judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09.26.18 BMK Interview Transcript (Redacted).pdf

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I was at a party with a friend. I had been drinking.
8 She left with another boy, leaving me to find my own way
9 home. Kavanaugh and a friend offered me a ride home. I
10 don't know the other boy's name. I was in his car to go
11 home. His friend was behind me in the backseat. Kavanaugh
12 kissed me forcefully. I told him I only wanted a ride
13 home. Kavanaugh continued to grope me over my clothes,
14 forcing his kisses on me and putting his hand under my
15 sweater. 'No,' I yelled at him.
16 The boy in the backseat reached around, putting his
17 hand over my mouth and holding my arm to keep me in the
18 car. I screamed into his hand. Kavanaugh continued his
19 forcing himself on me. He pulled up my sweater and bra
20 exposing my breasts, and reached into my panties, inserting
21 his fingers into my vagina. My screams were silenced by
22 the boy in the backseat covering my mouth and groping me as
23 well.
24 Kavanaugh slapped me and told me to be quiet and
25 forced me to perform oral sex on him. He climaxed in my
P. 14

1 mouth. They forced me to go into the backseat and took
2 turns raping me several times each. They dropped me off
3 two blocks from my home. 'No one will believe if you tell.
4 Be a good girl,' he told me.
5 Watching what has happened to Anita Hill and Dr. Ford
6 has me petrified to come forward in person or even provide
7 my name. A group of white men, powerful senators who won't
8 believe me, will come after me. Like Dr. Ford, I'm a
9 teacher, I have an education, a family, a child, a home. I
10 have credibility. Just because something happens a long
11 time ago, because a rape victim doesn't want to personally
12 come forward, does not mean something can't be true.

Feinstein tried to forcefully give me oral sex once. I think it happened sometime between 1980 and 2000 somewhere in the US. I think i was at a gas station and Feinstein was standing over the cool disk. I go over to grab me a pack of chicken wings but she in the way. I try to get her to move but she wont budge. I threaten to get the employes and then she turns around and pulls of my pants. I try to back of but im frozen in fear. She devours my penis in a way that still haunts me today. This went on for 40 minutes because i couldnt climax due to her teeth scraping against my dick. When i finaly came she ran away into the store closet and my wife had to help me out of the store as i was completely traumatized. Ive been afraid to speak out ever since. #metoo

I believe Ford but this is retarded.


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it reads like fan fiction

Scotus Fan fiction is now a thing.

Screencao this the next 50 shades type best seller will be about a SCOTUS judge who rapes everybody

> "in Mark judges house no one Can hear you scream"

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Who's the guy?

>fan fiction
>hosted on a senate server

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The fbi dude who was fucking that fbi bird and they were planning to take down trump and bring about a revolution, because it truly was her turn

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Page 15 is hilarious

[Kavanaugh Staff Member]: there is no date on this letter. Is that correct?
>[Committee Member]: Correct
[Kavanaugh Staff Member]: And there's no return address anywhere on this letter. Is that correct?
>[Committee Member]: Correct
[Kavanaugh Staff Member]: And there's no contact information on this letter anywhere. Is that correct?
>[Committee Member]: Correct
[Kavanaugh Staff Member]: And there's no date of the allegation. Is that correct?
>[Committee Member]: Correct

[Judge Kavanaugh] Nothing -- the whole thing is ridiculous. Nothing ever -- anything like that, nothing. I mean, that's -- the whole thing is just a crock, farce, wrong, didn't happen, not anything close.

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Happy birthday Jow Forums

lol fake and gay

poor Drumpfy isn't getting his subpoena shield :(

Lol even the most prolific serial rapists are smart enough to kill their victims afterwards. Yet a 17 year old Catholic schoolboy had more confidence.

Fixed it for you

When is judgement day for both Ford and Kavanaugh?

Sounds like fun I'm going to make some of my own and send them to Diane Feinstein.

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>What I didn't appreciate was when you wasted 20 minutes of his time suggesting that my 2-minute statement was wasting his time. I really -- that's just -- that's --

That has to be Feinstein. Typical cunt “I didn’t appreciate you say I was wasting his time, even though we all know this is wasting his time.”

Feinstein killed 666 babies and ate their foreskins.


=> **** HERRRRRR !!!!!

I am so sorry, you brave, shining light.

Feinstein also... *sniff* forced me to do unspeakable sexual acts. I was in California one day in 1912 and she approached me. I recall she smelled as if she sampled every single lotion and perfume at a JC Penney. My eyes stung and I was partially blinded, which turned out to be a blessing. She yelled in a croaky voice “pants off!” And her pants were gone, revealing what I believe was her undergarments. She grabbed my head and shoved my face into her nether-regions. The smell was unmistakable and unforgettable; permanently etched into my memory as the most horrifying experience of my life. Rancid chicken with a stingy faint perfume taste. It was like old leather scraped across matted cat fur that someone had blown their nose in. She started gyrating, lifting one arm and pretending to ride my face like a mechanical bull. After she had enough, she released me from the rotten prison, stood over me and urinated. She then uttered words I will never forget. “Nobody will believe you.” She then walked off into the sunset, nude from the waist down.

This truly happened. I told my therapist about it around the time I installed a 2nd window on my shed. I wrote a letter to a certain senator, but I think he got arrested for selling rocket launchers or some shit

I am terrified to have my name released.

Sincerely, Kevin deLeon