i will get us started with the basic fundamentals
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wow! chiiiiiiiiinaaaaaaaaa YEAH
the sun never sets over the chinese empire
Well so long as you don't do anything wrong than you have nothing to worry about.
Holt fuck Chinese can't drive at all
according to Jow Forums the suicide nets in china are just for show. nothing to do with people jumping out of buildings
alright lets sit down over some dumplings and talk this out
does that kind of blatant lie fly over there at int? i never go there
they are all diasporafags. and probably wumao
insect people
My favorite China webms are ones of vehicles crashing and instantly catching on fire. It's like something out of a cartoon.
>we want manufacturing back in the US
Yea I'm going to pass on that
is he ok?
Its one thing to kill and eat dogs, but this is straight up torture. Id fucking nuke and gas those bug people until they all died.
Thot patroled
This is Vietnam
there is no way they don't do this shit on purpose
I don't understand it, what kind of flaw in the design even that makes that possible?
Never gets old.
Here's a longer version.
lathe deaths are the worst by far
are you fucking kiding me? that is awful
chinks, gooks, nips and zips. All share the same insectoid race
Why can’t we just nuke them?
>Bus on sidewalk
Why would a human being even be this cruel to a dog? Even niggers who beat shit to death aren't this cruel.
worst thing i have seen bar none and it isnt even close
nobody did anything to help that baby
some one steps in to help, thats a first
At least cut the head off first...
I wonder if all the chinaboos are aware of this stuff.
lol the wipers
viet uses a roman letters fags
Best part is her grabbing for her purse. Not the baby that just smashed against the pavement, no, her purse.
This is anywhere within 15ft of lathes.
Seriously, FUCK lathes.
What is the US equivalent of this?
Why are they so fucking stupid? We're we just as stupid when we made everything here?
can some medfag give an insight into what happened? Why is the baby discoloured? How does this happen?
They do. They're crazy. I've seen so many videos where they intentionally bowl over random people.
no he got fired
i work with lathes everyday......
top fucking kek
More like... "NEET thread. Let's post pics of workfags getting rekt"
A glimpse of humanity, are they evolving?
I can't think of a reason to skin it and keep it alive.
If its food, well, a man's got to eat, but why the fuck keep it alive without its skin.
i used to want to travel until i learned how awful non whites and their shit countrys are
Honestly, sexual frustration leads a person to collecting gore and post them on Jow Forums.
>Queuing and dignity are for fags
link to full video?
when the shoe goes flying
Because they just don't give a fuck about the suffering of other people or animals.
They feel nothing.
Its like the chinese version of meatspin
The guy pushing over a wall, and then another one comes out of frame to kill him, now that's funny. Holy fuck, is this country run by the ACME corporation or something.
>everyone i dont like is a virgin
are virgins the new hitlers?
You're just not adventurous. Indian Jones himself came to a foreign desert land to kill shitskins with his whip.
No, I was making a point. It's from my personal experience in the past.
Jesus, I don't think our spines are supposed to do that.
There is a chin tourist bus that always go to a chink buffet. The food was garbage,
battle to death for some shitty shrimp
There was little girl who didn't like me wanting to fuck her so I ended up sharing her gore clips...
Made a mistake grabbing the pole.
>hits wipers
i've never felt so bad laughing at something
Fucking Frogger, kek
"China is the future"
>US government shills
it must really make you guys wonder what you're doing here, wasting your time after seeing this:
I don't know if he's wrong m8.
This is the epitome of china.
Nobody would've said America is the future either when this was happening, people change over time..
Jow Forums loves to rely on genetics thinking human behaviour is predictable just by that measure, except societies across the world are changing their attitudes.
butthurt chink
Have you fucked it yet?
I'm 30 years old... been on Jow Forums since October 2005... I'm too old for this.
The person getting stuck down by the pole gets me every time. He looked like he was getting away, and then BLAM.
Yes. We probably were. Back when we got industrialized there were many years of children working in factories. They sometimes had even more accidents because their bosses used them to reach for things in the machinery due to them being smaller.
Why does the US government willfully import Chinese spies? Then turn around and waste tax dollars to shill against China?
>Lynching is bad.
Community policing is something everyone needs, especially when one lives around niggers.
ohhhhhhhhh ching chong ping pong, me so o oo ooo horny, me luv u looo ong time
I kek'd bigly
you guys have made a good thread out of this
i scrolled up and scanned it and i think we missed this one
i am super drunk though so sorry if it has been posted
what the fuck, man
What the actual hell is China?
And yet child porn is illegal. If you asked that boy if he would rather get his head stomped or his dick sucked. What do you think he would choose?
also missed the little boy with the dustpan
>rare fatty Chinese tries to help and gets rekt
is that an axe or a hammer?
comedy gold this one