Namibia follows SA with land reform pledge

>Namibian President Hage Geingob vowed on Monday to push ahead with land redistribution, echoing the government of neighbouring South Africa, where the issue has become a fierce political battleground.

>"Many Namibians were driven off their productive land," Geingob said at the opening of a national conference in Windhoek to discuss new land policy.

>"The fundamental issue is the inequality... We also share a burning land issue and a racialised distribution of land resources with South Africa.

>"This comes from a common history of colonial dispossession. What we also agree to is that the status quo will not be allowed to continue."

Another one bites the Dust, add Namibia to the list of failed Rhodesia and South Africa.

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Other urls found in this thread: 12-33 The Defense of Duffer's Drift.pdf

source on image
They have been doing it for years
Not really new.

They tried that multiple times already
I doubt that this would happen
I pray for my german brothers in Südwest

these girls look pretty happy considering they are being held captive by niggers in some sort of .. hot .. box. at least they have beer AND water.

WW3 happens and Germany invades taking the land back from the nogs and making everything up to the equator safe for white settlers again in Africa.

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More pics

I... uh.. sauce?

If only niggers followed the principle of "the land belongs only to the natives" in Europe too
Everyday i grow tired with these apes' arrogance

we all do. a new purge cannot come fast enough.

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I wonder how long it will take until they starve.

>Many Namibians were driven off their productive land
I would love to ask him what exact crops they were farming there before white people.

The left one looks pretty young...

>"the land belongs only to the natives"

Why do you think the BBC pushes shit like Black Julius Caesar and "Africans have always been a part of Europe."

Don't you see? They're the real natives and Europeans just need to accept it and stop being racist.

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Are those cuties from South Africa?

No need for an invasion. Bayer got a monopol on the african crop production.. guess why zimbabwe suddenly failed to produce anything after expelling their whites.

I would not mind that the West was 100% White and Africa 100% Black.
Good riddance.

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This is why we should kick every single nigger out of white countries.

Like wealth just sprouts out of "the land" every time it rains.


Fucking niggers. When will this shit end? When will this shit start on other continents?Fucking niggers.

Calm down Timmy. Your virginity is safe.


Cut all aid to non-Western countries.

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imagine the smell

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mmmmmmmmm. Beer and Pussy. Where is The Kav?

>take land back
>no longer produces anything
>clearly the white devil took it with him to Europe. Europe we demand you give us back our productivity

The land is arid in Namibia, What are blacks going to do with it?

The best resource they got are the white people who live there. why would they want to drive the white people out? the people who generate wealth and jobs for the people?

Why are they so stupid. It's the white's that are helping the economy, not the useless land they own, which is practically desert.

Africa will show us what a white minority will suffer
America will he next
Maybe...MAYBE these events will open the eyes in Europe

What is the non-white population in the UK? Especially now that you have a nigger Royal?

Individual Movements:

The Defense of Duffer’s Drift 12-33 The Defense of Duffer's Drift.pdf

Pretty sure that Greek building was funded and built in like the 2nd century by Romans.

Fucking disgusting kikes

nigger are you stupid?

Always remember to eradicate the abos, colonists.

Surfline is running a lot of ads to visit your country. I am white w/ blonde hair. Would it even be safe for me to come there?

stick to the white neighborhoods and you'll be fine. Though even world famous tourist spots here have been contaminated by opportunistic thieves

I understand the sentiment, but can ANY of these Communists run a hot-dog Stand? Oh, and after pissing off the white world, what’s the plan when everything crashes and burns?

Besides Orania is there a whiter town than Durbanville?

go on strike, demand welfare, blame whites.

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quite a few, and they're easy to spot. Just look for the upmarket paradises that stick out from the filth and squalor.

They can have it all for themselves.

Camps bay beachfrint used to be a prestige Hotspot for travelers, now it's a nigger den during the weekends for them to pollute with junk such as KFC bones, broken glass bottles and their fucking smell (I just smell moisturizer and nig).


Sorry sweety, Europe belongs to the black man too

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it's terrible, and you can smell them when you just drive past a plakkerskamp. it's like they infest the very earth with their stench

Soon, Israel will be getting blacked, don't worry :)

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WTF not posting child pornography I hope


In Africa, it does. Africa has everything to grow civilization and instead it’s just a bunch of dirty apes. At least Eurasian and American apes know how to get things done.

That's Nambla not Namibia

>what’s the plan when everything crashes and burns?

That's the funniest part. There are already NGOs and (((various groups))) with a vested interest in the success of these countries pumping money in by the boatload - and they'll still fail, like they always do. The Chinese coming in and taking control is the only viable path to stability for them, and of course that'll be (and already is being) decried in the west as neo-colonialism when things actually start to turn around. Aside from the imminent African population explosion (which should keep everyone up at night), the next couple of decades are going to be entertaining. Big laffs all around.

Don't you think the cut of aid to Africa will curb the pop explosion?

Fuck I thought we had made a lasting impression there and they more or less had their shit together.

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Wtf they used to be ourguyz

what? malaria and aids alone kill tens of thousands yearly, not to mention malnutrition and wars and a hundred other things. Aid in the form of mosquito nets, food, and medicine will definitely result in a boom

it's hilarious how people say Africa was, in fact, home to some kind of advanced civilization, and that this has been somehow covered up. One simple fact debunks this entirely: lions. Lions used to be pretty much everywhere - Europe and the middle east included. The dawn of civilization in both places quickly rendered them extinct. The simple fact that lions still exist in Africa proves beyond all doubt there was never such a thing as an advanced civilization

I mean, cutting the aid.


>expecting niggers to build societies on their own
Glass the whole continent
Not a god damn thing redeemable about the whole place

sorry man, guess I'm guilty of some selective reading there

No smell. You can even fart freely in sauna because the surrounding air is hotter than the fart, thus the cooler farty air will descend near the floor, unable to rise up to the level of your nose.

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No worries bra.

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i love the smell of science

muh dick is redy

Dibs on afro-krauts. Come back home.

thats a good tip, thanks user

Banned Kanye west speech at SNL with commentary!
Spread like wildfire, a good opportunity to redpill the normies !!! Dindus love kanye

Kanye will expose the Jew
>he will redpill the masses of NPCs
>he is a golem, and we will turn him against his Jewish masters!!...

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man, what fertile qts

what did kek mean by this

also, why do women bother covering their bodies anymore when bathing suits essentially show 99%

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ok whats going on goys

he's schizophrenic

They look like they smell bad.

I'll let the jews win if I can continue to get my steady stream of catgirl tiddies

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Probably relaxing before taking his seat on the SCOTUS.

>doubting the sand harvest

You watch those nature documentaries on the cable? See the one about lions?

Nothing new. I was talking about it about a year ago and earlier this year on here but was called a liar/exaggerator etc.

that's central america you total faggot, not africa

wtf do you know about Durbanville, 'Merican?

The lion laughs at the silliness of the nigger.

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Awe bra!

hey man. my gf made me watch dark tourism last night on netflix, with that faggot kiwi libtard (((journalist))). it was the SA episode and i was livid with rage inside by the time it was done. gf could tell I was upset, so i explained to her how biased he was (she agreed) and then I told her how he was blatantly misrepresenting the whites and omitting tons of documented evidence of black on white atrocities throughout the entire region (zimbabwe included).

the red pilling continues, brother. keep up the good fight, stay safe.

Thanks man! Do you know where I can find this episode online? I've heard about it before

all those chinese streaming movie sites usually carry the netflix shows. seriously tho, man... you're gonna throw something at your television.

Nothing can surprise me anymore

let me quick rundown for you

>goes to johanessberg
>takes a white-guilt slumtour by bicycle with a guide, daylight
>oh wow what a vibrant community, its not nearly as bad as everybody says
>still constantly asks stupid questions about if it would be safe for him to be there alone

>goes to see white people in orania
>why do you come here?
>we like the safety and peace user, and the preservation of our culture
>but isnt that false, why do you hate black people?

>decides to see the "real deal" instead since those were just old people
>visits group of preppers
>entire community constantly training to survive a black on white mass slaughter
>"wow it must be hard to live under the delusion of fear all day long"
>"these people are totally ridiculous"
>blames their delusions on their preacher at the end
>completely skips over the fact that everything they are afraid of has already happened in zimbabwe

all my fucking rage.

I love how it always dismissed by liberals as "delusion", when in fact is the the exact opposite. Their "delusion" will be their death sentence, thank God

im seriously hoping he gets raped and murdered at some point on his show. was a funny part where he went out to see some voodoo in a god-forsaken nigger village built out on a lake, i think he came closer than he realised there (and he was shitting his pants on camera).

at least that part was amusing.

So are we gonna bring back /namibia/ and invade those niggers or what? There's only a couple million niggers in the entire country. After we take over Namibia, we could set up new and massively efficient solar desalination plants and turn the desert into arable land. All we need to do is say that the white south africans are refugees and bam!, white people are suddenly the majority in Namibia and have all the power.

/namibia/ is how you get vice articles about your plans written. Setup a chat somewhere to vet people and organize while BTFOing lurkers and those that do not produce something useful or bring skills to the table.

>44k whites
>1% of your entire white population lives in this town

That's only because of white flight... Durbanville barely existed 10-15-20 years ago. They all used to live in Parow, Bellville, Oakdale etc. But coloureds have spread from the southern suburbs into the north, which is why the suburbs just keep expanding inland. That's how bad it is here. Cape Town just transformed into just massive continuous neighborhood. SPRAWL EVERYWHERE. Durbanville is only so white because it's new and costs a bit more than the other suburbs but there is no clear distinct borders between the suburbs.

I meant the idea, not the board, but the entire point was to make a statement about the acceptance of unchecked non-white immigration to white nations, but the complete and total verboten nature of white people immigrating to non-white nations and changing their demographics, and [addict] news played right into our clutches. Too bad no one reads their amateur diatribe, but what pissed me off is they actually warned the government. It doesn't matter, because we could still conquer their little nigger country if we wanted too, and I'm starting to think that we actually really should even though I would never live there, I hate that much sun and heat.

They are giving free land to any black americans wishing to return to africa;)