Hey Jow Forums ,Been awhile since I've started a thread, Been even longer since I started a successful thread. Here's my question: How do I stop being a betamale? I've had pussy, I've had a rim, I've had a BJ and I've had a handy. I stand with Trump on most issues and fall in the Libertarian Right on the political spectrum.
So why do I fall for the degeneracy that is female domination? All the evidence points out that males are superior to females. I just find it so damn attractive. Is it because of my small dick?
Stop looking at porn and masturbating. The rest will solve itself.
Brandon Rogers
thank you user, I will try this.
Jose Moore
sage do not reply to threads like this
Cooper Long
Wanted to search porn of news, but not the ones with the small brains. Found this. youtu.be/MBbn_jtGrpE
It is a speech that motivates me to not fap.
Porn is a form of degwnerated sexuality.
Tyler Green
Im not a shill slider assshole, genuinley want to get out of my degenerate state. Why does everyone these days assume if you aren't talking about the next happening that you are a shill?
Benjamin Watson
It's going to be hard as fuck, but you can do it. If you're a frequent masturbator, I recommend quitting porn cold turkey while slowly lowering the amount of times you masturbate per week/day until it's too boring for you to even bother with it. Once you start gaining your testosterone again, you'll want to be way more dominant with women. I know this because I was in the exact same situation as you, except I was even farther gone and fapping to disgusting cuck shit.
Joshua Richardson
Why is WhatsApp free? Because they earn from your private messages. Why is pornhub free? Because ((they)) earn from your porn addiction(and lack of children).
Jacob Gutierrez
Thank you user. Your words give me some hope of becoming a true man.