Get "raped"

>get "raped"
>refuse to go to the police because no one will believe me!
Anyone else think this is bullshit, especially now where it's basically a crime to not believe women who say they were raped? Why wouldn't the police investigate?

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>especially now
Do you understand the flow of time? The past is not now. These things occurred more frequently in the past.

Attached: fake rape accusations.jpg (924x550, 105K)

What's the difference between a false accusation and recanting "victim"?

You know who puts that "refuse to go to the police because no one will believe me!"" College professors.

College is where you go to be indoctrinated.

The problem is, how many times do you think cops deal with false reports in regards to crazy women? This leads them to become jaded and brush off genuine cases because they are tired of hearing the bullshit ones.

shut the fuck up larper
have you been studying # of rape cases on yearly bases
go suck a fucking dick nigger

In reality? Nothing, but they're given the benefit of the doubt that they didn't just make it up. As for why they would recant if it were true, nobody knows.

I was always under the impression the police were obligated to at least look into these cases.

the 94 paper said 40%. couldn't find the other two

says 2-10%

seems like someone just averaged all of them without comparing methodology or anything. sloppy

wow its like intimidation and shaming aren't things. OP I hope you never have daughters

They have to file a report. Whether it goes anywhere is another matter.

I hope you have daughters and they get raped

>What should be the legal penalty for lying about sexual assault and rape?

That's a fucking retarded question !
Let me ask you back :

Should there be a penalty for robbing someone's freedom for years and years and decades and locking them up into a cage together with psychopaths, murders and other animals ??

Such a hard question.

Tell you what i would do :
Literally burm false rape accusers. on stakes. publicly.

False accuser murder squads, NOW !!!!

>wow its like intimidation and shaming aren't things
Doesn't happen. The second any woman says she was raped, she has an army of people rushing to support her and demand everyone believe her.

>The second any woman says she was raped, she has an army of people rushing to support her and demand everyone believe her.
And another army of people rushing to blame her and demand that she admit she is lying.

Depends on the reputation of the accused in question. Police aren't always reliable, unfortunately. The fact that you place it in quotations suggest you're willing treat accusers with bias rather than giving them a fair chance.

And then those people have their accounts banned and are publicly shamed.

No, because most rape isn't actual rape. It's either two drunk people have sex, and the woman regrets it the next day or the man pushes a woman to have sex when she's not 100% sure she wants to, but she gives in anyway. The violent, visceral rape you see on TV and movies primarily only happens in third world shitholes.

Why would that be?

Because, as I've said before, it's blasphemy to assume any woman lies at all. Go on twitter right now and say that accusers should have to have proof and see what happens.

>because no one will believe me!

Except that's not the reason why. The main reason why is that it blows up into an argument of whether or not she deserved it. Look at that swimmer college dude that got convicted last year, he was caught finger blasting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster and he got six months in the pen.

And that was after a bunch of people decided that she specifically went to parties to get drunk and fool around. You have to admit, even though a lot of women do just that, it does really suck for the ones who are actual victims because the Left vs Right: Rumble Tonight About Who's Right army of pitchforks shows up regardless. People always, always try to argue that it's the woman's fault in scenarios like that.

Cop here. Some women don’t want to report it to us for lots of reasons. It’s a very personal experience to sit down with a stranger and discuss being a legitimate victim of rape. Everyone handles it differently.

That said, Ford is a lying cunt.

You are aware that victims of trauma can literally convince themselves that things that didn't happen did actually happen, right?

It's quite plausible that she truly believes it but could be wrong. That happens all the damn time

Then she’s a lying, mental health case.

it's because the police are incapable but "they" don't want us to think this, so "they" pretend people don't "want" to talk to the police

>Sara Jean Underwood viral marketing

Here is a golden oldie from the dark days of 2012 to 2015

Attached: polfieldmarshaless1.jpg (542x456, 27K)

>Why wouldn't the police investigate?

I once got mugged at gun point and had to report it to the cops because they took property that did't belong to me. Dealing with the cops was more aggravating than dealing with the criminals. To make a long story short the phrase "it did happen, me getting robbed" came out of my mouth during the interview process after I made a statement. So yeah I can see why women would think the cops wouldn't believe them.

cops are scum

i think that most women that don't report but tell their friends are just bitches that had regret sex and want fucking attention.

your a nigger

so something like 68% of rapists get away with their crime?

>But who defines rape
Literally could be anything that makes a woman feel uncomfortable. Then she gets the victim card.