The Jew took this from you

Every day you wake up, think about what the rapacious Jew has taken from you like a thief in the night. Seed yourself with Anger and fester with hate for the Verminous Jew.

Attached: 9A3BB001-37F7-4DEE-9572-84F15EBBD25D.jpg (1242x1175, 765K)

I would never have this in the first place OP

Naw nigger. The white man's way is to carry on and fix the problems he has, not blame them on someone else.

Why what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a faggot or a nigger?

The artist who made that was probably gay.

fucking kikes
fixing the problems permanently requires a final solution

You will never fix anything if you don’t
1. Acknowledge what you want
2. Acknowledge who took it away
3. Identify the enemy and their crimes

Neither my american friend.
I'm way too gone into blackpill, I honestly wish you good luck though

No the Amerikike, Anglo and Russian took that from us

Attached: 7437727w.jpg (537x504, 106K)

Then stop spreading your disease here reprobate this is a board of positivity take your nigger negativity with you on the way out