Attached: IMG_20181001_102843.png (1080x1238, 269K)
Oh boy. It's that time of year again
Nolan Roberts
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Kevin Diaz
Twitter is used to mobilize and facilitate propaganda campaign movements between the msm and their senior operatives, who wear blue checks. When Twitter is destroyed this agitprop link will be broken then you can have your way with them.
Happy birthday, Jow Forums.
The hour is now.
Kevin King
>Random tweet from unverified twitter account
Pure goddamn spam and yet goddamn nigger faggot mods allow it.
Camden Nelson
That’s fine no one will wear or buy your costumes and we’ll forget about your culture completely
Juan Phillips
If you see one crazy comment on twatter, you can guarantee 99,999 others are saying it too, because they're all a hivemind.
Adrian Green
>stereotypes lead to violence
> "Look! a sexy indian costume with the headdress and painted face!
Must admit, I never heard of this happening.
Nathan Torres
Im going to be a chief this halloween thanks to that post. Fuck you chug.
Gabriel Johnson
In going in blackface and leg irons. Fuck anyone who says I can't, cause im going to, and carry my .38 too.
Joseph Cox
>Non-natives so fragile
>Natives were slaughtered by the millions and genocided.
Jack Baker
one day Jow Forums will learn that the best way to deal with women is by ignoring them, nothing they say has any value. Besides reproduction, they are intrinsically useless.
Samuel Lee
Halloween is white mans holiday. They can wear whatever they want. These people didn't even celebrate Halloween until white people let them into their countries.
Dominic Richardson
Name one costume that leads to violence against a minority, fucking cunt
Kayden Scott
>Non-natives are so fragile
Might be right
Chase Jones
Non-natives as in immigrants?
Caleb Mitchell
Logan Jackson
thats because 9/10 natives are fucking BLEACHED
Lucas Diaz
I made this yesterday because I felt it was my civic duty
Cameron Walker
Dress up as an angry white liberal for Halloween and watch the mental gymnastics when they try and cry 'racism' or 'cultural appropriation'.
Checkmate faggots.
Jacob Wilson
Alright well don't cry when you see armies of skeletons this Halloween
Nathan Bailey
And how exactly does me dressing up as a nigger burning klan member cause violence against niggers you fucking leaf?
Brody Morris
My culture is not a costume.
Samuel Martin
Using native clothing as a prop causes people to see natives themselves as a prop, something there just for the entertainment of others. This makes things like violence or rape more likely because people are more likely to think they can get away with it if it's "just a native"
Nicholas Ramirez
do americans really cosplay as indians that much?
Logan Gutierrez
But the costume is your culture.
Eli Torres
Is this satire? I can't tell. Humour is not in my code.
Charles Cox
This. It's rarely natives but usually some uppity white hipster that can't even come up with an original insult.
2015 right wingers: "Snowflake"
2018 leftyfags: "Y-Y-your the snowflake." *REEEES loudly at literally any-fuckin-thing
Brandon James
Someone should do the meme of the autistic screeching crab hand squatter except its REEEing at a white person in a sombrero and a guy in black face
Aiden Turner
I shold write that main stream western
"The adventures of Princess Little Beaver"
And rack in the free protest advertising
Carson Rodriguez
They are legitimately upset about children playing cowboys and indians. They are mental children throwing tantrums in an effort to keep as much sympathy as possible focused on them forever. If you wear a costume, you are LITERALLY committing an act of violence.
Jose Butler
Keep in mind these are the same people that are okay with any culturally significant, fiction or historical, white figures being replaced by whoever they feel ethnically represents them. That's what matters. As far as Halloween goes, if you're upset that a black kid wants to dress up as a cowboy or a white kid wants to throw on a Lebron jersey, you're a fun governor.
Kek, checks out.
Jaxon Rivera
What is this shit?
>At party with obvious white girl in native indian constume
>Now rape is acceptable because of costume
What kind of backwards logic is this
Daniel Hall
>"non-native so fragile"
>die from touching a blanket
Grayson Wilson
I think this is about the stupidest shit I've ever read
Brandon Hill
I'm dead serious. How does me, in the company of my friends, laughing and drinking dressed up as a klan member, one day of the year, cause violence against blacks?
Adrian Thompson
Yeah, my buddy bought a whole headdress because he's an edgelord
Jaxon Green
We need to start dressing in traditional European clothing for Halloween and screech everytime a non-white does the same.
Seriously though, I think context matters. If you're trying to be disrespectful then you're obviously going to trigger people. But if you're just wearing a traditional Native American headdress, why the fuck would that offend Native Americans?
Dylan Wright
All dudes should dress in those goofy handmaid tale dresses. The feminists would shit their fucking pants.
Robert Gomez
That's what we should do. Go out for Halloween dressed as Ghosts.
Logan Sanders
If you would read the image in OP's post, you would see that she complains about stereotypes.
You have to dress up as a nigger to offend her
Jaxon Clark
whites are the only true racial minority so it’s true
Mason Murphy
I'm just answering the faggot leaf who posted the klansman costume.
Jackson Peterson
Yeah and video games cause violence and porn causes people to go out and rape. What stupid logic.
Thomas Bell
>actually believing this is happening despite there being no evidence whatsoever
and i thought far right extremists were the ones imagining things, yet crime and iq stats more or less support their claims wew lad
Josiah Adams
Ok so what's the excuse for immigrants raping whites in your country? A costume?
Evan Flores
I’m 22 yrs old and I’ve NEVER seen a Native in my life. Nobody gives a fuck about them
Carson Green
What tribe is she in?
Can you use internet on the reservation?
Joseph Clark
please stop using the word natives. it implies that white people don't have a homeland and/or there are no stereotypes about white people.
no one bats a fucking eye when shitskins wear western cultural costumes. shitskins so fragile they can't share
Dominic Lee
Then why is "native" wearing white man's clothes? Is the bitch related to Levi Strauss or his haplogroup? If not, back to suede ass chaps and a head full of feathers or she can shut the fuck up. How about get off the white man's internet invention while she's at it?
Bitch, where's my pemmican?
Jason Reed
here comes halloween
Jacob Reed
>see white person dressed as native
>go to a casino and punch an indian
Every damn year. I just can't help myself.
Angel Davis
Samuel Bailey
Just dress like an SS Brigadenfuhrer. I mean to work, not Halloween.
Carson Robinson
My girlfriend wore an Ebola Chan costume in Oregon and everyone loved it.
Joseph Hernandez
Sebastian Sullivan
>Using native clothing as a prop causes people to see natives themselves as a prop
I'll take "Things That Don't Actually Happen, but Liberals Obsess About" for 100, Alex.
Landon Nelson
Im going as a butthurt SJW snowflake, my goal is to annoy as many people with my retarded ideology as possible.
Brody Hill
she means sexual violence.
white men who see sexy indian costumes get a subconscious desire to colonize that they'll act upon if it's not kept in check.
Jaxson Edwards
>dress up as a drunken Irishman
>nobody says anything because Irish are white so its not offensive
Eli Baker
Yes, this. I'm confused as well. Is non-natives referring to people who aren't American Indians? You niggers should have stuck with Indians and not tried this "Native American" nonesense. Nobody knows what you're on about.
Anyway, my kids will dress up as whatever they want to, this bitch can go fuck herself with a lodge pole.
Lucas Reyes
>Ghosts now racist.
Can't be a frankenstein it might offend jews.
Leo Parker
Glassed a cunt last Halloween pulling that same shtick down at Nectar's in Burlington. Offensive to me, but I have no plans to leave it on Twitter.
David Powell
Its pretty crazy how liberals REFUSE to acknowledge Irish as anything. Its like because they arent black they never suffered a single aggression in their life
Colton Williams
>new poll finds 9 in 10 native american's are too drunk to care about the redskins name
Kevin Cook
>pats hand against mouth
who gives a fuck? Have another drink, featherhead.
Aaron Adams
Best Jew costume ideas? I want to dress up as a shekel sniffer and carry around a subversive sign.
Jacob Murphy
I don't wanna see any darkies wearing this. That's cultural appropriation.
Austin Evans
Why does it puzzle you? Europeans, especially the wretches known as the British think it's hilarious to shit on their neighbors. Who can say exactly how they square the circle of allowing other foreigners to fuck them out of existence, but grudges run deep, even if they're pointless.
Hunter Sullivan
Get some curls and a yarmulke and carry around a sign that says: Remember the 6 million
Isaac Edwards
Banned Kanye west speech at SNL with commentary!
Spread like wildfire, a good opportunity to redpill the normies !!! Dindus love kanye
Kanye will expose the Jew
>he will redpill the masses of NPCs
>he is a golem, and we will turn him against his Jewish masters
Josiah Foster
The only people committing violence against natives on a any relevant scale are other natives. Guess they shoudln't wear their tribal garb around themselves.
Chase Collins
Literally the only people who get bent by sexy Halloween costumes are hideous unfuckable trolls. Imagine that.
Carter Young
It's a great time of the year when you can drop nukes on libs and spread the reality that Egypt was not a black empire. There are no such thing as "Native" Americans and that they are just a mixture of European and Asiatic peoples. If they wan't to cry about native garb just show them pictures of Proto-Germanic peoples who dressed exactly like you would expect any "Native" to. It's a wonderful time of the year to pound historical nails into numb skulls.
Samuel Fisher
Ryan Wood
I’m going as a cowboy and my Latina Native American girlfriend is going as an Indian so suck my dick
Aaron White
This was traditional European clothing too.
Aiden Phillips
>Remember the 6 million
I like that one. I think I will have one sign that says that and another that says something like "Abolish all Borders, (except in Israel)"
Kevin Mitchell
If you kill your enemies they win
Lincoln Gonzalez
>be native
>get slaughtered
>non natives are fragile
Julian Edwards
>lead to violence against our people
What violence? getting shot when you try to rob a liquor store?
Josiah Moore
Who cares? Native Americans have super low birth rates. They aren't even going to be around by the end of the century.
Dylan Baker
how the fuck does wearing a stereotypical costume lead to violence? correlation causation blah blah#
Jonathan Powell
>non-natives so fragile
>natives btfo by literal blankets
Angel White
>be native
>get drunk and trip into a ditch
>lay there and die because to drunk to get up
Kayden Mitchell
I demand that women dress exactly like Brazilian Indias.
Hell, I demand women dress like Brazilian Indias even when it's not Halloween!
Elijah Allen
i'm like 1/8th Sioux Indian. although i look like a blonde hair blue eyed Scottish mutt. am i disqualified?
David Mitchell
celebrating Halloween is cultural appropriation unless youre Irish
lets be consistent dumbfucks
Dylan Baker
Hudson Wilson
That's supposed to be the Tyrolean Iceman, right?
Asher Allen
Stellmoor people
John Kelly
Isaac Russell
How long do the natives have to be dead or genetically absorbed for them to not be relevant?
Henry Kelly
If you look white or are smart, you're white. East Asians are considered white by shitlibs and kikes.
Jacob Hill
Halloween is a white holiday. Any non-whites celebrating it are culturally appropriating European culture.