What's wrong with living a meme? For instance I plan on buying another pack of 30 of these bad boys.
What's wrong with living a meme? For instance I plan on buying another pack of 30 of these bad boys
>What's wrong with living a meme?
that's the equivalent of listening to pop music.
my dream is a shelf fully stocked with Monster energy drinks.
i hope you kys by sniffing anchovy's swarthy italian feet
Reality is a meme
Stop drinking this poison.
i dont really like monster very much but if it helps things along i will do my part
Rockstars with 235mg caffine are way better. I'm not sure why people drink Monster swill.
You are simultaneously giving yourself cancer AND diabetes.
Thank you from removing yourself from the gene pool.
Red Bull is much better
>drinking the liquid jew
used to be addicted to those bad boys, never again. Shit is POISON
Sounds like you could use some sips
Thoes things probably give you brain cancer desu
Why do people opt for monster over rockstar or red bull?
not politics
You drink these at room temperature? That sounds terrible.
If you want to buy from Russell Weiner, Michael Savage's son. Personally I like the radio show.
i fell for it, had one lying around as a joke and sipped it. bought 5 more right away.
What if someone was to come out and say you were all dipshits equally?
Like $5 at dollar general
can someone tell me about this meme?
sorry, ive been away for a while.
That's just caffeine boomer fren
Fuck you, I like MJ.
A guerilla marketing scheme that went really well.
hey Rob
monster has more good stuff in it then just caff
imagine shilling for and drinking artificial sugar water in a bpa lined can decorated with hebrew marketing
But what if I was doing this before the meme?
But I workout so I'm good bro.
If I wanted a shot of caffeine I'd drink shots of espresso
Oh no lol. I got more in the fridge. I'm not some nigger.
Ever had sex? This is that. But in your mouth.
If you're going to abuse caffeine pills, you might as well throw in some ephedrine or green tea extract into the mix for a real buzz.
I bought one of those the other day to see how bad they were..
Holy fuck, how can anyone drink that sugar jizz shit?