Thoughts on the left's planned post civil war American flag?
Thoughts on the left's planned post civil war American flag?
Trump has more support than they realize.
looks so much better and european
poor deluded bastard
Looks like toothpaste. What do the 27 stars represent?
Poland stronk
>27 stars
So what 27 pozzed states do they want to included in their multiculti dystopia, Jow Forums?
Number of genders, probably
Flag related but with a star of David at it's center.
Bring back the Besty Ross, with a swastika in the middle preferable, but not necessary.
Fuck the 50 stars, and fuck the stars and bars.
looks pretty shit, upside down Netherlands flag with stars
Based and Saved
sounds russian chinese and jewish tbqh
Gucci States of America
So when is this american civil war happening, 2030-2035?
It's alright, but I prefer the 51 star circle if Puerto Rico gets added as a state.
Lefties have post-civil war plans? lmao..
was this ever actually explained?
they just went out and did this? wtf
they'll wait until whites are a minority
So a Polish flag at nighttime?
not kino enough
when we've annexed Canada
27 stars == EU flag
Faggotry to the xtreme
My sides!
I was going to roll with dyslexic Netherlands.
fucking kek, took me a sec
looks too much like the mexican flage
Always bump flag threads
the states that Obama won.
Obama will be the Democrats civil war president
>that flag looks even remotely like this
the absolute fucking state
and fuck you for making me download the M*xican flag to post this
Flags with seals all look bad.
What could've been...
What's the right's flag going to look like?
like this retard
America must be an Orthodox theocracy
I don't know why niggers were allowed to copy our flag.
Not using trump's design
Don't kid yourself, they will be using the anarchist-syndicalist flag they have been flying since the cold civil war started.
Polan into space
that and the Hammer and Sickle
the Packer's flag is what they will use if they win
wow very elegant and beautiful flag.
would totally fly this outside my house.
That's lame, we have to do this shit Spanish civil war style
Agreed, that's /ourflag/
>an "anti-gun", "run to your safe-space" party winning a civil war
the nationalists flew their official state flag
it was the commies that flew their made up abortion flag
Schweetz ameri-bro
Alberta first please.
Franco changed the flag twice after tho
Aquafresh w breath strips/10
fuck, this is all so stupid and depressing. no blade runner dystopia, no high-tech star trek, no exploring the galaxy, no battling manly communists who want to blow up the world, no robots, nothing, just boredom and despair
I don't watch anti-American fag ball. Quick rundown please.
also fag, give some links for reading about the shenanigans
Packers flew toothpaste flag instead of normal American flag
Everything good is a paid actor now. Even the manly communists.
bump, keep posting flags for the right
it gives me an alternate history hard-on and I want to see it come to fruition
here's my mockup, original betsy ross to go back to roots with a borrowed nationalist-style eagle
Okay, so it was correct I didn't watch.
>it gives me an alternate history hard-on
Same my dude
>thinks all of the left is "anti-gun"
Only the faggots are anti-gun.
total abomination
fucking stars aren't even the same size wtf
the politicians in all the leftists states are anti-gun
it doesn't really matter what you think
we literally told them they could copy everything
it's like the idiot who copies all your work at school
and then fails the final exam
>this is liberia
see, this is proof our ancestors were right in not believing human nature. look a how pointless and stupid this entire thing is. this is reality. instead of "the future", you get nigs protesting.
Show me your civilwar face burgers
Everyone on the left is indeed a faggot
>fellow Hungarian
The exact thing I wanted to post.
>that eagle
Greetings, Imperial Soldier! Have you praised the Emperor today?
My thought?
Get out and vote and get friends to vote.
Lots of Votes are what ends the DSA.
Unamerican. Who says fuck the stars and bars? Go get pozzed in Germany if you can't resist that European deep throating mentality
We're back in business boy's
>Thoughts on the left's planned post civil war American flag?
They have to live through a civil war to be able to follow through with plans.
They wont.
You won't see it. Because you're already dead commie.
reminds me of this
>Fuck the 50 stars, and fuck the stars and bars.
fuck you.
do something about it, cuck.
stars and bars refers to the confederate flag
>if Puerto Rico gets added as a state.
Fuck those lazy, leeching, retarded island niggers. They dont even know how to prepare for hurricanes.
Can't we just get this on already? We all know it's going to happen eventually, so lets just have the fuck at it.
Woptober. Either hanging themselves or fucking to death like sodomite foo fags sinning against their LORD.
well mate, they're poor
lol. those chinamen whose ancestors walked across the Bering Strait into North America couldnt win against muskets