It's been a while since the election how you Swedes doing.
It's been a while since the election how you Swedes doing
Absolutely nothing is going on.
Well i'm fine. Can still shitpost so no worries.
It hasn't been decided yet, it depends who plays their cards right with respect to the parliamentary situation and media. Best case scenario would be an M+KD (conservative) government with support from SD. This would lead to restrictive immigration policies, lower taxes etc. The other alternative is S with the support of V, MP and C+L. This would be an absolute disaster, and it would lead to unrestricted immigration, higher taxes, less freedom, more cuckoldry and feminism etc. No other alternatives are plausible at the moment really.
Stay tuned, we'll know the fate of Sweden in a couple of weeks.
we all know anyone's fucked it's you, but best of luck.
Status quo
Yeah, UK is totally not fucked
Will there be a second election? I don't get it
no shit, never said that. I'm just saying your country is more fucked.
which country needs a license to carry a spoon and which country has nazis marching the streets?
In which country is it illegal to deny the Holocaust and which country is it not?
In the end are we basically comparing 2 different shits with different odor
Finish him!
UK is more fucked mate.
we will only know the outcomes in due time. Let's hope we both manage to save ourselves Sven.
Very unlikely, since nobody stands to gain for it except possibly SD. People always overestimate the probability that a reelection will occur because they fail to understand the incentives of politicians.
What is important to know is that we have a negative parliamentary system. You don't need majority support in parliament, which means you could get a PM who gets 1 vote, as long as he doesn't get more votes against. A PM candidate only needs to be tolerated, not supported. As long as C or L don't actively support an S candidate, there's no chance of a PM from S. However, an M PM would be elected as long as C+L don't vote against him. C and L are unlikely to vote for either an M (non-alliance) candidate, and they're just as if not more unlikely to vote for an S candidate (unless they're part of it). Hence, they're most likely not voting, which means M would win.
Still don't have a government. It's almost been a month! This is good though, when a deal finally is reached absolutely NOBODY will be happy. And when swedes are unhappy, they vote SD.
Europe might as well get a pitty nuke at this point.
I'd beg to differ but it's not by much.
Here's a blackpill for ya. The alliance could only depose Löfven with the help of the SD and now that he's deposed they have no real intention of seizing power since that would mean making a deal with the SD. If they do make the deal they will splinter the alliance between the Moderates on one hand and the Center and Liberal party on the other hand. So we're probably in for 4 more years of Löfven.
To me it kinda looks like they're just playing the audience here.
"Look we deposed the incompetent buffoon and ended the socialists reign. We are a serious opposition!"
"Oh no we couldn't seize power since the voters betrayed us by voting on the Swedish Democrats. Oy gevalt."
Holy shit, checked and kek'd
kek baserad svenne
Still no government, so I can continue to run my child brothel undisturbed.
Excuse me?
We are winning. Time will tell.
death to all hijab wearers
Hej Säpo
yes goy, you're winning
Doing okay. No new government yet.
>mfw the interim government is the only thing preventing people from seeing the light of anarcho-capitalism.
Why wouldn't C and L stay with Alliance?
We should instead argue over ways to fix it.
C is a power über alles party. They will form a coalition with anyone as long as they are in power.
L is fighting for relevance and will try to create a distance between themselves and KD and M due to them being migrant critical.
They can't. L and especially C are pro-immigration and SD will not allow C to get influence because of that. SD can easily stop a M + KD + C + L (+ MP) government by voting for S' budget because SD + S is bigger than all of them.
Well S+C+L+MP is 175 seats and that's a majority. So what's the plan?
There is no plan.
None of these things are true user but i agree. A percentage or two of extra cuckoldry is nothing to be arguing over.
The purpose of free immigration to the youth wing of the right-wing parties was always to collapse the welfare state. This may be difficult to relate to for non-Swedes, but it seemed like a rational approach at the time (80s and early 90s). After Reinfeldt's time, it was discovered that this task would be impossible. In the current situation, the establishment would rather destroy the economy than dismantle the welfare state.
That's what they want, but they can't. The left bloc won't support it, and SD won't support it, so an alliance government is impossible. C and L have also promised not to be supported by SD, so they can't be in an right-wing government.
C and L don't want to rule with S. While C is cucked in terms of immigration, they're almost libertarians economically. They have extremely little in common with S. They would probably lose 50% of their voters if they ruled with S. L is more conservative and would lose even more.
Honestly, i lived in both countries and the UK is by far more fucked than Sweden.
Swedes at least organize against the floods of shitskins. You are more or less totally admitting. This scares me.
när ett svenskt inlägg är det bästa inlägget
A buch of civil servants at the Department of foreign affairs Went out in public with not wanting to work for the Conservative party if they will cooperate with the Sweden Democrats.
The "L" comparing party in Germany is called "FDP. And they are known to be the whore of the Bundestag. They will join the coalition that is needed to get into a government position. I see the very same mentality in the Swedish "L".
Their justification will be: "Muhhh, if we go aliance with SD, K and M, we can influence them with our libshit values muhhhh."
But on the other hand, they wouldn't hesitate to support the communist block as well. Like i said, they are political whores.
Uppsägning direkt.
It is not their job to decide which government they have to work for. they get paid by the tax payer and that means they have to work for whomever gets in charge.
Then they are not alike at all. L will under no circumstances join a coalition with SD
We will see. I heard there are a lot of members that find a coalition with KD M and SD a viable option.
It proves that even Sweden has a Deep state problem.
Its below 50%.
Agree, we all have. We have ssame fuckkin bunch of libshit saboteurs in our administration as well.
They really forgot who pays their bills.
They belong together
>Minority in your own capital
>Sweden is more fucked
How inbreed are you?
Still enough mate.
If they push this agenda, the party is in deep trouble.
I could imagine them supporting an SD involved coalition.
I know a lot of teachers from back in the days when i lived in Sweden. Most of them were members of the Folkpartiet and they were already back then pretty tired on the shitskin problem. Because they are on the frontline of the problems and could experience the shit happening without any (((media filter))).
SD was not even on the table at that time (2002) to get into the Swedish Riksdagen. I guess their anger has grown since then. But maybe they stay silent in order to keep their jobs.
This is an interesting topic in itself: young market liberals/ neoconservatives wanting to crash social welfare and wages with immigration. Its a sort of blackpill for the wrong reasons.
But that's the main purpose for these useful goys. What they don't understand is, that they automatically help to destroy the white race, which is the original intention of their (((overlords))) to install such shit as mass migration from shitskin countries.
>young market liberals/ neoconservatives wanting to crash social welfare and wages with immigration.
It's utterly retarded. It truly show how the lack of understanding of the masses and learning nothing from history.
Financila crisis only benifits communists and fascists
we also have a, still, powerful state church with tons of small fanatical free churches going down this path of feverishly helping the muslim invaders.I believe they think a collapse will bring back people under the fold of the christian faith. Its a terrifying gamble.
Same problem here. The most cucked ones here are the churches.
If i ask a priest why they support our enemies (the muslims and jews, they instantly call me a nazi. No mmatter if i pull up historical facts that support my point.
they are ideologically brainwashed and a dangerous people.
Guess why Hitler got rid of many church people.
During WW2, the German church (believe it or not) supported the communist block. Allthough the communists in their countries killed the church.
These christcucks are willing to support their own enemy.
For a government to form it doesn't need the majority of the seats. It needs for more votes to be for it than against it.
Sure. But it's very rare that a party votes against the party lines. Hopefully there will be a closed vote but I doubt it.
The situation is pretty locked.
Svenne sees this and realizes that this whole kindergarten behavior is not about getting rid of Swedens problems, but to stay in power without muhh SD, that is the only party willing to do anything about the problems.
>KD, M
C will be mixed
L will be for
SD will be for
V against
S mixed
MP irrelevant
I think it might work in the end.
Will not happen.
Will happen. They'll do anything to keep SD out.
No government yet. Stay tuned
Or well the previous one was sacked last week
Exactly, two completely different cases. It's like comparing 1984 with Brave New World
In other news. Possible future PM, with just 8% voter support, Bilderberger Annie Lööf (Leaf) has admitted to being Canadian on state TV
Oh. Sorry thought you meant the other way around.
Lets face it.
There are two options for the partys.
They can form a non working coalition that is divided in itself, or KD, M and SD join together with L and form a government.
Keeping out SD under all circumstances would mean KD not having a chance to form government .
On the other hand S would need to have C on board, which is not compatible with them in any way, not to talk about V or MP and C together in a coalition.
This communist block supported by C is yet not imaginable for me.
I bet on M KD SD and L
They voted to get cucked again, this is just the beggining.
mfw Annie bilderberg Lööf gets elected as prime minister
ohh that sucks I am so sorry.
KD, M with SD and L support. The only problem is that Jan Björklund is gonna get fired if he doesn't get a minister spot. So L are desperate.
I shouldn't call it a problem really.
Italian idiot speaks. SD had more votes than your Lega. Get fucked
The left here barely got any votes here, meanwhile in your cucked country they got more votes than SD. You are cucks, anything you say will not change it, stay mad you weakling.
We have had a deep state problem for ages. It's what happens when one party rules for an extended period of time. Socialism has become the norm among government workers and the last 4 years has only made the situation worse since S is terrified of losing power (mass immigration is also part of this since they vote overwhelmingly for whoever gives them the most gibs). The Alliance needs to realize that their opponents will never relinquish their hold on power willingly, every single leftist activist needs to be purged and sent to the unemployment office so they can get a real job for once.
The left had their worst election ever here. Go eat your faggottini
She's also part of the Trilateral Commission. She's a walking caricature of a globalist pawn. Libertarian in economics, progressive everywhere else.
This is why they got more votes that moderates and right wing, cuck.
I'm 6 feet tall, pale and I have green eyes. I work out and make decent money.
What are the chances of me getting a Swedish cutie to be my wife?
They didn't. That's why we're in a stalemate.
>t-they are in a stalemate
>I-I'm white I swear! I'm not a gypsy!
Even if you are a shitskin you don't need permission as they would take it as a compliment.
Don't speak to our girls, they're horrible. Go get yourself some nice boipucci instead.
May I suggest Tuure Boelius? Homo of the year in Finland. Has his own radio show.
>Go get yourself some nice boipucci instead.
>swedencuck encouraging faggotry
Not even suprised, degenerate people with degenerate genes.
As i said, L is a whore. they will serve as support. even if Björklund gets fired.
You probably have more gypsies than we do at this point. Lol!
But I'm not a fag, Sven. I'd like a tall, blonde wife, but most blonde women here are pretty short.
nothing have changed. niggers and shitskins everywhere you go.
You are a country of gypsies, but nice try.
if anything you guys need to start breeding with huwhite women ASAP
They won't, their genes programmed them to plan their own extinction, this is nature taking it's own course.
L, KD, M then.
That's what I'll bet on.
Do you really want pic related?
Your trashtalk doesn't affect me, Atonius. Gypsies are shit, but the shittiest minority we have are Hungarian pieces of shit which are pretty pale-skinned.
Keep telling yourself that. You are the gypsies. Your country is made up by gypsies.
She looks like she suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome. Surely there are prettier women, no?
> Let's play the cuck olympics!!!
Not really
You are both cucked, end of the story, now die together.
how's italy fairing? i hear you guys are pretty based now.
That trap is passable af