Women are literally children. Just look at the responses to this retarded question

Women are literally children. Just look at the responses to this retarded question

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no midnight roadworking, RIP traffic

>i'm a fucking rube that walks around major tourist traps asking to be mugged

>is this how guys feel all the time?
sure, that's why nobody carries, not even a knife
sounds relaxed. he's due if true

Stop. Validating. Women’s. Opinions.

But they can do that already?

That's a tranny though.

Imagine living in >95% white cities, where violent crime rates were so fucking rare that we still talk about Jack the Ripper today (white dude who killed a couple prostitutes hundreds of years ago).


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>Wahman go "walking" after 9pm
>Friendly neighborhood ms13 gang members out too... "Walking"
>All honest men home
I'm sure they'd absolutely love the idea of increased rape chances.

>afraid of walking alone at night
>black lives matter avatar
fucking roasts are retarded

Basically this. It's not gender, it's a general naivety consistently displayed by liberals in all situations. The only thing they will openly say they're terrified of is the one thing statistically that will never hurt them...

>Dont jump at noises in the dark
>Get raped by nogs breaking curfew
Its almost as if nothing would change

>Women are literally children
I like how this meme belief absolves female traitors from dangling in the breeze.

But if something is illegal, it can't happen.

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Like i get the message that it can be unsafe for women to be out alone at night but this is some fucking retardation.

>grow up living in city
>the same shit these white women complain about after gentrifying my neighborhood is the shit that is fucking COMMON SENSE for anyone native to the area to not be walking around alone at night in certain parts of the neighborhood

libshit gets culturally enriched

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> All law abiding men have to be inside by 9.
> Female responds she'd be LESS cautious.

Twats like this argue for gun control.....fucking idiots. Biggest mistake of the 21st century was letting women leave the kitchen and vote.

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Bitch shouldn't even leave the house.

It's also common sense not to let in hordes of rapey pakis as well. Not stopping these very same women.

MFW i see woman shitposting like they don't enjoy being raped

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>COMMON SENSE for anyone native to the area to not be walking around alone at night in certain parts of the neighborhood
I will walk where and when I god damn well please and if anyone wants to attack me I've got 25 rounds of .40 JHP for them.

>if all blacks had a curfew

He should really consider if he's talking about peaceful White/Asian countries or violent Black/Hispanic countries. Plus men are more likely to be the victims of violent crimes.

Men experience significantly more violent crime than women. This is basic shit.

>50 shades of grey
>wombmen wet dream

That is what you get for being a racist, Susan. -Libs.


You know who doesn't worry about getting raped? Conservative trad wives that carry firearms in Red states.

Kill yourself Leftist whores.

I'm on alert against niggers all the time when walking at night. So no, that's not what men get to feel like.

It's only rape if you're beta and paying for free meals and drinks. If you're Tyrone and give her a good dicking and smacking now and then it's love.

Women go out late at night all the time. They're called prostitutes.


>implying being a wahmyn in 2018 isn't being a prostitute.

sick of this shit

we should start a campaign for all men to identify as women, to show solidarity and understanding for womens issues

hashtag #WeAreAllWomen or something

Women are animals

Jack the ripper was a jew

When they tire of having no attention and come home, the men bar them from returning because they’ve become accustomed to time alone that they use to get shit done or just, finally, enjoy themselves.

And the rapist murderers really care about the laws and curfews. When mollie tibbets was raped and killed by an illegal who didn't care about our borders laws, do you think he stopped and thought about our murder and rape laws?

here some privilege. Sit on your ass and yell at kids while watching tv while i break my back


It is men who get beat up or killed for no other reason than a strange look.

many are just "them" pushing their men vs women narrative in hopes of democrat votes and the other half is literally as a matter of fact bots dems always use women as avatars for their bots cause it fools both men and women.
This is why twitter has basically become garbage

>Faggot who thinks he is invulnerable to a shiv of peace

Well yeah, if I'm walking through a white neighborhood

A jew, in england?

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If roasties are children, what does that make /polcels/ by comparison...?

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All of these blue checkmarks would gladly invite thousands of rapefugees to their countries in a heartbeat

My advice would to be move out of your "diverse and vibrant" shithole into a majority white community, or if the food is worth being raped or murdered for, buy a decent pistol and get in some range time.

Assuming your gun laws don't keep you disarmed, in which case you deserve your fate.

FYI this is Danielle Muscato. The one who asked the question

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What's that one outlier? Michigan?

God I wish that was me.

The guy or the unicorn?

Washington DC. It's just a city, so it doesn't have the countryside to temper its statistics. The city (outside of the the very core, where the Federal government is based) is nothing but niggers.

>only women are victims of crime.


Come on Jow Forums that's a troll account. Look at this name and picture

women aren't capable of hypothetical thought because their emotions get in the way of their judgement of all possible scenarios if that where to be the case.

Alright which one of you is doing this

I am a guy, and pretty much the blacker the area the more cautious I am. I live in NC. I wouldn't walk around Charlotte, or Raliegh late at night because there are niggers asking for money and they do it in very sketchy places where they could rob you if they were inclined to, and it is filled with niggers either way that will bear you up just for fun. I went to Portland and it's pretty much just homeless people that bother you and it's easy to spot them and they still aren't as violent as niggers, and it's acceptable to openly dislike them, except by the most SJW(more than normal) of Portland. One of my roommates was walking home one night and got jumped by a group of black dudes that were driving by a historically black university(FSU). Women also have to worry less about rape than guys have to worry about just being jumped and robbed by niggers.

he makes a good point--as long as he doesn't carry cash. what are they going to do, rape him?

pic related is emma smart

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This isn’t a bad idea. Only if your a white male tho. Minorties shouldn’t have one.,

You can already do that if you conceal carry a gun. It baffles me to no end that women, the physically weaker of the two sexes, refuse to use firearms.

It's only a retarded question to those who have never been raped or molested

...or to sick fucks who have raped or molested someone...

This is how most women in America feel...

I dont get it.
Im guy ( 193, 90 kg, hwite and danish)
I just took a walk in a foreign city in a foreign country, and I got spooked 3 times because of some stupid noise.

I just thought that was skittish, but now youre telling me that this is a girl only thing.
I thought that it was commom human behaviour to react at noises in the dark.

Is this some Andy Kaufman level IRL troll?

if it's so bad for women in america, just go to any other country and become culturally enriched.
You will quickly realize how good you are off being in a majority white country you dumb nigger
Every place that isn't, is full of subhuman trash

Can confirm Am female and all my girlfriends are childlike.

Replace "men" with "niggers", then she has a point

Well, she seems happy.

that's right, and you momos have sex with
them, makes you all chomos technically.

We could have this is we brought back execution and women stopped voting for people who import 3rd worlders

>Andy duphrane is a faggot.
Fucking sad

I'm a guy and I'm scared of walking through a city at night alone. Fuck cities

As a white male I feel anxiety as I walk around at night as well you dumb roastie fucking retard

Women are dumb and think men strut around at night with no worries because we won't admit to the fact that we actually are on constant alert in case some gang of niggers decided we looked at them funny.

Men can't go out at night and act with no confidence because it makes you a target but to retarded libs thinks it means we don't worry at all.

The only reason I'd be out at 9pm is to work a night shift I barely go outside during the day

Violent crime correlates over twice as strongly with blackness than never finishing high school jesus christ

various other WHITE countries
dude aint strutting around detroit after dark w/o a good rapemurder

I know that. Sorry for not writing "insert sarcasm where needed" at the end :p

But thx for making my post a little more clear.

I'm ok with a cerphew cause it will get a shit ton of niggers killed

>I'm a strong, independent woman who don't need no man
>Also, I'm terrified of walking around at night
>Also, I'm anti-gun even though it is the one thing that would help to even the playing field
What did they mean by this?

Now let's see

>Men, what would you do if divorce laws, including alimony and child support, were abolished? And if women had to actually prove you raped them?

I'd wanna see the "sexism!" cries.

>hairy chest
>giant balls
>small penis
This is woman now.
Someone tell women Danielle is making them look bad

Oh and

>If women had to pay for dates but you don't have to give them anything in return.

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psst he means Switzerland

It really puts the whole thing in a different light when you realize that "Danielle" here is talking about a world where all men are locked up but he is free (because he identifies as a woman so the curfew does not apply to him) to roam around all night with a bunch of unprotected women.......

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>What should be the legal penalty for lying about sexual assault and rape?

That's a fucking retarded question !
Let me ask you back :

Should there be a penalty for robbing someone's freedom for years and years and decades and locking them up into a cage together with psychopaths, murders and other animals ??

Such a hard question.

Tell you what i would do :
Literally burm false rape accusers. on stakes. publicly.

False accuser murder squads, NOW !!!!!

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Most of the men out on the streets after nine are brown in most major cities
unironically racist


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Cops arent even handed.
Theyll as usual kid glove the zoo while launching the book at actual tax payers

That thing hardly has large nads

They were able to do that.
Because a fucking waman let gorillions of mudslime hordes into this country.
Who the fuck gave wamans the right to vote?
Who the fuck thought this was a brilliant idea?
Who the fuck thought it would be a great idea to make a Stasi whore the president of the Germany?

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Here in my country wahmen made some protest against Bolsonaro yesterday. Bunch of cunts will ruin this shithole even more, never should have had the right to vote.

men are actually much more likely to be attacked. feminists are fucking retarded.

> Who the fuck thought it would be a great idea to make a Stasi whore the president of the Germany?

Well.. The germans did

That Emma Smart comment just enrages me. I've heard variations on this countless times from dumb cunts.

>"Is this how guys feel all the time?"

Yeah right. Because I'm male I'm invulnerable, I'm totally fearless walking through dark alleys and parking lots. I can just use my male privilege to fend off a pack of niggers who try to beat the shit out of me or mug me. Not an ounce of fear.

Let me see a chad or a stacy that is asexual and lll believe its not just people trying to convince others they dont have sex by choice.

We didn't vote for that bitch at all.
We actually do not.
It's not like in burgerland.