What should be the legal penalty for lying about sexual assault and rape?

What should be the legal penalty for lying about sexual assault and rape?

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sexual assault



sue for defamation

Life in Prison, so she can get raped by bull dykes with brooms.

You glorious bastards

gang raped by the Budweiser clydesdales

Whatever penalty you were asking for the inocent man should be applied at you.

realistically, imprisonment up to 5 years.
but nothing ever happens because womyn

Someone has to do the raping though. I think this one would get off on a technicality.

firing squad.

gang rape

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same sentence for whatever crime they lied about

Choice between rape or whatever sentence the accused was going to recieve. Let them pick.

Pro tip: they'll likely choose rape

FPBP came here too say that

That's because most females want to be raped.

And because the punishment is worse than the crime.

20 Year’s.

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Came to post this.

She has such a stupid fucking face. I can't believe how dumb it looks. Please tell me the evidence is overwhelmingly against her, cause every article I've seen is singing her praises.

Actual gang rape.

If it can be proven (in reverse, basically) that it ACTUALLY DIDNT HAPPEN...
Without any doubt.

You should be forced to experience actual rape.

These women should be brought to penitentaries and given to the whole yard to go to town on.

As a bonus, it should be sold as a PPV porno at 90 dollars per.
We could chip away at repaying these enormous prisons and pay back some debt on them.


Crank it to 11 imo make an example out of her.

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>Someone has to do the raping though
I volunteer India. India will fuck anything.

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There is no evidence either way, that's the problem. All of the witnesses even her friend say shes full of shit though. He'll get confirmed barring further kikery.

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bum rape

>prob what mexicans already do, but i'm down wth it

rapid redistribution of rock collections

1,000,000 cash untraceable in a GoFundMe account.


>What should be the legal penalty for lying about sexual assault and rape?

The same as if the person falsely accused was found guilty of the charges.

The Person you accused gets to violently rape you.

Or you have to fuck a cactus.

She took a lie detector test, everything she has said is truthful


the already is. You can then sue them for defamation of character and possibly get arrested for perjury.



whoa, he's for sure innocent, and by the looks of this he wasn't the only virgin

>Lie detector test



Like father, like son.

If a person knows what they are doing, they can manipulate the results of a lie detector. That's why they aren't used as admissible evidence.

Spending 20 years or so being raped in prison.

ya, didnt fuck her. Basically rolling around on a bed at a drunken teen party in summer. both fully clothed, not even PG

If it's found that this particular woman has lied about being raped and, in the process, undermined the functions of our government, then she should be charged with treason.

Repeal of the 19th


The same if not greater prison time for rape in the area they make the accusation from, without the possibility of parole.

Based on how it was used to delay functions of government. You could make a case for sedition.

The punishment a woman recieves for falsely accusing anyone of any form of rape should be the same punishment the one she accused would have received had she actually been raped. Having her actually be raped is a violation of constitutional rights, as that is cruel and unusual punishment.

If that were the case, we'd see a sudden epidemic of false rape allegations.

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Running a train on them.

>getting off on a technicality
That’s the idea user

> Legal penalty
> We aren't doing a trial here.

Lmao at the state of Trumptards.

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OP has wrong question.
What should the punishment to yourself be for allowing FORD to live rent free inside your head, instead of knocking on doors and geting voters to vote MAGA? How many doors should you knock on to make up for the wasted time on matters you have NO control over vs. knocking on a door?

Hammurabi's Code and the Tort System offer guidance.

How the hell was she even credible in the first place? I worry about our future even more.

You can still have rape be a punishment by sending her off to a womens prison with a high rate of sexual assault. Still counts, albeit indirectly

>barring further kikery
You really think it's over?
It's going to go full blown shoah, to drag it out until November.

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the simple answer is Death. this is such a fucked up thing to do to another person because even the mere allegation is enough to ruin entire families. if we coddle these bitches, they will do it again. these women need to be scared to not report immediately. and i say a 24 hour statute of limitations in case they were beat up and unable to crawl to a phone

Maximum penalty the man could've received + a heavy fine and televised public apology/recantation

my actual opinion is that the sentence should be as long or longer than the sentence the victim would have received.

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The MSM repeating how she's totally credible and "has no reason to lie about this" make some people actually believe it.

You're retarded.

Kav's confirmation process is not a trial. Assuming Ford is caught lying to Congress and is charged with perjury, well, THAT would involve a trial.

Now slither away quietly, dumbass.

>4th post best post

I think they are running out of ammunition though, even this crazy bitch had no evidence other than attending the same school. They were reaching from the beginning and they are almost out of time.



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because if you say she's anything 1 degree below credible, you're going to have an army of feminists ready to kidnap you and walk you to the guillotine. i doubt 10% of people actually TRULY believe this bitch and not just because they want to see Kavanaugh out.


Apparently in the women's prisons all chocolate bars you purchase get cut in half for just that reason

None. We should elect smarter people who ignore stupid shit and actually do what they were elected for.
If we are dumb enough to indulge this we don't deserve freedom.

Whatever the punishment for such allegations proven true would be.

This, alternatively stoning.

Death penalty.


It really should be worse.
Simply throwing out the allegations is enough to ruin someone's life, because even if they're proven to be false, the allegations alone turn the accused into a social pariah.


Being gangraped by felons

>What should be the legal penalty for lying about sexual assault and rape?

That's a fucking retarded question !
Let me ask you back :

Should there be a penalty for robbing someone's freedom for years and years and decades and locking them up into a cage together with psychopaths, murders and other animals ??

Such a hard question.

Tell you what i would do :
Literally burm false rape accusers. on stakes. publicly.

False accuser murder squads, NOW !!!!

Equal to the amount of time if said charge was real.

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>1 bullet
>2 bangs

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>1 bullet
>shoots it twice
i thought they allowed guns in ireland

the same punishment that the accused would have gotten if it were true.

Case by case, but a couple years in prison sounds good.
This bitch in particular though, given the gravity of the situation?
10 years in federal penitentiary.

Being gangraped by a bunch of underage kids then being charged for paedophia.

I know plenty of PhD's who drank their way through college. On the whole, they aren't function in society, only in academia.

10 years in prison and a lifetime on the sex offender registry.

Did she actually say that?

One for each door.

Living with a black man.

Nay for the prisoj aye for the sex offender list