Greatest month Italian heritage month

SALUD!!!!Happy Italian Heritage month to all my Paisonos!!! #Italianheritagemonth get the greatest # of all time trending all month. Woooohooo
Its okay to be white but
its the best to be Italian American

Attached: Screenshot_20181001-195921.jpg (1051x1025, 219K)

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Less pecorino romano, more pic related.

Attached: AVATARGiordano_Bruno1.jpg (1400x2550, 1.93M)

>35% italian
>look italian

fuck off with this thread. I already know I'm not white.

Attached: sad pepe.png (1092x1037, 65K)

Listen, I don’t have anything against Italian-Americans, but you either learn the language or fuck off.

Thanks for your contributions to the world Mr. Spaghettio

Attached: 75164BC6-DFA4-4829-9570-2A5E2B5AFA23.png (952x468, 217K) What can we do to fix our sinking economy?

Fuck off neapolis/sicilian rejects you went in america because we didn't wanted you anymore.

LOL! Superpower.
I'm a white male.

whiter than you

Attached: surname distribution.png (455x487, 250K)