Trudeau/NAFTA fucked the little people again

Trump and Turdeau just renegociated NAFTA here's the deal ;

>Canada was selling dairy products to USA cheaper than to Canadians
>Canada was imposing 350% tax on dairy from USA while USA only charged 25% on canadian imports
>Trump wanted free trade, canada was like "oh shit canadians will figure out we have been intentionally driving prices up"
>Trudeau makes a new deal then litterally run out of the room into his truck and leave
>new deal doesnt tax USA dairy but they are unallowed to drive the prices down

This is canada, this is socialism, the little people will have to pay, again and again and again while the cartels and criminal faggot sock wearing pieces of shit laugh in our face

Fucking disgusting

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you're canadian and probably an urbanite why should i trust anything you post?

Not our problem.

I say this

This is the solution to canada and it's bullshit and there's literally no argument against it
We've been fucked by these fuckers for years here. Even the original NAFTA deal was created with about zero thought for the west and it's economic needs

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I feel for you leafs.
Must suck to have a president who isn't doing what's best for his people.

Stop eating dairy

Just look it up, im not saying trump is wrong here, its trudeau who is a fucking nutjob

I wasnt saying that it was, i wish we had trump dealing for us

Yeah its fucking shit user

No shit, you guys could have come along for the ride, but no, your faggot PM had to be a virtue signalling nwo numale faggot.