Pol was an interesting place for many years as a CIA haven of mind control but lately it has lost it's sheen.
It's no longer a stimulating environment and being doxed by the CIA continually. Like all platforms across the internet, any real conversations are quickly quashed in favour of white noise.
Nobody is here to think which has quelled the desire to share thoughts and the idea of an abundant other/s has been reduced to a tape loop of stale affirmation.
Excited now by the prospect of spending hours looking out of the window instead of at the computer begins to make sense.
No there is no one out there and if there is, they aren't listening for an escape route for themselves but not for you.
The aliens turned out to be real jerks so we stole from them, got them drunk and sent them off in a direction unfamiliar to us.
and dishonesty by your species which you think gives you a loftier vantage in life but truly nothing could be further from the case.
Hegelian materialism is a far cry from Kantian Idealism wherein the prospect of considering one as an means to an end, is in and of itself sinful. Not indifferent to Jesus' proclamation that adultery first begins within the heart. These are mental and superior realms which supersede any heavyweight nonsense to the contrary.
Lincoln Stewart
You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. The need to whine to randoms is much too strong in you. No one cares.
Andrew Rivera
That's how I feel about the matter
The aliens exist The end does not justify the means in the instances of conscious persons
Chase Gomez
You feel the need to respond with a negative because you are a dried up, CIA moron pushing filth on the public, well fuck you
Jaxson Phillips
I know what you are scumbag
Gabriel Perez
Nobody is afraid of the JOKE CLOWN ORGANISATION known as the CIA, NSA, FBI
any of the above or any standing academic institution which blatantly lies time after time in favour of state propaganda.