Best region in the United States?

What is the best region within the United States to settle in and start a career, raise a family, and live the American Dream? I'm looking for an objective unbiased opinion based on statistics like crime, weather, opportunities, and quality of life.

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>crime, weather, opportunities, and quality of life.
you should move to Montezuma KS

If you dream of faggotry, I would say the West Coast is a strong contender. If you dream of afforable housing, the aim for the middle somewhere like Texas where you can still find a job. Of coarse it all comes down to how do you plan to make a living?

EST because they have the same time as me.

I plan on finding a job as a software developer

If you don't mind the snow, Northeast.

midwest 10000000000%
all white people, tech boom, great house pricing

>all white

yeah it is faggot

LOL. Especially where the jobs are! Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis! Those cities look like Polska...

I live in Carmel Ind. Best city to live in the whole country. 95% white.
Let me guess, your some coastal spic?

>Lives in a town the size of my subdivision
>Says the midwest is all white

Not if you live anywhere near a major city (i.e. the only places worth living in)

It is. Are you retarded?

It sure is!

thats just not true

What is all the cities with >50k pop

East coast master race reporting in. We have more history than the rest of the nation. 13 colonies. Virginia is god tier of you can avoid all the spics and niggers in NOVA

Montrose, Colorado

greater appalachia if youre a real american

t. pablo

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Great Lakes area, Pacific Northwest, and New England. All 3 areas have mild weather, low rates of disaster, safe, cheap suburbs, and moderately thriving economies. I would never have left if it wasn't for the 2008 recession.

When did I say that dumbass?
Midwest is very white with lots of white cities. No major city is ever going to be white here. You sound like either a butthurt spic or boomer.

Midwest is the last hope for whites t b h

obviously. ive never seen a muslim irl before and never saw a nig or spic until i was 16.

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Good luck, sounds like you are headed to faggot-ville. If I were you I would try to get a job at the NSA or some military contract firm.

Cheers from Michigan bro

>No major city is ever going to be white here
>Midwest is white!!!

Daily reminder the Midwest is entirely full

ur right it's not white at all.. dont come here :^)...

Checkmate, racists.

Pretty damn white, Midwestern minorities are the easiest to deal with too.

Indiana is known for having some of the best nogs and I have to admit, its kinda true. Dont get me wrong we have turbo niggers too but the few that live near me work for a living. Theyre church nog types.

Mountain timezone. With the exception of AZ/NM and parts of CO its cozy as fuck and universally white

>Great Lakes
>New England
>mild weather