another white male that will eventually come to side with us.
The moment you get rid of or destroy the welfare state, women will instinctively try to find the Second Biggest Daddy. If it makes you feel any better, it's ridiculously simple to get women and girls to follow any man or men, literally all you have to do is be the biggest dick around (I don't mean that literally, although it probably helps).
Never seen this before although I've always assumed this about Tesla. Good find user.
>Most men don't really want to give up their freedom and the fruits of their labors in return for occasional duty sex, a pat on the back from the community, and the abstract notion of "passing down your bloodline".
You underestimate the natural nature of man.
You're assuming that times aren't changing, and that things won't get bad enough for people to want a little traditionialism. We don't need all the people to agree with us, only the majority of white males. Seriously, just think about it for a minute. How many white males, have been screwed by child support, a cheating wife, extreme feminism, their wife aborted their baby, their wife ran off with their child, they were abused by their mothers, they had their spouse (or the woman they loved) use and abuse them, they were taught to be a traditional beta because mom told them that would help them get a GF, or perhaps a woman got promoted at work solely because she's a woman, or even got accepted to university solely because she's a woman, etc. The amount of things happening are endless. Also, don't forget, the baby boomers (the ones that really perpetuated and reinforced this flawed system) are on their way out.
To say that number isn't rising significantly, especially among young white males, would be to remain willfully ignorant. People that don't care about this right now, are just reaping the (((benefits))) of a decadent society on its way out. When this begins to affect their way of life, they'll begin to side with us.
I will throw you a bone however, people are absolutely selfish, and that's what we're counting on. The more white males are ostracized by the system, the more they're going to hate it. Lucky for us, this system is beginning to openly side against us. That's going to work in our favor significantly. Every time the phrase "white privilege" is uttered, or you hear someone say "white male" in a derogatory fashion, it's going to begin proving our point and our numbers will grow.
user, again, you aren't recognizing human nature. Why do you think women begin trying to find a man like crazy in the upper 20's and lower - mid 30's? This is because they realize their biological clock is running out and it's human nature to want a future (a future is children, whether people want to admit it or not). To say men aren't exactly the same way in that regard is utter nonsense. Just look at all the Anons on here, then just imagine all the Anons that feel exactly the same way, yet haven't found Jow Forums yet. It's human nature to want a spouse, it's human nature to want "heirs to the throne" (children), etc. These are natural things, which is why despite the fact that (((hollywood))) has told everyone that being single is fun, you have all these dating apps, and single individuals trying to find spouses.
Don't underestimate the power of human nature. That's what the Marxists do because they don't believe in it. They aren't the majority, even though they'll certainly be the only thing you ever see on (((TV))).
More people are beginning to see this. More people are becoming religious. More people are wanting a more traditional, less consumerist way of life, more people would rather help others, than screw them, etc.
The system itself however, will almost certainly side against traditional white nuclear families. That's what we can count on because it will only prove our point in this matter, and cause more people to join our cause.
Nuke Israel
>Lucky for us, this system is beginning to openly side against us.
Everybody gonna get redpilled very soon.
No. You were born after the high water mark for humanity. It's all downhill from here. Enjoy your ride.
Nothing is going to change for the better in our life time.
If you really want to find a traditional woman and build a family, go do it, it will take more effort than before, but it is definitely still possible. You will do it if you really want to do it.
But society isn't going back to that in our life time, or anytime soon.
Europeans are happy to die off and be replaced by high birthrate Asians, Africans and Arabs, so what can you do? You aren't going to convince 100,000,000s of NPC Europeans to change their behavior, not at least in the next few decades, and by then all of us will be 50-80 years old, and we will all be too old to give a shit anymore.
>No other civilization has experienced this level of social breakdown and recovered.
user, I think you need to read about the Weimar Republic. And we all know what happened next.
>Everybody gonna get redpilled very soon.
I know, I literally can't wait. Our numbers are growing, whether the Marxist liberals would like to admit it or not. They'll certainly make it look like nobody feels this way, but that's not the case. All the anti-white rhetoric is beginning to have a snowballs effect on white males, especially since it's required for the Marxists to win (it's their strategy).
I don't necessarily know how it will all play out, perhaps we'll all take back our homelands, or all consolidate within Europe/Russia, or form a kind of Federation, or something. Who knows, but I'm ready for it and trying to subtly redpill as many whites as possible. I've already done so to my family/extended family. They're doing the same to those they know. That's how it all works user.
Maybe they can appoint a blue ribbon commission to study the problem.
The true cure is pederasty. Sounds bad? Read up on feminism. Look up the "Social Purity Movement" and see if it sounds familiar. Pederasty was an institution founded by the Greeks who invented Western Civilization, and in fact continued on in all influential institutions up until the 1930s. How do you solve the problem of women having sexual power over society? Embrace pederasty. Look up the Rind et al. study, and see how thoroughly you've been lied to. Its the same level of institutional suppression of information as studies about the differences between races.
> You aren't going to convince 100,000,000s of NPC Europeans to change their behavior, not at least in the next few decades, and by then all of us will be 50-80 years old, and we will all be too old to give a shit anymore.
It's always possible user. If America doesn't drastically change its ways, it's not going to last. Just look at our national debt. Look at all the crime and violence. Look at the anti-white rhetoric rising dramatically. Look at all those who are beginning to side with us. Look at all the riots in Europe by whites. Look at the 50 million + that voted for Trump. Etc.
Things are changing and they're changing fast. Remember during Obamas reign? There was none of this happening. Now, just two years after Trump was elected, everything's beginning to change, and dramatically.
If you were ever hoping for a revolution, this is going to be it. We ALL need to be vigilant. We all need to work on spreading our message to ANYONE who is even remotely tired of the current system we have. We ALL need to do our part in order for this to work.
Anyone saying it's impossible is obviously some kike or a shill. Remember that user.
there is no cure
but we still may do this:
"Madness in the western world and introduction to possible solution"
Part 1 - Summary of current situation:
Part 2 - Summary of current resistance:
Part 2,5 - Objectives
Part 3 - Plan:
It's the only way to save our western civilization.
>childish men are to blame
>not reflect and try to find out why
yep, sounds like a child complaining about a child
You have to accept that things will have to get much, much, much, much worse before they ever get better. That's how these things work.
Right now it's just not that bad for Europeans, it's heading to a really bad place, but we aren't there yet, and until we are, nobody is going to do anything.
Because the bourger system is set up by racial trash to enable racial trash.
We need to replace the Jews, maybe with a palastinian-khazaroid hybrid. This new Jew will be more controllable and physically fit for labor. I call this the Khanegri plan. Lets do it!
The cure is pederasty.
Your Christian morality doomed us all to slavery over more sexually selective masses. The reality is dominant civilizations repress feminism by the institution of pederasty. Western Civilization's philosophical, political and cultural genesis begins with the Greeks. Read Plato, all of his dialogues about love are about boys.
Yes, blame the men for not marrying at 17 when the entire (((media))) complex tells men and women they need to have careers and homes first.
Normie faggot fakenews.
>kill all men
>men are evil
>all men rape
>men are the worst
>why can't I find a man
and? you are still being outbred, no matter how many guns you own.
>You have to accept that things will have to get much, much, much, much worse before they ever get better.
Oh, I absolutely accept that. That's the ONLY way our movement will grow too. The worse things get, the better it is for our movement because it will continue to ostracize whites to the point of making us all choose a side. There will be no more toeing the line trying to not have an opinion to appease everyone.
> Right now it's just not that bad for Europeans, it's heading to a really bad place, but we aren't there yet, and until we are, nobody is going to do anything.
You know, it's really sad that it actually must come to this. Just look at Germany pre-Hitler though.
> Sexual decadence
> Great Depression
> People starving
> Civil unrest
> etc.
Luckily, the quicker it heads in that direction, the better. Who knows though, whites seem to be waking up much quicker than I thought they would.
Do you think we may end up consolidating ourselves within Europe/Russia? Or do you think we'll expel non-whites from our colonies abroad (Canada, Australia, NZ, South Africa, USA, etc.) and continue to hold these positions?
It's absolutely possible, but it would take a massive civil war, who's body count would reach higher than WW2 in order for that to happen. Do you even think whites are ready for that yet? Perhaps, things will have to get bad enough for all whites to simultaneously just snap, in a genocidal way, all at the same time. Thus, solving the overpopulation problem, and the dysgenics problem, and the NWO problem at the same time.
>Now we know. The further you diverge from nature, the sicker humans become until we no longer function, society no longer works, and then it collapses.
Nope, it’s just jews. Jews invented Christianity. A few years later the Roman Empire collapsed. Jews invented freemasonry - a few years later France collapsed. Next Jews invented communism - a few years later Russia collapsed. Finally jews invented globalism - you get the point.
Fix the Jewish problem and everything else should fall into place.
western society has been conditioned for generations to hate their own financial success.
This was important for breeding the self entitlement that will sink the state.
Im just waiting for when SHTF so i can go innawoods, ill play vidya till then
asians have even lower birthrates than we do
they don't have niggers in their countries and can lob bombs at africa and south america to solve the problem
you should at least build a foundation. stockpile guns, make connections, spread memes, spread hatred
russia is a multicultural country. their constitution protects diversity. they and china INVENTED affirmative action
they MIGHT help us in terms of international alliances, or aid for caucasians in our country, but more than that? doubtful
australia is currently the only country that has a consolidated right leaning government
no. everyone still a democrat in 3 or 4 years is going to need to die
>russia is a multicultural country. their constitution protects diversity.
That's the thing though, every constitution currently protects diversity to a certain extent. It doesn't mean it'll last though. I believe that when the powder keg known as nationalism finally explodes within Europe, I can't help feel as if it'll affect Russia too.
> White nationalists snap in Europe
> Violently expel non-whites from their borders
> Non-whites seek refuge in Russia
> Overwhelm Russian resources
> Nationalist whites in Russia see this as an opportunity (possibly)
> The powder keg extends all the way to the tip of Siberia
> Some kind of nationalist alliance is established among white nations (Unify ourselves around preventing white genocide)
> When it happens, it'll probably be a sign to whites around the world that the time for action draws near
At least, this could be a possibility. I just can't see something like that happening within Europe and not spilling over somewhat into Russia. It's better that whites have begun to lose a little bit of our diversity IMO. I only say that because when whites in Australia or USA see anti-white rhetoric happening in Germany, they're going to take it personally. The same thing when the Germans see it happening within USA, England, Australia, etc., they'll take it personally. Which will only help to expedite this process as much as possible. It's a good propaganda technique that we can use to unite whites around a cause and make it feel as if it's happening more to them than it may actually be.
With that being said, I do hope that we can all retain our individual cultures/ethnicities though.
>australia is currently the only country that has a consolidated right leaning government
Really? I didn't know that. When you say "right leaning," what do you mean by that exactly?
>every constitution protects diversity
not really. only european descended people do this. it is endemic to european behavior just as much as raping is to niggers
there is no place that conforms to your imagination that magically becomes anti-diverse just to please you
>violently force out niggers
this has to happen first. russia has been encouraging it into the euro countries because it destabilises them.
russia isn't friendly to niggers or muslims any more, but it'll consume large amounts of political capital to fight muslims given that they are firmly entrenched in most of russias crucial defense territories/military allies
it isn't going to happen as simply as you think. all of our problems NEED to be solvable or killable domestically
like I said, genetically, our people are fucking overly nice faggots that forgive people that rape our daughters and are afraid of authority. until the authority approves of killing niggers, its not goin to happen
our people have been driven from our homelands for 5k years by more violent people until our people could no longer fucking retreat. losing our home on the steppes, then being driven from turkey and greece, then losing italy and spain. sorry, but our people have been anti-ar since the beginning. our ancestors are the ones that fled conflict
turnbull hasn't taken a single refugee, to my recollection
We'll do it correctly this time.
Great post, user. But how do we convert the chosen people?
convert them to ashes?
Women seriously never accept criticism, responsibility, or when they're wrong.
>not really. only european descended people do this.
Agreed. That's what I meant when I said what I said. With that being said, when this powder keg finally ignites, you don't think that will have any kind of an affect abroad (CA, USA, AU, NZ, SA, Russia)?
> all of our problems NEED to be solvable or killable domestically
How do you think this could actually come to fruition?
I think the rallies/marches throughout Europe/Americas are great, but it's going to take more than just marching to get the job done. We need some coordination between, at the very least, the major White Nationalist groups. At least to a certain degree, as in:
> "Ok, you're white, we both want to stop white genocide, so let's agree to help each other out for now, then go our separate ways or something."
The only relatively big groups I know of would be:
> Identity Evropa
> Defend Europa
> Traditionalists Workers Party
> Whatever you'd like to call the "Alt-Right"
Which isn't bad for a start, but I don't really see any coordination between them or anything like that. Perhaps I'm just not paying attention close enough.
Probably not, but we will recover much faster due to the common knowledge humanity has accrued over the past thousand years.
That is what some people here believe, but I don't believe it is true. Jews did not make shitty, pointless modern day jobs. Industrialization did that.
>childish men to blame
>not women being insufferable cunts
>not women having unrealistically high standards (when they themselves are far from perfect)
>not women deciding to live a life of being a partying whore during their youthful, and ideally fertile years, and instead having kids in their 30s
>not women having the potential to ruin a man's life financially via divorce, or by having him falsely branded a rapist and thus thrown in prison
>not the fact that men are expecting to jump through hoop after hoop to improve themselves just to be able to attract some women, while women have to do very little other than be good looking
>not increasing amounts of women who don't even want to have kids
Yeah, men are to blame.
>Is there actually any way of curing civilization at this point?
Sure. Holocaust (((them))) all + 80% of niggers in the world + 95% of chinks and you are good to go. Also forbid all ideologies including religious and tax faggots for ass fucking each other at 70% from income.
>western civilization
No. Western culture and values inevitably lead to this outcome. It must run it's course if the west is to recover.
Unfortunately the sand monkeys have chosen this tumultuous time to invade. Their cultures, though I loathe them, are stronger and far more stable than the crumbling west. There is a good chance that the west will simply adopt them. Quicker and easier than starting from scratch at this point. Sad, but experiments often give unwanted results.
That's bullshit. Capitalism is about profit before all else. Capitalism saw the transfer of whole industries over to foreign countries simply because the wages were cheaper. Capitalism incentivizes mass immigration to bloat the working class to further push down wages, and it even pushes up housing prices, another bonus for people in the capitalist class. Capitalism leads to art industries mass-producing streamlined, soulless crap that's just flashy enough for low-brow people to pay for it. Etc, etc.
Pure capitalism is not healthy for society. It needs to be regulated to ensure it isn't conflicting with what is good for people in general. It is my understanding that National Socialists allowed for the private ownership of most businesses in most industries, provided they were good for society overall. Otherwise, the state would step in. Society is falling apart because too much is tolerated.
Why don't you all seek out for an autistic girl who stays in her bedroom playing video games instead of looking for NPC roasties?
Because you cant meet anyone if they dont leave thier room.
Yeah, men wouldn't really put up with living how their great great grandfathers did. Virgins until marriage, having to work to pay for everything, and then living with that same woman all their lives, esp. as she got older and uglier. Guys today wouldn't accept. They want porn and variety in women, even if they complain about "roasties" etc.
>Is there actually any way of curing civilization at this point?
There's nothing wrong with it. It's another sexual revolution.
>No other civilization has experienced this level of social breakdown and recovered.
What did he mean by this?
>the capitalist market economy
>but keep on blaming non-whites and feminists
>implying predatory capitalism isnt about jewish usury
capitalism used to be paternalistic
you know, when we used to rule the world
if we had kept going we'd be among the stars by now