If you were a rich Arab what will you do ?

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everything my family tells me to else I will stop being rich very quickly.

you think that wealth can exist on it's own? you think that gold doesn't have DEBT written all over it?

Bitch about US being intolerant

Buy expensive lavish things that literally make no sense.
>Make emails to women telling them im a persian prince. Proceed to larp as a persian prince irl.

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Literally kill myself

Buy a used laptop and shitpost on Jow Forums

Shit on some whore's chest

Buy\build an intelligence network and procced to aquire palantir and similar software.

Then i would start killing people, en mas.

Fund the destruction of the west

Start a war

Two chicks at the same time!

Pop a brand new cherry(halal) every weekend, of course.

Bomb Everything

I would fund the Jews and liberalism so that Islam can prosper. And that's what the Arabs do in real life. Arabs and Jews are best friends.

>pay thots to suck off zoo animals
>Have sex with a cousin or two
>rape hotel maids then get off on diplomatic immunity
>Fund some Sunni terror groups
>fuck a goat

Commence importation of as many German shotas as possible and lewd them into being femboy traps.

It is the only logical choice.

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Two chicks at the same time

I'd fly out Cardi B and Katy Perry and pay them 60 million to use their mouths as toilets for a day.

I actually believe this kind of stuff happens.


bitches cigars and expensive cars

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Or hire a shit ton of occultist virgin weebs and have them build me a REAL planatir

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Move the hell out of whatever muslim shithole I'm presently living in, and go live in NYC.

Nothing out of the ordinary then

i feel like these are the only true free powerful men left in the world

Build cities

shoot myself in the head


pay taylor swift to give me the gf experience

That would be equally pleasing. If not more.

I would probably move to a Caribbean Island like Turks and Caicos and spend the rest of my life making artwork, using drugs fucking bimbos of all races.

Produce nukes that look an awful lot like other countries' nukes and fucking start world war 3

Hire Eastern European whores and shit on them with my buddies.

Rape women


Not really. Not at all

Finance Islamist organizations so that I and my people can rule the world one day.

fuck a goat

Pay the nerds and homos to develop an open source alternative to Windows.

Probably blow all my money on frivolities and trinkets like the rest of them do

Fuck children and take drugs

obey my parents, work the family business somthat I can have my mansion and harem of 30 girls that are replaced every month. Would end up fathering at least a few hundred kids.

Suicide. The world needs less mudslimes.

Historically they are

this thread is fucking hilarious.

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What's up JIDF?

finance wahhabism to kill UK hamdullilah

I would buy Canada and set my dairy taxes at 300%


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Corrupt US politicians and turn the US military into my own personal private army.


use all my wealth and resources to usurp the throne and then proceed to undermine the ideals of islam

Dilip, you never heard of Temple OS?

>gold has debt written all over it
What is going on with the quality of posts lately?

if saudi had any balls they would give us neets $10million each to convert to islam and shill for islam on Jow Forums.

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prance around with little arab peanut dick pretending to important. Have terrible plebian taste in vehicles and fashion

True. I've been paying attention to this conspiracy too. Arabs use their oil $$$ to fund liberalism and all kinds of faggotry in the west through the Jews. Now when people are fed up and want to return to normalcy they are forced to convert to Islam because there is no other choice left.

Jews and Arabs fight on the surface but under the table they shake hands and plot the destruction of the west.

Probably what they are already doing. Funding psyops and social engineering programs to deconstruct western sovereignty, bribing politicians to push islamification etc

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Shit in Lindsay Lohan's mouth

asalamalakem brother.

Fly planes into buildings for the lulz

Pay local guys to kiss and when they do throw them off my palace.

1.Get baptized and truly convert to Catholicism to avoid roasting in hell.
2. Finance a war against the jews.

I wouldn’t import a Lindsey Lohan

Wtf? I love gold fiat currency now.

invade israel

fucking a

Would buy a bunch of young roasties then feed them to lions.

I would pay white whores to do degenerate things.

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I'd venmo $15,000 USD to me because I got dubbz on this post.

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For shits and giggles?we need a serious distro for normies,ubuntu is butt ugly,kde is bloated crap,gnome sucks.DDE is Chinese botnet.

Fund some lap terrorist groups and larp as revolutioner or freedom fighter.

not ALL gold but I can tell you for sure the gold in that picture came with strings

Bomb the shit out of worldwide marxists, then scrumbled eggs without become cuz its not halal

roll range rovers and shoot ak's with tracer rounds into the horizon.

Create energy via incinerators and begin filtering salt water to supply needed water to create a new Eden. Then begome ordodox

Build ancapistan,
the free capitalist Islamic republic

get a bunch of JAV actresses to shit and piss on me

stahp gambling your family futures

invest all that oil money into something else and/or build something great/aesthetic

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I'd have an Arab brain so I'd do stupid shit.

Buy a real life harem and have as many children as possible

Invest it all in bitcoin

drive tesla

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Fly my Airbus a380 everywhere
Fuck models on a daily basis
Do drugs
Vacation constantly
Use nihilist hedonism to escape reality

Fast cars and dumb bimbos get boring after a while. By the time I was 23 I was sick of that lifestyle. I took a bunch of my father's money and opened my own business here in London. For the first time in my life I'm actually working fucking hard (60 hours a week) and it's given me so much more purpose in life. Obviously I'm glad I was born rich, but sometimes I wish I could have been less fortunate, just so I could say I pulled myself up by my own bootstraps through hard work and ingenuity.
>t. British born Qatari, you've probably seen me revving my 911 Turbo around Knightsbridge

>fund building mosques around europe
>meanwhile fuck ukranian hookers
>drink most expensive whisky
>do coke

pay thots to let me fuck them then take a shit on them later and then piss on them

Being rich is boring.
>inb4 cope

>tripcode is CEO

>meant ID

I'd still be me with a lot more money. I could tell you everything I want to do if I won the lottery, but I'll just say I want to build a home in Palestine after Israel is destroyed, find a wife thats cool with me having side bitches, travel the world, have six kids and be the best father I can be.

They are both semites. Their fringe groups will always hate each other, but the majority will toe the line for one another without too much fuss. I guess thats the same for any group, but I"m finishing this thought to see if captcha gives me chimneys for talking about jews.

Kek, it did.

Beat women for fun.

Probably move to UAE
Live in the Burj Khalifa
Have a harem of women
Smoke hookah and hash all day

The Jews we talk about aren't really semitic at all.
Ashkenazi Jews are Europeans LARPing as semites

what makes you believe that Israel, a nuclear power that is allies with both Russia and the US will be destroyed any time soon? These delusions are why arabs can't have nice things.