How do Christians reconcile free will with the Bible saying it doesn’t exist?

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I have the free will to call you a satanic nigger commie
Praise Jesus

It doesn't.
Context matters.
The surrounding text and the story being told in it's entirety will make the screenshot make sense.

To state that "free will doesn't exist" is diametrically opposed to the concept of salvation as you CHOOSE whether you accept that gift or not and the Bible emphasises on this so virulently throughout the entire book you can't possibly claim it says free will doesn't exist unless you're a shit / troll / shitposter of have never actually read the Bible.

>literally being the only belief that explains free will
>saying a random passage about gods will confirms the opposite

You have some explaining to do OP. Bring me down to your level of retard so I can try to help you get up to my level of saved eternally in jesus christ.

The surrounding story in that chapter is Paul shitting on free will. He even says you were made for salvation or destruction, comparing humans to pots made for different uses.

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>thinks it says no free will when salvation requires faith + grace



God is in complete control, the only free will there is, is seeing this fact. Because it is through God's will that you see. Get it no contradiction different way of seeing/saying things

God's making an omelette, he's gonna have to crack a few eggs.

Paul was pretty much all over the place all of the time, he self-admittedly struggled with his own sinful nature but sought to overcome it because he had faith in his heart. So it's likely his expressions on his views were emotionally skewed due to his struggle.

Technically what he says is true, we are made for salvation or destruction. But this doesn't mean we're simply objects with a pre-determined fate and no capacity for choice. It just means the choice is limited, that there are only two paths in which we can walk. Which are salvation or destruction.

Come home atheist prodigal son

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> Salvation or destruction

Based on choices made via one's own free will.

Why does your video background have a Comet Pizza style sign


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I’m Catholic.

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Paul says some people were made SPECIFICALLY for salvation and others for destruction.

How do you reconcile this with the Lutheran concept of the "elect?"

As far as I'm concerned the elect are simply those who accept Christ as their saviour.

>How do Christians...
>[Exodus 9:16]
Christians care more about the New Testament than the Old Hebrew Tanakh.

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Pharaoh isn't a man though, he's demigod, or god king at least within the context of the bible. There are other gods but God is the true god.

>using the logic-processing, pattern-finding faculties of the brain
>implying that lurching christgoys think

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>eisegesis 3:16

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They are. Saints is another name used for believers of Christ.

Jews also go full potato and believe in free will. See pic here

Saints is used in the OT too.

Other than his plagiarism and contribution to nukes, Abe was rather 'spiritually' emancipated for his time...

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It's complicated isn't theology.

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Real people vs NPCs.

The ones made for destruction were made specifically for that purpose too, dumbass.

I don't know about that OP all I know is I checked those digits and the bible is based as fuck

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By being gnostic and rejecting the old testament

and God isn't giving away trade secrets, what can you do?


A lot of gnostics seem to call themselves Christians

You don't know anything worth knowing.

>something worth knowing
How do we/you judge the worthiness of knowable things?

Who cares they'll still worship a child sacrifice and drink blood. Their opinions are worthless.

Because free will isn't mutually exclusive with predestination. Stop trying to think in celestial terms, Calvinist swine.

Don't have to reconcile anything - free will ISN'T in the Bible. God is sovereign over His creation.

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The bible hates linear thinking. It prefers what it calls 'growing in wisdom'. It hates our concept of time- the Pharaoh could've chose salvation but also, he couldn't because he didn't and wouldn't.

So real Christians (or at least not 100% heretics) do still exist. Fascinating.

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"Free will" is a delusion to disobey the truth.

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OP, you are retarded. That doesn't mean that free will doesn't exist. I don't even comprehend how you even arrived at such a conclusion. Oh wait, yes I do! You just grab some verses and looked at those in a snapshot instead of figuring in the verse within the entire scope of the scripture. Is it not every persons's choice whether or not to embrace God through Christ? Isn't God allowing us all to choose? It even says in the bible that God will not come back until all have been given the chance to accept the Word after receiving it. God's mercy is great, indeed, and His will is done.

Based and redpilled

Here, OP. Read these both.

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Free will, used for anything other than alignment with God is the Anti-Christ. The image of God is free will. We are made in the image of a free and spontaneous being. You are a free and spontaneous being. You can make mistakes and do things against God. Only loving God is the fullest culmination of the Image of God in us. Second only to completely rejecting God. Apathetic people reject God by proxy. The lukewarm is spat out.

You can give away your free will to things like drugs, sex, and meaningless distractions (like money or games). Only giving yourself back to God is the correct thing to do with God's own gift to you to accept or reject Him.

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know the spirit of Anti-Christ when you see it.

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>All Christians Are Cucks
>All Christians are Cucks #2
>All Christians are Cucks #3
>All Christians are Cucks #4
>All Christians are Cucks #5
>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant
>Cuck Identity
>Cuck Identity #2

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>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.

His own people aka Jews.
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Samaritans aka Gentiles.


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White women beware of the Anti-Christ.

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He doesn't do the cracking though, He allows the eggs to crack themselves.


You choose where you want to go. But if you wanna go to heaven you have to ask. Just ask. Fucking just ask. Jesus christ. It's literally spelled out for everyone who ever asks a saved person.

Stop worshiping a fucking kike.

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He created them to be cracked in the first place.

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Yeah. Some people won't go to heaven. That is true. They go to the other place. You still have free will to choose.

dick status: hardened

god is omnipotent and exists in all possibilities of all universes. Free will is your consciousness collapsing the wave function to create a new universe

>the concept of salvation as you CHOOSE whether you accept that gift
But the Bible says that it's predestined and the names are already written in a book.

>collapsing the wave function to create a new universe
I don't think that term means what you think it means.

Maybe because god knows who chooses what? Does that mean they don't make a choice? Explain yourself if you answer yes to my question.

They make a choice and it reflects their nature but it was still predetermined.

Strong shill thread. Literally saying aryanism is marxismx wow

But did they make a choice? Yes or No? And why? Answer what you believe.

Nvm you clearly state they do. I'm tired.

>dude aryanism is christianity worship a literal jew

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I don't necessarily believe in free will, but your argument is certainly fallacious. The fact that God has mercy upon and some and 'hardens' others is not evidence against free will, as the way that each individual responds to that external action could still be the result of free will. In other words, free will is not the absence of other agents, it's the presence of agency within some being, and you're dumb.

Fuck off idiot.

not an argument kike worshiper

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God is in complete control but people are still accountable for their choices. there are several examples of this in the Bible. pharaoh for example was going to let Israel go but God made him change his mind then punished him for it. God is an infinite, ineffable being beyond our full comprehension. His actions do not always make sense to us as attested by the story of Job.

Yeah no shit. Read it like this: I don't care if you burn forever in hell. You are allowed to if you want. Now fuck off.

Oh hey, it's the second real Christian who's decided to visit this thread. Now that I have access to some of you guys, what happens to the souls of aborted babies? Not looking to debate you. I just want to know what you think.

I care about you brother. Come home. the Gods are calling i know you hear them you keep denying it in favor of worshiping a jew. hope one day you stop worshiping jews

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And you too. What happens to the souls of aborted babies?

Not him ex-christkike here they go to heaven. Children that dont know what right and wrong are go directly to heaven that even means that non-whites get to go.

Not an argument. Also the last (you) you get.

Everything time I think of free will, I get down on my knees and please jesus and feel his warm salty goo running down my throat

Its not really an argument. It was me telling you brother that I care about you enough to spend hours trying to convince you that christianity is jew controlled through history. I care about all my white brothers.

No, I don't want to know what you think.

It's only a choice if other choices are possible. If God already knows there is no choice, hence no free will, and he's just a sadist for creating a hell. Unless God knows what He's going to do in advance, then the universe is just a sad torture-clock unwinding.

Its not what I think it is what christians believe its really easy question for them if you are trying to "gotcha" them with it. Its not going to work.

>Creates a local disaster in ancient Egypt so the whole world will know about him
Kinda stupid if you ask me

How do fedorafags reconcile the big bang with the second law of thermodynamics

I'm not trying to gotcha. I'm trying to figure out what real Christians believe. The retards that make up the other 95% don't concern me.

>It's only a choice if other choices are possible.

Yes indeed. And the choices are *drumroll* salvation, aaaaaaaaand that other place. So is it a choice then? If you wanna burn you burn. If you want to go to heaven all you have to do is have faith. God knows what you are going to choose, but you still have to make the choice, using your free will. And if I go on now I'm just gonna repeat what every other person who is saved says ad infinitum. You should understand the path by now, the only thing left for you to do is using your free will.

That biblical verse literally describes the Atlanteans installing Pharoah rulers in Egypt while they tried to recover from the collapse of the capital of Atlantis.

Atlanteans were highly spiritual. Think DMT masters. And their only surviving culture can be found in India. Atlantis governed two sides of the world. Kumari Kandam or today's Sri Lanka, and Atlantis, present day Mauritania i.e Richat Structure (see pic)

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Gnosticism is the OG Christianty. Everything else flowed through the cucking filter of Rome. Even the protestant offshoots are more like Catholicism than the actual Christian faith that existed before the Nicean council.

That jesus christ, god made flesh, died for our sins, granting anyone who accepts his sacrifice eternal life after death. That's it.

props to leaf man for recognizing Calvinism

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Hey you! Keep talking and posting pictures. I'm listening

why would you ever allow a baby to experience the knowledge between right and wrong and expose their eternal soul to the possibility of hell?

If I could save every baby from hell by killing them, I would, even if it meant i go to hell. It would actually be the greatest sacrifice.

Thread full of atheist faggots, not one (You) just as I suspected

How can someone die for someone else's sins? Can I die for my dog's sins so he can get into heaven, for example? Explain the mechanics at work here.

>Pharaoh could've chose salvation

Not when your god "hardens his heart". You guys play an impressive game of semantic Twister to get those "interpretations" you want out of the embarrassing passages of your Hole-y Babble that you wish weren't there.

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The Bible has been FUCKED. Don't get me started on it. All you need to know is that Constantine was a cyclical to the church and the papacy created a forgery called the Donation of Constantine (look it up) which gave the Papacy the Vatican and sovereignty over the Empire. Next you have to consider that the many, many, many rulers that came and went from Egypt were primarily Greeks, Romans, and Persians, not necessarily in that order. Given the expanse of the Akkadian, Sumerian, and Babylonian empires they most likely would have whores out Egypt.

The reason why I say Atlantis installed Pharoah rulers is because Thoth and Emerald tablets. He calls himself Atlantean. And he claims to have constructed the pyramids.

Anyway, the Kabbalah and everything is related to Atlantean philosophy which survived through Athens

Nice to know you're not intellectually honest enough to continue the conversation here .
Do you know anything worth knowing?

How? God doesn't give a shit about how. If he wills it. It is. That's how. It's not mechanics it's literally a miracle.

I really like this idea/argument; God wills ALL things to be as they are. Paradox reconciled.

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Also the trinity. For us to percieve that there even is a god, god has to let himself be known. He did that through jesus. The father, the son, and the holy spirit. Get it? Study the trinity. Once you get the trinity your faith is made stronger.