Is the incel meme true?

Are white men struggling to find sex in our post Trumpian era? Are white Women choosing Black,Hispanic and Asian men over white men because they’re evil. Are we being cucked by the Jews.

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No, people don't want to associate with racist pigs. If you're rich or especially good looking you can be human garbage and still get laid, but you need to be rich enough or good looking enough to compensate for your opinions being garbage. Religion is the only other way ugly conservatives get laid, and you actually have to appear presentable and Christian in public, which is too much for most.

That's why you can't get laid. Or it's the cat piss and desperation smell than hangs around you all the time.

Very true but all white men are racist so what are we to do?

Ok this is epic


Am white boomer, married with three kids. Created bumble profile for fun see what happens. hundreds of messages, possibly 1000s over the course of 4-5 days. It was ridiculous. Regular white guy and everything. I think we are still ok and this kikes opinion doesn’t matter at all.

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I detect a really fat woman behind this low effort bait

>I satisfy my impotent rage by building strawmen and attacking them because I lack the ability to act like a normal person long enough to write out an argument that makes sense.
I know, user.

Could you imagine if a white girl wrote this about niggers lmao
And she cites crime and disease statistics as justification lololol

>am I finally done with black guys?
>I used to pine after black guys.
>then one punched me in pregnant stomach

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Your original argument is a strawman. Where are my upvotes now for using buzzwords?



and the proof

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>The Cunt

user don't be a faggot.
Who cares if this heeb authoress sucks off Tyrone and takes Pedro in her ass?

>Are white Women choosing Black,Hispanic and Asian men over white men [...] ?
NO. This is just a terrible wrong ass demoralization post by some shill.
We're with you guys, we trust you, please don't worry.

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No, of course not go back to fapping to anime

>white boys won't date my fat jewish ass
>I am so done with white boys
Chaps, I am so done with pristine top 1% of beauty Japanese virgins. It's over between us.

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It's some dreadlocked black chick.
Good fucking riddance.

How'd you make it to the czechia, libbie?

Most people do not give a shit about politics, and white men are way too attractive for other reasons to ever be counted out of the game, no matter what stigmas there are. Sexual stigmas used to be way worse in the past but people still fucked anyway. Don't worry, there are always ways to get laid if you really want to.

Just don't talk about politics with women or you'll become a pariah among every woman they know.

I can afford to travel.

LOL Imagine being this delusional

Just lmfao at Democuck leftist incels getting so buttmad that maga chads are fucking all the women

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White men have returned to virtue. They are not interested in banging dozens of skanks on Tinder. They are looking for wives.

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Bullshit. Be a man and don’t apologize for it. Panties will be wet.

LOL no. PRC shill pls go

Pls explain

>>White Men
>>Being virtuous
Lmao, outside of Jow Forums they’re all aimless degenerates.

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I detect a fat inbred woman.

How does your artificial nation even have access to the web?

You already posted, user.

you PRC

What’s a prc?

"Incels" are just pussies who need to start being manlier. It's that simple.

I live in Portland, finding sex has never been challenge if you're white here. almost all the anti white bitches exclusively fuck white dudes here. most of the pussy is pretty shit though, a lot of women here have no hygiene and if you want a relationship this is not the right place to be but for sex it's whore central.

>Make strawman
>cry when someone does it to you

how do you even function outside of the internet?

>Are white men struggling to find sex?

>Anons: Why aren't we giving in to the barbaric narrative and have sex, guys? SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX!

Jesus fucking christ this is why i sometimes wanna kill every motherfucker that i see. You're all so obsessed with social norms and shit instead of obsessing over doing good for yourself.

Shill thread. Kikes ramping up the rhetoric. Everyone wants to be white.

>>Everyone wants to be white
But no one wants white dick so it seems.

If you're a fit, middle class + clean cut white guy you're at the top of the dating food chain.

>fit, tall, middle class + clean cut white guy you're at the top of the dating food chain.

For reference, this is Collier Meyerson.

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I guarantee the whites that she "pines over" the most are the most racist ones.

Lmao in what world. Everyone wants a cool black boyfriend

You're being too obvious, try to be more subtle. Here's a token (You) for the effort, it's the only one you're getting.

oh no! this liberal beauty is turning her backs on white men! guys, seriously! if we can stop making things great again, this stunning fawn may start dating us again! her undeniable allure and stunning elegance is pulling me towards white guilt, false gender neutrality and onion boy status! i would give up anything, including the betterment of society, to simply rub her feet!

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Wtf no. It’s true though. Most women LOVE black guys because they have swagger and are fun to be around. Sorry if that makes you insecure.

I like Asian pussy. Yellow wife for me. Byebye, white bitchez.

What a tragic loss for the white race. We will miss her immensely.

>every male's penis mutilated at birth
>women join workforce
>Wages cut by 50%
>Federal Reserve devalues currency of the goyim by 96%
>crashes economy on purpose and buys stock market via insider trading
>9/11 trauma-based mind control

"Why can't men support families?"

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This stuff is made to trigger the losers, get it together and get out there faggots

I can’t all the white girls hate white guys because we’re oppressive or some shit. It’s drier than the Sahara out there.

Move mf

What does mf mean? It’s the same literally everywhere

Keep believing that, kike

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Those white women don't look like pic related

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That’s what I see every time I leave the house. Beautiful young blue eyed white girls with niggers

i think they are okay i fuck white guys all the time

actually, if you're good looking enough, girls won't care if you're a racist. Jamie, pull that picture up

Yeah that’s cos you’re a gay white guy yourself

Let me help you troglodytes out. This is one of the best times to get laid being a white guy. Why? The forbidden fruit phenomenon. Girls can't help but be attracted to things the authorities tell them to stay away from. As long as you are attractive and don't apologize for who you are, you can get some of that forbidden fruit pussy.
This is how black dudes manage to pull white girl ass in the south.

Pft nah it’s just making girls hate us. Black guys get white girls in the south because they’re hot and alpha

All about confidence anyway unless you REALLY do like a fucking 3/10 or lower.

Not yet.

>you're incel because you're incel

Yea, it's sort of catch 22. Easy remedy - go sexpatting to a tourist trap of a slav 3rd world country (polsko by byla lepsi volba), and live off US welfare in there, like a king.

Slav roasties love some liberal burger dick (so make sure to have all the stereotypical US liberal mannerisms from TBBT), especially if you're black.

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>Mar. 21, 2017
Am I Finally Done With Kike Slides?


She has a point though. Most people are fed up with white mens shit.

Article is written by some ugly ass half-nigger. The white men don't you, don't worry.

This. White man has poisoned this Earth for long enough.

Women just have to close their legs and it’s over

Clearly no one wants white men either.

>white men have poisoned this earth for long enough.

White men are the sole reason North and South America and Europe are the thriving, civilized, and technologically advanced counties they are today. If it weren't for us, people in the Americas would be still running around hitting eachother with sticks.

Also, where your people are from, they can't even get food or water and make houses out of mud. Based right? Your entire race is sub-human.

lol guess ill just die

For the best incel

The "Incel" meme was created by Facebook & the Canadian Intelligence Agencies as a two fold way to cover up the attack and strike out at Jow Forums

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Why is a journalist posting pictures of high-school students and asking if "she" is done with white guys?

You want to see a Pedo alert look at Twitter

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I doubt it. If we assume the memes of what women like (money and big dicks), white men are the best option.
Black men: Big dicks, dirt poor.
Hispanic men: Average dicks, pretty poor.
Asian men: Small dicks, Richest
White men: Second biggest dick, Second richest.

any time she wants to pay the toll, the coal is there waiting to be burned

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Being tall and white with a small dick is life on hardmode.

most islamic suicide fighters are incels
most antifa members are incels
most conservatives are Jow Forums and have families

Every single time.
Jow Forums is always right.

>We're with you guys, we trust you, please don't worry.

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>Those white women don't look like pic related

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>Nothing of value was lot.

I'm fucking a democrat on capitol hill. I'm in Arlington, Virginia and drive in on the weekends to her apartment Friendship Heights in DC. I don't think I can redpill her though, she's too far gone.

>its a nigger

mulatto cryptojews are quite literally the worst. i know one casually who once brought up the world cup during a story and then with zero context or prompting reminded us that africa won it for france before continuing on with her story