It's time for a Non White Bond

Yes, it's about time, Pol. Prove that it isn't time. Protip: you can't.

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>It's time
until you can define time you can shut the fuck up.

It's also time for a non white Wakanda oh wait white people already did that in real life

*White wakanda

Bond doesn't need saving.
It needs to be replaced by something that isn't fucking Die Hard or the #45646th Fast & Furious part.

M sends Bond on his most difficult mission ever:
Find your father

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Jamal Bond in From Africa with Ebola

If Hollywood is committed suicide by “inclusion” that is cool. The Han Solo movie tanked, not because it sucked, but because of protest against The Last Jewdi. Let the underclasses have the cinema. Off-Broadway theater is gearing up to be lit in 2019 anyway.

Get woke, go broke.
Have at it. Then you will tell us that audiences
no longer like spy movies.

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But I like Idris Elba :(