King toot wuz a deformed redneck

>king toot wuz a deformed redneck
Do people unironically believe this shit?

Attached: F8A04F75-EC33-4349-AA01-300477C4695B.jpg (799x423, 35K)

by the Hyksos dynasty the jewish infection had reached the upper class through religious orders.
Race mixing was encouraged along with inbreeding as well.
toots was just the result of jewish genetic engineering

That's an NPC if I ever saw one.

Well what do you expect from dynastic interbreeding? pic related

Attached: habsburg.jpg (699x350, 54K)

He came off a chariot, they're dangerous things them.

You're gonna make yourself look daft here.

I know, those people are crazy. He was obviously a BLACK KANG!

That sounds like a jew also filled the autopsy record huh.
I can feel the nose from here.

>I can feel the nose from here.
why ? you can clearly see charles's nose

>Lives in Egypt
>Skin still white af
Fuck off

mmm look at the size of the hips

god tier twink / femboy if his foot wasn't deformed i'd hump his feetsies OwO

8/10 would struggle snuggle x3