What's wrong with selfishness?

What is wrong with prioritizing your own interests before others? You guys believe that nations should be able to pursue their own interests, doesn't that mean that the individuals in those nations should be able to do so?

What's wrong with trying to get as much as you possibly can?

Attached: gold.png (580x400, 555K)

Most people do. But depending on your values it is immoral/degenerate etc...

This is true. So would you discourage it, or encourage it? Because collectivism can be degenerate as well. An example would be those hippie communes that developed in the last century.

>What's wrong with trying to get as much as you possibly can?
Nothing, if you can do it without thinking of other people as a tool.

Absolutely nothing wrong with it.

But don't you think that people are regarded as utilities to some extent?

If I have friends, I see them as means for happiness and social acceptance. A woman is a utility towards family rearing. But I still treat them as people with feelings and needs! Or do you think I'm pushing the analogy?

Would depend on the context. I would encourage familial and civic duty

Literally every decision you take is selfish. ITT a bunch of brainlets

Would you encourage civic duty if it meant serving people who don't necessarily advance your interests? It's your civic duty to pay taxes, but what if the state uses taxes to pursue goals that contradict your own?

Attached: whos that guy.jpg (600x245, 27K)