Explan THIS pol

> Jow Forums: these arent refugees theyre fucking economic migrants taking advantage of gibs and live in ghettos refusing to assimilate
> *they assimilate*
> Jow Forums: how dare they fucking assimilate into muh germanic arrrrrryan reikhhhhhh

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You're presenting a strawman.


it's civnats who want "assimilation". we don't want our countries negrified by "integrated" migrants

How exactly is putting on a stupid outfit and drinking beer considered assimilation?
Fucking retarded moron OP.

If they weren't there in the first place there wouldn't be any fucking problem.

>inb4 6 gorillion replies to this shill thread

I don't want more foreigners in my country but I want the ones here to assimilate. Why is that hard to grasp?

Well if their religion forbids them from drinking beer or showing skin in the first place, you could say it’s a step towards it.

>*they assimilate*
Yeah a whole handful of them out of a few million.

How fucking brilliant.