It begins

It begins

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Let’s go!

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>on the USMCA

jfc. Who cares. What about Sessions, FISA, DiFi, Flake, Kav, DNC . . . Big news of the day is more trucker jobs. Pfffft.

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Banned Kanye west speech at SNL with commentary!
Spread like wildfire, a good opportunity to redpill the normies !!! Dindus love kanye

Kanye will expose the JEWS

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I'll bet it will be YUGE and generate massive discussion but the mods will wait to make a sticky until it's too late

Screencap this

Only nafta deal announcement
Don't power up the hype thrusters yet

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People don't realize how big of a deal this really is. Not as big as saving the Supreme Court of years but this deal is still yuge.

People all across the Midwest care. Trump's approval has been low there for a while because of the trade war with Canada. Now that it's over he's going to broadcast this and the Midwest will suck his dick again. Trump's approval is about to go above 50%.

we could be creating our own north american union, like that of the eu... we could even get south america involved.... they would welcome the help. and trump saves the west

Hahaa perfect. It’s party time.

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Same Gematria values.
What could Trump have meant by this?

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Trudeau is done as a politician. Trump ended him.

Best fucking prez ever

I could totally see more people wanting to join in. I would rather the deal have as many involved as possible instead of several agreements. I think it would keep more involved for a longer period of time. Could you imagine if China agreed to something like this?

>you can't just come up with a new NAFTA
>that's not how it works, you're so stupid
>it will never ever happen
>trump doesn't have the respect needed to make it happen

I hope he announces at the news conferences that in the agreement is money for the wall.

Wall will come after midterms. This has been Trump's plan.

Here's a link to the upcoming livestream.
1hr 30min away.

Lmfao you dont even know.
Some farmers are pissed because of the basedbean tariffs on China you ignorant shill
Too bad farmers are the minority here so to corporate farming, and they hire illegals instead of locals. They can get fucked. The midwest loves the God emperor

>Trump has a chance to create a new NAFTA deal to protect workers
>puts in globalist TPP measures like draconian IP protections and lengthening drug patents which were taken out of TPP after the US pulled out
"I'm a super elite!"

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>ohio, wisconsin, pa, mn, mi all voting D senators

Fuck off, cornnigger. Why do brainlets like you post when you're objectively wrong, Trump's approval ratings are lowest in the midwest when compared to his actual election results indicating that cornniggers are assblasted. Now fuck off.

>canadian crying that he can't fuck over americans by taking our drug patents and making cheap knockoffs, causing americans to get fucked over by the pharma companies that charge americans more to compensate

We should have just nuked you

>defending big pharma lobbyists
Dumbass shill.

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Meh, Mexico will always be a bad country regardless of this deal, only (((them))) benefits from this deal

There's nothing good in this country.

Trump's such a fucking fraud

Sure thing.

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