Jow Forums is a christian board
>time for atheists to come home
Jow Forums is a christian board
>time for atheists to come home
Go to sleep, (((Levi))).
You make Scandiposters on this board look bad.
Go to sleep (((Bjarne)))
Christianity is the most based religion that ever was and ever will be
Islamic in 2050 mtf
Daily reminder you nigger lovers are not welcome here. You "people" are the problem, inviting in the shitskin hordes.
Based and redpilled Norway user
Dumping Nordic Images
Based Christian's listen to /OURguy
Reminder that youre worse than the average liberal if you attack Christianity.
Christianity is literally the only shield between western civilization and total degeneracy.
Once the kikes have finally removed Christianity completely from western societies, it will be lights out
Based and repilled
Read pic related
>if you oppose our lands being flooded with shitskins you're worse than a jew
Fick you. Christians are all race-traitors. They put religion over the continued existence and success of their people. It is the churches that are inviting in and sheltering the immigrants and "regugees". You can choose to ignore this but that only makes you complicit in the treason.
so many pagan larps in this thread
Hey norway user im working on a redpill of paganism being from babylon
I could get you a screencap and you could berate the pagan larps with this fact
wtf is this pseudo-scientific bullshit
have a ´redpill
Youre an absolute fucking kike-influenced brainlet. Literally no different than the average liberal. It is Christians who overwhelmingly vote against LGBTQ. It is Christians who overwhelmingly vote against liberalism. It is Christians who overwhelmingly vote against open borders. It is Christians who overwhelmingly vote for right wing parties accross both Europe and USA. It is Christians who are the group of people who are least likely to race-mix. It is only because of Christians that Europe still actually have a spark left to fight off our genocide. If it wasnt for Christians there wouldnt be a single right-wing party that would even be CLOSE to winning in the polls. Back when Christianity had great influence on the state, there wasnt even anything called "open borders" or even remote immigration. And there were certaintly no race-mixing either. All of this have only occured as Christianity started to decrease in Western societies. (((What a coincidence))).
It only seem cucked because of degenerates like pope Francis. Who are infact an anti Christian:
>calls Jesus a sinner
>says faggots and atheists can go to heaven
>Ignores verses in the Bible that doesnt fit (((social norms)))
>says hell doesnt exist
>says faggots were made that way by God
Pope Francis is an infiltrator.
Jesus literally warned us of infiltrators and fake prophets.
>He was right again
OP is right, pol is a board of Peace and Christ reigns supreme
Larpagan and atheshits use the word kike but are ignorant of the fact that it stems from the Yiddish word kikel, circle which they drew instead of a plus (cross) on immigrant applications
Jews hate hate hate the Chris's and Christ , heck they even killed him
Ive always wondered why (((neo-pagans))) and other anti-theists are never banned on Jewtube (even though they violate their rules in just about every video), while Christians are banned en masse all the time.
neo-paganism and modern day anti-theism seems more and more likely to just be more kike-invented ways of attacking Christianity
may he rip
Based and redpilled. Paganism, the overwhelming large majority is not orthodox, infact due in large part to the stories and traditions being orally passed down where recorded and interpreted through a Christian lens, so there is an argument to be made orthodox paganism is dead, and in its place has risen a liberal, Jewish controlled "neo-paganism" which exist in large majorities and growing. The "pagans" of today have no value in things like race, tradition, and heritage, and are simply using their joke of a religion to promote a "love is love man" attitude and indulge into the most animalistic and primal influences, bestiality, same sex marriage, public nudity, and in the most extreme cases blood sacrifices. It's a rebellion against a structured society and slap in the face to righteous authority, while promoting a corrupt authority whos mission is to break the foundations of western society, and destabilize the pillars which helped the white man conquer the world. Wiccan and pagans today only assist to further the agenda of moloch worshipers, Nephilim, and Satan himself.
meh i doubt he will most likely burn in hell
Look into Possitive christianity which he mandated as state policy
a religion that denies christ
some of his acts were good but spiritiually he was that of a jew
>Jewish fan fiction
>be jewish goyim (or christian, if you like)
>spend hundreds of years converting Europeans to an asiatic desert religion even though they mostly just pretend to convert while remaining faithful to their european traditions
>christian barbarians invade and collapse mediterranean pagan civilization
>murder thousands of white, european pagans
>ban practice of native european religion in favour of submission-worship of a jewish rebel, a virgin mother who cuckolds her husband and a megalomaniacal omniscient, omnipotent deity who sends people to eternal torture and damnation for masturbating
>tear down pagan temples and build churches in dedication to middle-eastern death cult
>destroy, ban and stigmatize all pre-christian religion, philosophy, science and statecraft, sending the entirety of europe into a dark age of oppressive theocracy, superstition and stagnation
>burn the library of alexandria
>burn women under accusation of witchcraft for keeping native european traditions, customs, medicinal practices and spiritual beliefs alive
>send thousands of Europeans to die in gruesome battles, starvation and disease in the desert, because the middle-eastern book of desert myths says jesus' people (the jews) must rule Israel, the holy land.
>do this while arab muslims are conquering parts of the mediterranean and roaming the spanish, italian and french countrysides murdering and raping white women, mongrelizing Europeans and preaching a slight variant of another middle-eastern death cult
>do this stupid shit for hundreds of years until monastics re-discover pre-christian pagan philosophers
>re-interpret scripture under the lens of this revived pagan philosophy and reform your death cult to resemble european paganism
>christianity now has pagan holidays, saints that resemble pagan deities, a cosmology and theology derived from pagan philosophy and a conception of the divine as formulated by the greeks
"oh those silly larping pagans"
Why can't 'christians' (i mean /christian/ shills, not actual Christian Jow Forumsacks) handle the fact that we, believers of Aryan faith exist.
>inb4 ur a larper muh bulwark ect.
You're a faggot and probably a jew that has called out and your threads debunked like a hundred times
Fuck off
> Christian barbarians
Except they weren't, also
> merely pretending to convert.
Thanks for the laugh user
Why don't you faggots let us make Christian threads? I'm a Christian Jow Forumsack who believes it's white genes not Christianity that makes civilization, yet you faggots spam your pastas in every racist Christian thread I make. Do you want the normie Christians to remain cucks or do you want them exposed to a racist interpretation of their religion?
I don't actually understand what the issue is regarding race mixing with Jews.
- Race mixing is the destruction of a race, and Jews are much smaller in population, they would be subsumed long before any other race would.
- They have a high IQ, so it's not like race mixing with blacks.
- Any resources they had are now inherited (using their own system) to the races that they've stolen from
Maybe I'm missing something but the destruction of the Jewish race and the monetary gain for everyone else seems like a win-win?
>Why don't you faggots let us make Christian threads?
But i do faggot, the religion if those that don't let you doing so is Judaism, don't be fooled
forgot pic
based, but how do we nobodies fix the thorough rot in Mother Church? Maybe it's just the U.S. but cultural marxism is preaches in homilies here.
Of course super Satan would promote racemixing with jews.
learned something new today, I had only known of his stills and sceneries and had no idea he made this.
Praise the lord.
This shit is so wrong. Can't say I'm surprised to see it making its way around Jow Forums though
Stop roleplaying, what the fuck
>more biased varg
..the shit people actually tell themselves. wew.
Youre welcome. Hitler made a bunch of art of churches and Christianity in general.
Unfortunately its basically all suppressed because it doesnt fit (((their))) narrative of Hitler being anti-christian
There's another one of his paintings depicting Christ saving a wounded soldier in ww1, probably inspired by his own experiences. I can't find it anywhere now though.
Ave Maria, brother.
It's actually very accurate, broder.
Christianity is the most based religion that has ever existed. Its only It only seem cucked today because of degenerates like pope Francis. Who are infact an anti Christian:
>calls Jesus a sinner
>says faggots and atheists can go to heaven
>Ignores verses in the Bible that doesnt fit (((social norms)))
>says hell doesnt exist
>says faggots were made that way by God
Pope Francis is an infiltrator.
Jesus literally warned us of infiltrators and fake prophets.
>He was right again
Imagine being this inbred
t. inbred kike
I remember I saved that painting on another computer. I logged into it just to post it for you here, user.
Take care of this gem
Thank you user, this is literally banned from google wtf?
Get active in your local community, user
Yes, it is.
As I said, it doesnt fit (((their))) narrative of Hitler being anti-christian
Using the word 'heretic' in unironic fashion makes you look like an absolute retard, in case you were unaware
t. heretic
I find it obnoxious when people view history in self-serving ways. Attributing all that shit to "Christianity", is simplistic as fuck. Keep your bias out of history pls
Christianity is so outdated, but its better than nothing.
No, it’s too modern. We need older Christianity.
Those patterns are amazing.
Take it back to the days of Dream of the Rood, and the wonderful fusion of pagan tradition and Christian enlightenment.
>First time ever I see a fellow country man make a christian thread and stand up for the truth.
I'm so proud. I think we can do this. Jesus is prouder of you still. And for everyone who is not christian, I dare you to humble yourself and ask for forgiveness. It's your eternal soul we are discussing. Don't think for one second that how you spend eternity won't matter to you. You will cry in vain when it is too late. Ask while you still have the chance. Don't go thinking it's smart to test god. This test is yours and I'm giving you the answer.
God bless you, broder
>Atheism starts to increase due to the soulless media and culture cultivated by Jewish controlled Christian society
You like them? They are pagan.
I sincerely believe that the in-fighting and LARPing from both Christians and Pagans is going to destroy the new right
Christians tend to be the ones that start the in-fighting. Pagans are better at separating spirituality from everday life while Christians like to LARP and let in Africans because they wear a cross necklace.
Amen, friends :)
based mutt taking care of that nationalist African man. All the world must be 56% christian
>People leave your nation and found new nations
>"Muh ancestors"
Literally not your ancestors, they're the ancestors of the people in the nations they conquered.
>christian board
so what?
Christianity originate from Buddhism, but has been hijacked by "them" to conceal the truth.
>>time for atheists to come home
Why are Christians so obsessed with atheists? Every damn time I try to explain that I'm not a Christian one of them will say 'it's okay, atheists can come to know god.' It's like they refuse to accept that there are other spiritual beliefs besides Christianity. Atheism is their strawman punching bag, so to speak.
>kike shill d&cing
Gullibility and brain damage sure does fit the Jow Forumslution mould...
>Your daughter comes home with Jamal
Hey daddy, look who I met at the church! He's a good Christian man so I know you'll accept him! Insomuch as you do to the least of these you have done unto me, as the Christ says! To turn him away from BLACKING my white ass is a sin!
>inb4 you respond if he is a decent man then you don't care if you have mutt babies
>inb4 you concoct some excuse that goes against your religion to forbid the relation
Remember, every Christian is your brother and mother and sister and father. Love your family.
Christians are the least likely group of people to race-mix you kike.
>See also
It is Christians who overwhelmingly vote against LGBTQ. It is Christians who overwhelmingly vote against liberalism. It is Christians who overwhelmingly vote against open borders. It is Christians who overwhelmingly vote for right wing parties accross both Europe and USA. It is Christians who are the group of people who are least likely to race-mix. It is only because of Christians that Europe still actually have a spark left to fight off our genocide. If it wasnt for Christians there wouldnt be a single right-wing party that would even be CLOSE to winning in the polls. Back when Christianity had great influence on the state, there wasnt even anything called "open borders" or even remote immigration. And there were certaintly no race-mixing either. All of this degeneracy have only occured as Christianity started to decrease in Western societies. (((What a coincidence))).
What does that even mean?
Questions to Christians:
put in a scenario where you have to choose either one or the other, which would you pick?
a) your daughter marries a white pagan
b) your daughter marries a black christian
>Christians trying to use the Old Covenant to justify racism
>Even when Christ explicitly said that the New Covenant was for all nations and peoples
You point to all the good that Christians do but what you must understand is that most Christians are not guided by their theology, they are guided by their racial/cultural impulses which have remained despite Christianization.
The leftists who reject Christianity reject it because they reject the conservatism that the Christian tradition has ingrained into the religion by it's early European followers.
Now that Christian institutions are cucking even to the tradition that our Christian ancestors demanded within the church, there is no reason to adhere to the rest of the universalist bullshit the Christianity pushes. I wish Christians would argue in good faith and acknowledge the fact that their religion inherently has a humanitarian element that allows it's practitioners to look beyond race and sin and to see the good within every person. This is the sort of justification that is being used to BLACK white countries
good goy.
It will always be b) for Christians due to the simple fact that they are required by their god to place greater importance on the afterlife and faith than on this world and the flesh.
If they condone a) their daughter burns in hell for eternity but if it is b) they will give birth to a little mutt who although bad is still totally capable of salvation which is the ultimate goal.
There is neither greek nor jew, ALL are one in Christ Jesus. Every Christian is your brother and sister and mother and father. To turn away the least of these is to reject Christ himself. This is canon and any racist Christian who tries to deny this is literally blaspheming against God
You can always come back to Jesus
You cant unfuck a nigger
Youre stupid
That's a defeatist attitude, I won't fail as a parent.
Let me rephrase.
You either have to marry your daughter to a:
a) white pagan who will always stay pagan
b) a black christian
and this is why you cannot be a Christian and a nationalist, let alone a national socialist.
How, as a Christian, do you justify denying entry to a non-white Christian into your country? Like I said, you are commanded by Jesus Christ to take them into your home and provide them succor let alone into your nation.
Racism and Christianity are contrary to one another and this fact alone should either make Jow Forums non-christian or not racist. To be both is hypocrisy
>jewish controlled
>christian society
No sweetie. Atheists are kikes slaves.
>you are commanded by Jesus Christ to take them into your home and provide them succor
Everyone is vulnerable to Jewish mind control. I am not saying that pagans are immune but Christians are far more easily swayed by Jews. Be honest, how many Christians sincerely believe that Jews are God's chosen people, even if Christian canon goes against it? How many Christians support Israel because they think it's god's will even though modern day Israel has no biblical foundation?
People are fucking stupid and feeding retards messages of universalism and passivity in the face of evil does nothing but exacerbate the problem, even if there is good within Christianity.
do you really want to go down this route? Do you know what overwhelming number of white women with crosses I can post married/dating niggers compared to this? Neo-Pagan Jewish controlled garbage is not the same shit as the actual beliefs of our ancestors.
These Neo-"Pagan" communities are literally created and ran by Hebrews.
Where the hell is everyone? This used to be a breaking news site and everyone heard it here first. This is bs. They're really banning everyone.
Nice meme. I can ignore that meme but can you ignore your own scripture? Face the facts, man. At some point I had to. I've read the bible several times, it's not like I am just speaking against Christianity to rustle jimmies I am genuinely curious if I can find a Christian who can reconcile these contradictions that have turned me away from the religion. It never happens
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
I was an Orthodox Christian for 90% of my life and only in the past year have I decided to really question my beliefs. It's shit like this that really stuck with me. Of course the sermon on the mount was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Um, sorry sweetie pies but how can you be secular and be a Jow Forumsack at the same time? The cognitive dissonance is too big.
Christianity is the only religion you can get trouble for preaching in the streets.
I would say it's politically incorrect.
Wouldn't it be much easier for you to stop making a fool of yourselves than for us to become blithering idiots?
Very good goy. inb4 the inevitable
>catholics don't' count. My version of Christianity is the REAL version