
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Bannon: Trump @War re-up 9/28/18

>KAC on State of the Union 9/30/18
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FoxNews 9/30/18
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Wheeling WV 9/29/18
>Pres Trump arrives in Wheeling WV 9/29/18
>Pres Trump departs JBAndrews 9/29/18
>Pres Trump departs WH 9/29/18
>Trump2020: Ice Ice Agents 9/28/18
>America1stAd: Everyone Agrees 9/28/18
>TrumpWave: Kavanaugh Sham 9/28/18
>Pres Trump meets w/Chile Pres 9/28/18
>Judiciary Comm vote on Kavanaugh 9/28/18
>Turtleman fucks Dems on Senate floor 9/28/18
>DepPressSec Raj outside WH 9/28/18
>PressSec Sarah on GMA 9/28/18
>FCCChair Pajit on CNBC 9/28/18
>WHStratCommDir Schlapp on F&F 9/28/18
>KAC on CBS This Morning 9/28/18
>SpiceDaddy on Huckabee 9/28/18
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 9/28/18
>SpiceDaddy on FoxNews 9/28/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>WOW: Prosecutor Who Questioned Christine Ford Tears Apart Her Case With Brutal 5-Page Memo



>The Arizona sex crimes prosecutor who questioned Christine Blasey Ford last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee has released her final report, and it is not good for Democrats.

Below are the nine problems Mitchell detailed in her memo:

1. Dr. Ford has not offered a consistent account of when the alleged assault happened.

Mitchell writes that Ford’s timeline is very shaky, noting that she told the media, Sen. Diane Feinstein, and the Committee three different dates for when the alleged assault took place.

2. Dr. Ford has struggled to identify Judge Kavanaugh as the assailant by name.

The Arizona prosecutor details how Ford never mentioned Kavanaugh by name in her 2012 marriage therapy notes, her 2013 individual therapy notes, and how there’s no proof that she named Kavanaugh when she told her husband around 2012 about the alleged assault.

3. When speaking with her husband, Dr. Ford changed her description of the incident to become less specific:
>Dr. Ford testified that she told her husband about a “sexual assault” before they were married.
>But she told the Washington Post that she informed her husband that she was the victim of “physical abuse” at the beginning of their marriage.
>She testified that, both times, she was referring to the same incident.

4. Dr. Ford has no memory of key details of the night in question—details that could help corroborate her account.

Mitchell writes that Ford has no memory of who invited her to the party, how she heard about it, how she got to the alleged party, what house the assault allegedly took place at, where that house is located, or how she got from the party back to her home.

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>you will never trip and fall into Ivanka's breasts


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Sons of Jewish mothers are considered Jews, how would multiplying jews solve the jewish problem?

5. Dr. Ford’s account of the alleged assault has not been corroborated by anyone she identified as having attended—including her lifelong friend.

The Arizona prosecutor notes that the three witnesses who Ford claims attended the party have told investigators that they never witnessed what Ford has alleged.

6. Dr. Ford has not offered a consistent account of the alleged assault.

Mitchell explains that Ford has changed her story numerous times about what happened, telling the media, Feinstein, and the Committee a different story each time. She also writes that Fords account of who was at the alleged party has been inconsistent.

7. Dr. Ford has struggled to recall important recent events relating to her allegations, and her testimony regarding recent events raises further questions about her memory.

Ford cannot remember what she told The Washington Post about the attack and what information she actually gave to the outlet.

>Dr. Ford refused to provide any of her therapy notes to the Committee.
>Dr. Ford’s explanation of why she disclosed her allegations the way she did raises questions.

8. Dr. Ford’s description of the psychological impact of the event raises questions.

Ford testified that she was given a polygraph examine in August in the conference room of a motel around the same time of her grandmother’s funeral. Mitchell writes that Ford doesn’t know who paid for the examine and that she should not have been given the examine while grieving. Ford was also only asked two pathetic questions.

9. The activities of congressional Democrats and Dr. Ford’s attorneys likely affected Dr. Ford’s account.

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Ellison is toast

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Alito at best, which is fine honestly

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>we cucked Canada
>we cucked China
>even liberal media is reporting how well Trump is doing
>investigation is going to finish possibly tomorrow

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basic gestalt in 10 words or less

>Ellison is toast
'bout time.

>most of the car will still be made in Mexico, by Mexicans who earn 50 cents an hour.
user, you failed to understand the point of the deal.
> Rules of Origin prevents Mexico and Canada from sourcing the parts from China and forces them to buy them inside the bloc
> The minimum wage requirement forces all of the partners to either pay a decent wage (benefitting all) or building parts of it in the country with a decent wage (hurting only the workers in the country with the lowest wage).

For those asking what's the difference between NAFTA and the renegotiated deal, from the get go (and more may be added as the details pour in) here is the gist (pic related):

> Rules of Origin: instead of allowing for Mexico and Canada to source most of the components from (let's say) China, assemble in loco and call it "made in Mexico / Canada" now they must have at very least 62.5 to 75% of the input sourced from the bloc. No more laundering Chinese steel (for instance).
> Wages: factories must pay at very least 16 dollars / hour (for about half the auto industry at very least). BERNIE FITE4FIFTEEN BTFO!
> Sunset clause: instead of tying the US forever in a suicide pact 16 years from now if people want out of this deal all they need to do is ..... NOTHING!
> Dairy products: the apple of the eyes of Trudeau, the sacred cow of Canada was made into a barbecue. Whatever Canada offered to the whole TPP is now all for the US. RAKED!
> National security: no changes on the National security clause of the deal, which still allows the US to put tariffs up to 25% on steel and aluminum. NOT TODAY CHINKS! Canada and Mexico are exempt tho, but thanks to Rules of Origin (see above) they can't launder chinese metals anymore.

All in all the "rules of origin" and the 16$ wage seals the deal. China BTFO, leafs raked

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Here fren, have the awoo version.

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Daily reminder that John Roberts is compromised and seated on the SCOTUS.

why is there an epidemic of Jow Forumstards using the word "sweetie"? i didn't know there were so many cocksucking homofaguals on this board. pls explain

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Stolen Valor Blumenthal BTFO

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>people think Beto will win

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>senate democrats literally spending days of their time, paid for by taxpayer money, debating fart jokes and 30 year old local names for beer pong rule sets

This fucking timeline

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she can't keep her facts straight
trouble remembering key details

Oh Ann

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Can't endorse a woman beater. I expect more of that issue over this month.

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Ironic shitposting.

love flan and tapioca, not even old

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this is the new hero of the left

Kavanaugh, who was always only under Congressional scrutiny for his drinking problems, will be thoroughly EXPOSED by this brave and impartial man. He plans on stopping by the Raleigh FBI Office to submit his claims today.

we should be thanking him for coming forward at this convenient time, after the confusion and chaos of the weekend. After all, we must get to the bottom of this angry, alcoholic man before he can receive a spot on our nation's highest court :^)

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>only the black cannot be blacked

why do wamen wear clothes where you can see their nipples? lewd

It's one fag hopping IP.

Ford is a lying whore.

she is truly fearless

Newfags, plz leave
> he doesn't know about /oursweetie/

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>when it was trump general not /ptg/
>when it was considered a longshot for him to win just one primary

seems like forever ago

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no support weak as fuck. details extremely hazy and shifting


it's almost like the world is insane and so are we

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I think it started off as parodying bess i think


Umm, FBI ARE NOT ALLOWED to end the investigation today!

>this new
oh sweetie


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she's a treasure. I need to get around to buying at least one of her books


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>when it was considered a longshot for him to win just one primary
I don't recall that user, he was pretty much the front runner from the get go.

>he doesn't want to marry Bess
lmaoing at your life senpai

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It's jidf, they love metaposting about their own people, even seemingly negative coverage is good.
it's how shapir got a fox show
all promotion is good promotion
see also, zina whatever farting

Do you people not know who bess kalb? geez we do we have a lot newfags

Settle down, cupcake. Some of us appreciate quality Bess posting.


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>no choice

That's not true. There's always anime and sex robots.

>Do you people not know who bess kalb? geez we do we have a lot newfags

It's prolly a shill. I filtered the ID.


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2015 was three long years ago user

it's a mix of shills and tumblr fags and Jow Forumsacks doing it ironically
also lurk more

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>The peaceful and tolerant left

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>doesn't know /aresweetie/
your new is showing

She's a national treasure.

Telling that ALL Republican senators understand how much this has fired up Republicans.

Pastaleaf got a lot of (You)s last thread so there's your answer.



Feminists have to be eliminated.

I thought the Kavanaugh confirmation was today? When is it?

I know way too many people who've tried and succeeded at suicide. I can't believe Eku is actually, in the non-meme way, fucking dead.

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Grow a skin, newfag.

And we really have no choice but to kill them all.

reminder new jersey is going red

post more pictures

sad there is no birthday song
and i feel old because i am now thinking about how long i have been coming to this website

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It started out as jews trying to make people mad in arguments by condescending to them. Now it's being used ironically.

remember when that Orange County GOP HQ was firebombed in Fall 2016?


me neither

Shills sure are mad that Trump BTFO NATFA today

WEW he is visibly flustered as fuck.

yawn its basically nafta with a diffrent name.

we clickbait now

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i've never told someone to kill themselves online ever because of that. It's just too personal. Faggot, nigger, cocksucker, kike, spic, poo, chink, I'll say anything. But I won't tell anyone to an hero

>Sorry, Mr. President I wasn't thinking
>You never are. :^)
>E-excuse me!? :(

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The dem should be in prison.

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>3:00pm EDT
>U.S. Senate Debates Judge Brett Kavanaugh Nomination


>> Rules of Origin prevents Mexico and Canada from sourcing the parts from China and forces them to buy them inside the bloc
Not every single car in the US comes from Mexico or Canada, you know? China/Asian (other countries in general) countries can still export cars to the US and that shit doesn't go by this trade deal's rules.
>> The minimum wage requirement forces all of the partners to either pay a decent wage (benefitting all) or building parts of it in the country with a decent wage (hurting only the workers in the country with the lowest wage).
No, it doesn't, it says at least 40% of a car has to be made in a factory where the minimum wage is $16/hour. The president of the Employer's Confederation of the Mexican Republic has already said there's no way auto workers get paid $16/hour in Mexico:

>At a press conference on Tuesday, De Hoyos Walther explained that in Mexico it will not be seen in the short term that workers receive payments of 16 dollars for their work.

>"Yes, it implies a challenge, we do not see in the short term that there may be full compensation areas in Mexico at these levels of $ 16 per hour, I wish that at some point, I would say in the medium or long term, that the country could reach at these levels, "said the president of Coparmex when questioned about it.

>"To support jobs in North America, the agreement requires new commercial rules of origin to drive higher wages by requiring 40-45 percent of the car's contents to be made by workers who earn at least $ 16 per hour." says a text from the US commercial office, released on Monday. The remaining 60 percent may be produced elsewhere in the region.


Who here circle of death and who ring of fire? Both the same game that years later someone is going to insinuate is some kind of reference to anal sex.

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>3:00pm EDT
>U.S. Senator Corey Booker grand stands

Ben *Israel First* Shapir

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here's the report, in the pasta


thank you fren!

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>yawn its basically nafta with a diffrent name.
Yeah, except
> Mexico and Canada can't launder Chinese crap anymore through nafta
> Half the auto industry will have to pay 16 dollars / hour
> Canada dairy is open to WIsconsin now
Same thing, except for thees little details

*blaps playfully

Calm down Polska.

>tfw late mid-late 2006
I hardly remember a time when I wasn't on here now.

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