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Why do Amerimutts keep on making these threads while hiding behind EU memeflags?
You disgusting hybrids will never be part of the superior EVROPEAN race.
If EU is NC then who's TR and VS?
Subhumans are not allowed in this thread
VS is ZOGmerica
TR is Russia
more like Ewwropa.
The EU is a white power organization and racist towards Jews (e.g. they hate Facebook, Google and Apple).
but the EU love niggers
4d chess to redpill the major european powers' populations so they approve recolonization
oh boi
China - TR
EU - VS (but even more jewish)
>Based and redpilled
Ugh... imagine all the people
yeah no, NC is literally stereotypical muh freedom burgers. europe would be more vanu because europ is gay
The EU hates silicon valley, because silicon valley has money and isn't controlled by the EU.
>you're not white unless you're 100% bavarian phenotype
This is why you'll lose
the usa was literally founded on the concept of white lebensraum,
the eu was founded on sucking brown cocks and committing suicide
I fucking love it when Euro maps are shown with that tiny bit of Turkey that contains Istan- I mean Constantinople.
But do we get to federalize though?
Based EVROPA poster.
shut up niggerlover
He was killing whites on mass while making deals with muslims and letting jews set themselves among his council.
you still love niggers and arabs
>You disgusting hybrids will never be part of the superior EVROPEAN race.
>Subhumans are not allowed in this thread
Winners of Europe-vision.
The new face of France.
I'm waiting to the next EU elections where you globalists will be annihilated.
have a thread theme:
who the PMs really represent.
Sweet, sweet Europa. But for europeans something is missing, I think.
Man, it must suck being an Amerimutt hybrid.
Even, I'm more EVROPEAN than the average Amerimutt because I don't have any Hispanic or Native American blood in me.
>Feels good to be EVROPEAN
I fucking knew it was final countdown without even clicking the link
ifl that game. Russia is hard as shit to play though.
Do what you must Ivan, if nuking EU will save humanity from globalism, DO IT, DO IT IVAN!
Still masterrace.
>Even, I'm more EVROPEAN than the average Amerimutt because I don't have any Hispanic or Native American blood in me.
In all honesty, the boomers were the ones that fell for the 1/64 native American meme. When my grandpa did a DNA test and saw the results then looked at all the ancestral surnames, he started clearing out all of his proto-American Indian crap and started watching Vikings.
Master-of-the-pipes race.
How is that working out for you? Sure we are pretty cucked here in Sweden right now but we won't be a minority in our own country by 2040 atleast.
Lookie here some NC faggots
That is one smug anime girl.
Probably earlier, you know you'll fight tooth in nail for the refugees germoney is trying to spread through the eu
post 23andme for proof
The real red pill is that Roman culture of centralisation and emperor worship killed the druid/bard traditions and native teachings of the Celts, Germans, Slavs and other races. Jesus was also a druid, who used the language of the birds/bards, and he was persecuted for his attempt to teach the masses how to attain the divine power of this language.
This message is for one who has ears to hear.
Go inhale some mustard gas, kike.