America's Malls Empty Retail Space Problem

Can Jow Forums spot the problem? Also, 80's mall heyday thread.

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we should turn them into concentration camps

They'd be really easy to convert into mixed-use residential or office spaces, but most communities don't have local governments that are savvy enough to be flexible with zoning and redevelopment.

t. developer

Going anywhere that isn't purely white really sucks. If your customers aren't white then there will be more theft. Then you close the store because it isn't worth it. Repeat.

Too many malls want to be the king, they all build malls, but all can't survive. It's simple logic. Nothing to worry, this is normal in mall logic.

Niggers ruined malls. Its not bad enough they loiter and act loud and obnoxious, but they're violent too. Just a month or so ago I heard our biggest local mall had some niggers shoot someone inside there. I've heard about the same thing happening there at least 5x before in the past; it seems to be a regular occurrence at this point. With nigger free shopping experiences like Amazon around now, its no wonder whites don't go there anymore.

I haven’t been to the mall for years until some months ago I needed some engraving and remembered the was a shop there. The shop was closed and there was a homeless nog wanting me to buy him lunch. Not in the parking lot but inside the fucking mall.

Empty malls are a tremendous opportunity. There is mixed use redevelopment like and they can be turned into colleges, workshops, light industry or other dedicated purposes.

This is actually a pretty good idea user.

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last time I went to a mall it was filled with niggggeeerrrs so I never went back. Just like downtown used to be cool and not get shot up every weekend but now niiiggggeeerrrsss so I dont go there anymore


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pretty much every mall i can think of had to institute a ‘no unaccompanied minors’ rule after roving gangs of nigs and spics were intimidating shoppers. everyone just stopped going because they already ruined it.

malls fucking suck anyway fuck spending hours in lines christmas shopping and finding a parking space.



Maybe if the rent on those spaces wasn't outrageous they'd have more shops. The jew landlords would rather the place fall into the ground than give a goy a break.

It’s been done before. It can work.

This is a stupid idea there aren't enough bathrooms and they're spread out too far.

This is required viewing as to why middle class people are fleeing malls. For some reason, niggers like malls because it's a nice jungle for them to chimp around.

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Problem with turning these places into residential housing is that the same group that ruined the mall would ruin the housing.

The malls near me were 95% white 5% hispanic.
Now its more like 40% black with less whites, and next to 0 hispanics, no one goes to malls to hang out anymore.

your image says it all
>just niggers
>niggers don't have money
>niggers prefer to steal
>niggers prefer to rob white people
>niggers also act like niggers keeping all the good white people with money away.
Mall hires white security = das raysist
Mall hires nigger security = only more nigger come to mall

Malls suck now anyway. I remember being a kid and there were all kinds of cool as fuck stores to go to. The science store, tall kinds of hobby stores, multiple different electronics/games stores, toy stores, etc. Just different shit to walk around and check out.

Now? Clothes stores. Just end to end shitty clothes stores.

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There is a demographic shift that fuels this. The real suburbs, housing with cars close to urban cores, that drove the rise of these destination shopping malls has largely played out. Most of those suburbs are brownburbs on the verge of ghetto. The same classes of people (middle class, middle management, whitish) that used to live in suburbia now live in exurbia. Exurbia is those recently plowed down farms turned to houses that aren't on public transit.
Exurbia is far to spread out to support shopping malls.

Truth. I live in Georgia and have seen niggers over and over destroy a good thing with their violent subhuman ways. Sad, but they great 80s heyday of malls is over in large part because of niggers. The surrounding real estate becomes a wasteland and they move on to the next White area and do it all over again.

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No, the redevelopment includes access control as part of privatizing these spaces.

Is that Somalia of America?

Can someone remind me, is this place in Minnesota?

Dude nobody is going to move into a fucking abandoned mall in Detroit unless they're already a nigger

>tfw you have been in that exact spot the webm was filmed, and have seen the diversity first hand.

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>Can someone remind me, is this place in Minnesota?

>tfw you grew up in that mall and remember how happy and joyful it used to be, filled with beautiful suburban Minnesota white girls.

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You have two major problems

What exactly is there in a mall that a non nigger would want to buy?

I grew up going to that mall all the time as well. Do you remember Camp Snoopy? How about being surrounded by all those blonde haired white people?

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Probably not living but in Detroit something like that could make a decent pop-up college campus.

SO sad we have to stay trapped at home bc of niggers and nonwhites i find myself staying home more and more, we need political revolution EVERYONE ON pol should own a firearm

This thread needs the related Retail History Blog link - it's a sad state of affairs:

>mixed use residential and office space
You know damn right it's just gunna be filled up with niggers and no one will want to open a business there.

AV/Eagan represent, fuck the invading somali niggers

The Ripsaw at Camp Snoopy was my first rollercoaster. I kissed my first blond, blue-eyed white girl there.

malls today are a just a playground for niggers to go and steal while jews shop

can you develop me a girlfriend

people are also getting kinda bored with the whole "buying is living" lifestyle, and just order online, or whatever

Yeah, for some reason they imported a lot of Somalians to Minnesooda. Someone thought they’d all freeze to death, but alas someone else gave them heaters. Now we have an infestation.

perhaps if malls had something in it aside from 40 of the same clothing store

Who the hell still shops at malls? I'm 32 years old and I haven't been to a mall since I was in my teens.

Already happening in San Francisco.

When I was younger I worked at a Radio Shack inside a mall. Every single day, fatass black mammies would pull up and drop their niglets off at the mall by the minivan load. With no money to spend, or maybe just $5 to spend at the arcade (which is spent in 15 minutes) the niglets then would proceed to loiter, steal, harass paying customers, and generally just act loud and obnoxious all fucking day.

To niggers, the mall is just a free babysitting service.

yeah well, everyone has internet, pc games, console games, netflix and what not , so sitting at home is easier. plus... you need friends for the mall...

I'm on the edge of the exurbs. On the other side of the road are farms within walking distance. There are also woods in my neighborhood.

for how long will this escape continue? can something even come after exurbia? that is already extreme, farms that aren't on public transit.

what happens when whitey runs out of places to flee, or is forced by gov to live with darkie?

The pic says it all. Especially the fat nigger bitch pushing a baby around, feeding on hard earned white money. God, niggers are so fucking lazy.

I do because it gives me something to do. In my area malls were packed even in 2008. All the changes that people said happened in 2001 happened in 2009 where I lived.

The mall in my town (there's only 1 and it's surprisingly on the good side of town), has gone into foreclosure but my understanding is the bank already has a buyer for it. What in the fuck do you even do with that much indoor retail space?

oh nevermind

Somewhere around Houston they did this but turned it into doctors' offices. But lolnozoning in Houston. It's such a weird place. You can have a chicken farm next to a daycare and a 24hr rub+tug massage parlor.

Funny thing is now that shitskins have spread from the inner city into suburbia, whites are moving back into and reclaiming inner cities. Though it's mostly hipsters and trendies at this point.

I live in Metro Detroit area. All of those malls are shit tier. Notice how they didn't list Somerset Collection...there is a reason. But mostly because of niggers and spics

just make them huge vr parks.

We don't. You're just being a pussy. I go no matter what the demographics are. I'm not letting society tell me what to do.

Ya I wanted to start a retail shop a few years back as a side business and the amount of money the malls wanted for a modest shop were insane. I got less exposure but just did online and catered independent bands and word got around quick in that community. Also I don't have to worry about getting shoplifted/robbed

There was an amazing mall that was surviving well despite Amazon & other online outlets near me. I guess they wanted to boost profits so they got the city to make a bus line that went from the ghetto directly to this mall. Niggers came and started breaking into peoples cars, begging for money, loitering, harassing women and stealing. Whites stopped going and half the stores closed. Was pretty sad

turn them into cuckpods

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>spot the problem?
>thinking a single picture can summarize anything.

it's weird. you are literally posting on the internet. you don't know internet shopping exists and is hugely popular? or is Jow Forums the only website you visit?

Why would I live there no matter how bad the economy gets if I have my parents?

fpbp. Time to reopen mental insane asylums and put all the Rosie O'Donnells of this world in there.

I'm white but I used to do similar things as a kid. I'd take the bus to the mall and go around to random stores. Never had any money to spend since my family was poor. I never harassed any random people, though I did steal things occasionally. When I was a kid, my parents forced me to be outside in the summer. My mom would kick me out at 8am when she went to work, then I'd be allowed back in around dinner time. Middle class kids invited their friends over to play video games and whatnot, but all of my friends were lower class so we would just spend our days outside getting into trouble.

Speaking of niggers in the mall, some niggers tried to rob the jewelery store at the mall I tend to go to like half a year ago. Dumb monkeys tried to steal during the day whe the mall was open.

I'm pretty sure ford bought the old train station in Detroit. Not sure what they plan to do with it.

Niggers started using the Mall for free Baby setting.
Diversity is the best

Detroit fag reporting. All the nigger malls closed ages ago. You still see a few years mall here and there, but it's more likely poos or sandniggers

turn them into post apocalyptic homeless shelters.

man, it is just an ethnic war by movement, all that diversity crap is such nonsense

Glendale? I was there. It was right after the Florida shooting and people thought it was another mass shooter.

>implying malls dying is abad thing
But that's wrong. Malls are terrible, they always were. The only bad thing about malls finally dying off is that it took so long.

Where do the nogs hang out at now?

>mfw my family has been buying these dying retail centers and malls and converting them to self storage making 15 million a year for the last 5 years

Almost to 100 million dollar net worth thanks to this crisis. When everything cash flows in a few more years, I’ll get about 300k a month of passive income

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Inviting the most subhuman of all nigger breeds into one of the whitest places in the country. (((HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM)))

the peak of civilization.

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Fuck off usurer

Holy fuck is that fair lane shopping mall?

hook me up!

It's not being replaced by anything good though


I was robbed by a white person this one time.

Yup, it's a shame the security guard missed his shot

I would have loved to lived in a place like this in my early 20s. I would have made friends and slayed poon. I'm in my 30s now and I'm a loser.

>you need friends for the mall...

This. I used to have friends when I was in school and I loved going to the mall when I was younger with them. Now I go to work and come home and even video games no longer bring me pleasure. As for friends the people I used to hang out with in college now all live all over the USA. I don't have anyone local I can do anything with and I don't see it changing.

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Dude go to fair lane shopping mall. It is literally all niggers and Arabs literally it will be 5% white at any given time. Oakland mall, Westland mall. All nigger infested.

Economies worldwide will continue to grow
People will yearn to escape the internet and their phones more
They will seek IRL escapes

I want to build a mega theme mall, anywhere, in North Korea or here. Whitelisted (pretty literally), so that no "undesirables" can destroy the mall, as they always tend to do.

Gigantic Casa Bonita-esque theatrics, huge ridiculous roleplay areas you can live in for days (like a cyberpunk laser tag city that looks like brade runner with lots of screaming asians selling pork bun with hot steam pouring out).

will u invest in my idea??? need 900 mil

u reading this kushner???

>They'd be really easy to convert into mixed-use residential or office spaces
Yeah, those don't work.
Look at Severance Town Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio and it's failure.

My local mall became a nigger mall and then went out of business. there is a mall in the rich white area and they tried to make it so buses from the ghetto would make stops there and all the rich white liberals fought it and ended up beating it. It was shocking because for the first time in my life i got to see rich white liberals actually admit they don't want niggers near them. too bad they still push niggers on everyone else though.

Okay? Why should something terrible need to be replaced by anything? Malls have always been trash. They built too many too big too fast in places that could not support them.

Just imagine abandoned malls as housing / communities. It could never work in America because minorities, but you could do all sorts of neat stuff in a place like this.

> Small 100-200 family community. Small enough to keep homogeneous, close enough to cities to remain appealing for professionals.
> Market stalls in the corridors, rotating to encourage fledgling entrepreneurial ventures for people living in the community that can later expand.
> Excess external parking into green space / arable land.
> Excess Underground parking into workshops / storage spaces / roof garden.
> Social "District" with small kinoplex, tavern, live music venue.
> Safe indoor areas for kids to explore and socialize without parental interference / risk.

Only downside i can imagine is if you live in the central part far away from entrances, but i'm sure golf cart shuttles could be easily be utilized. It's like an urban planners wet dream. I would love to live in a place like that with likeminded people.

That’s the gayest thing I’ve ever seen

Checked and what's worse is the friends you made while being an alcoholic... and once you stop drinking they all blow away like leaves in the wind.

They just left the mall near me completely abandoned. junkies and hobos live in it now. Sometimes a nigger will kill another nigger in the parking lot over a bad drug deal but that's about it. they won't even tear it down.

who knew social media would make us all so... anti social and lonely?

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>Westland mall
We also had a Westland mall here in Columbus, Ohio that closed down a long time ago due to being overtaken by niggers. Coincidence?

Google the failure of Severance Town Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Those don't work, especially if it's with niggers.

>Mall starts out well, lots of white people visit, buy and hang out.
>Mall starts getting influx of dindus and shitskins, violence starts rising, whites stop going.
>Mall closes old popular white stores because new clients not interested in those things.Three niggerball shoe stores, a niggerball hat store and chink massage joints open up.
>More whites leave
>Suddenly no income due to cheap niggers and shitskins, mall starts shuttering.
Not too difficult to understand.

Look at all those mall bunnies