>asian man cures cancer
Asian man cures cancer
Don't forget James P. Allison. They both got the Nobel today for curing cancer (though the same idea if different means). Of course the cure also can cause type 1 diabetes, so it isn't useful right now.
Who fucking cares lel, would you rather die of cancer or have dibeetus?
Ok lol
Diabetes can kill you all the same, so it is an interesting question.
The real cure for cancer is with sonic healing machines. Just like you can target the resonant frequency of a wine glass with a speaker to shatter. You can target the resonant frequency of cancer cells and use soundwaves to obliterate them.
>frequency of cancer cells
>cancer kills you in less than 5 years
>diabeetus can be managed so that it won't kill you for 20
Damn tough choice
Google HAMLET cancer cure = mind blown.
>Mandatory breast feading for adults when?
It apparently does completely wipe out cancers and tumors of all types--and seems to really be a pan-cancer cure. Basically what they found was the way to partly turn off the body's self recognition system that keeps you from eating yourself (ala Lupis). Since cancer cells are the most unusual, they die first. Along with your beta cells in the pancreas for some reason. You can see how other complications could well occur.