Finland should succumb to Sweden's power

>Be a Finn
>type "Finnish scientists on Google"
>most of the most prominent Finnish scientists have either Swedish surnames or Swedish grandfathers or grandmothers

Truly Swedes are the indisputable masterrace. I welcome our Swedish overlords to preside over our land and people like in the good old days.

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Move to Sweden nigger

T. Frozenswampniggers

Ruled all their history by rela whites- Russians and Swedes. Didn't even have an alphabet


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Okay, Hanslimir

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I agree Finanon. This was a well thought out post you have made. You are good servant.

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Yes yes even the only element found by finnland was actually found by a swede

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Those Swedes founded Russia Aswell, and conquerd half of Germany

Superior Race


This. I cannot fathom how nobody wants to be Swedish at this point. We truly are superior. We literally made Scandinavia what it is today! :)

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These are some great images!

I like!

I made this thread aswell

Come inside



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