Traitor to the Constitution

>"We're knocking out bump stocks"
>"We’re in the final two or three weeks, and I’ll be able to write out bump stocks."

This traitorous, orange nigger baboon should be hung on the White House lawn. If you disagree, please kindly escort yourself back to Jow Forumsthe_Donald.

>Source :

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Other urls found in this thread:

So he wants to lose midterms, this is insane.

bump stock are almost as gay as op

I hope somebody shoots that traitorous cocksucker

>lose midterms
the office of president is not voted for during midterms.

He brought up bump stocks because today is the 1 year anniversary of Vegas and NO GUN CONTROL HAS BEEN IMPLEMENTED AT ALL AND ALSO NO MOTIVE BECAUSE IT WAS A MOSSAD FALSE FLAG.

babby wants their toys back


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Good for them it's about time the secret got busted

Mossad are you shitting me, there was a Saudi prince in the building.

The Republican Party is a left-wing socialist joke. They agree with literally everything the Democrats do, just in moderation. The watered down mirror image of the DNC. How anyone could actually even vote for these senile idiots is beyond me.

Didn't I say escort yourself to Reddit? You do realize that no one with a functioning brain gives a shit about what you're spouting, right? This isn't your Trumptard circlejerk safespace.

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Yeah. The same saudi prince that NASIM MOSSAD AGENT tried to kill.


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Why do you need a bump stock? I mean, if you can’t fire a semi-auto in full semi-automatic mode than you shouldn’t even own machine guns

>Why do you need a bump stock?

You're literally just a leftist, using left-wing rhetoric. My right doesn't depend on your subjective perception of 'need'.

You mad? Did you not catch the sarcasm in what I wrote?

>Trump "bans" bump stocks
>Need to register them as a machine gun with the ATF and get a tax stamp
>Woops, looks like I "accidentally" reopened the machine gun registry

Politics you kike. He's not dictator he has to keep up appearances and do favors.


What other options do we have? Democrats are pure evil and unacceptable.

He said the same thing last year faggot. Go back

You're a traitor OP and on the wrong side of history. MAGA

This tho



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Oh yes, they are going to vote for the anti-gun politicians because he said something bad about certain kinds of gun add-ons.

I am still doubling down for the greatest president ever. MAGA +++

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I just wanted to say that yea I disagree oh and fuck you. Fucking tool. Other than that have a pleasant night. Go Trump

Hey you! Yes, you.

Annoyed with the constant stream of these low effort shareblue shill threads? Want to send the people behind them a message?

Vote Republican in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION ON November 6. That's 35 days away.

Remember...Every. Single. One.

Get every single sane person you know in real life and on the internet to do the same. Make a list of all of them. Throw an election party on that day. Remember, November 6.

COPY AND PASTE THIS IN EVERY SLIDE THREAD TO KILL IT! Notice how they all DIE after you copy&paste this...

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Bumpstocks are just a fucking meme anyways.

Doesn't matter, it's an inch given that gains nothing

>trump said a thing about bump stocks that he said last year
>trump picked a "2A radical" for scotus
Use your brain

Don't care about bumpstocks, hes keeping most of the gun laws the way they are and that's good enough for me. You elect anyone else and they are gonna ban "assault weapons" 30 round magazines you name it probably even body armor eventually.

What if he bans bumpstocks but gets national reciprocity?

also trump constantly bullshits, like when asked about this women who is accusing kavanaugh of rape he said "She seems very credible". That's just the last few days. The man is a pathological liar sociopath manipulator and he does so for the things that I want. He's like a villain that does things that are beneficial for you.

No compromises on the second amendment

It's better to push the arrow all the way through and have a hot civil war than it is to suffer cucks like this



>banning something nobody cares about at all and is not at all related to your ability to own a firearm

Damn, Jow Forums has been gotten real good this time

once kav is in the NFA will be struck down and bump stocks will be a curiosity of history. full auto suppressed SBRs will be available online without a tax stamp required for less than 2000 bucks.

Trump already cucked out to a jew, Kav isn't getting confirmed

keep dreaming. At most MAYBE MAYBE we'll get some of these local state restrictive gun laws repealed.

quick on the draw mr shareblue.
>tips fedora

This shillpost isnt going to age well.

Eh, already been support for de-regulating cans and thats pretty fucking sweet. Don't see FA going that route though, republicans wouldn't want to "win" the gun debate, then they would have to actually perform on other topics instead of just promising to "fight for or defend your rights"

Do you have a belt loop? You have a bumpstock. Problem solved. Now stfu please about your novelty items.

I hope it doesn't, I want him confirmed, but if he isn't confirmed it just reaffirms trump being a cuck. If Kav isn't confirmed, I genuinely believe that Mueller will have him arrested and he'll just take it complaining the whole time, or atleast he'll bring some charge against him.

This moment defines
>Will they allow a false rape accusation against men to work no matter what
>Will Trump bend the knee to every democrat that cries just a little
We'll see, but as someone who voted for him in a blue state, this will be a HUGE indicator.

If he fails this, he's done. over, finished.

Isn't don jr. a big fan of silencers? Why aren't they legal yet? They were only banned in the first place to cut down on poaching not because of scary movie assassins.

Wow, Trump is so soft on gun rights! Guess I'm with #Her now!

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Yeah, but his party can you idiot.
And if the fuckup is bad enough he could even be impeached if the Senate is lost.

>jew lover
>banning guns
>deports elderly man who "helped the nazis"
yeah I'm thinking Trump's not our guy

This seems pretty clever actually.
Gun owning conservatives know that bump-stocks are just a novelty and won't give a shit. Meanwhile, disenfranchised moderate Democrats who don't know jack-shit about guns think that POTUS is actually taking gun control seriously.

Yeah except a huge contigent of the right also believes that any infringement whatsoever is unacceptable, it doesnt matter that bump stocks are a novelty.

Besides, bump fire is a technique, outlawing a bump stock only muddies the waters and opens the door to a semiautomatic rifle ban.

democrats don't care because trump is still in charge
all this is going to do is piss of the right, again

That's a good point, but I really doubt that a bump stock ban is going to keep conservatives away from the polls with all the zany shit the dems have been pulling. My guess is that the number of moderates who will come around to Trump will outweigh any loss in support based on this move.
Also if I'm correct about Trump using this novelty ban as a red herring, I can't imagine it will lead to any further restrictions on semi-autos.

This strategy is called a Magician's Force. Two seemingly different choices are offered, one of which is presented as undesirable and the other slightly more reasonable, when in reality both choices are the same; Hillary would have also gone after our gun rights. Trump and Hillary == Same policies.

Another example is pic related, which was Hillary's agenda with Iran, and just so happens to be Trump's.

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Take a coffee break, you earned it. How much longer in your shift?

Kindly dissect and debunk my reasoning.

>BRB, gonna invent the bump brace

He is a traitor, yes.

Not in his Presidency, but in the future it very well could. Dont let political expediency blind you to this, the Dems are already kicking themselves over the very same thing ie the nuclear option for Judicial appointees.

I'm not so sure of that, not with such a historically heated topic. I don't think the gun issue specifically is prone to these kind of slippery slopes; the gun control debate will be in a perpetual stalemate for a very long time.

You may be right desu. But I really hope not. Regardless, this ban certainly will not hurt conservatives in the primaries. If anything, it will help in the short term.

A Clinton administration would be going after guns period, and going hamf. Trump has said this thing, but hasn't actually acted in it. At least not yet. The dems want to turn us into the UK.
I don't really care about Iran

Fuck. I meant midterms, not primaries. I am way too drunk for a Monday.

Come back, two hours after posting this shit, to find my thread full of dumb Trumptard niggers flinging shit all over the place in their impotent, autistic rage.

You don't have to be a Hillshill to realize that illegal and unconstitutional actions - e.g. any attempt to infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms - are illegal and unconstitutional and warrant punishment of the highest degree.

The intentions, the excuses, the apparent 'insignificance' of the infringement as claimed by some here - none of it matters. What Trump is doing is patently illegal and unconstitutional. The buck stops there, or at least it should.

How can this illiterate nigger preach of 'law and order', while going unpunished trampling upon the Supreme Law of the Land? How can anyone be justly arrested by the order of a criminal? You niggers hoot and holler about 'muh hillary' and 'muh demokrats', but you've become exactly what you claim to despise: gun-grabbing, left-wing socialist nutjobs.

Could you look a man in the eyes, who's being taken away from his white wife and children to spend five long years in federal prison for the possession or sale of a fucking stock, and tell him 'you deserve this'? Apparently, Trump can. Shit, Republicans in power across the nation lock up thousands of Americans annually for various petty 'firearms offenses'.

These people are not friends of liberty, or of our country. They are subhuman monsters who deserve to be shot.

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Yup. Backdoor to reopen the registry.

You can't go after guns period without a revolt, but by banning bump stocks you can work your way up to gun bans. Think.

>the NRA is anti-gun
>the NRA are communist

smells like /sg/ and urine, but I repeat myself.

The whole issue of gun rights has been a slippery slope since the National Firearms Act of 1934, it may not hurt in the short term but im very wary of this kind of thing, I think it would be better to ignore the bump stock issue all together unlesw they have "no choice", they have more than enough leverage from this Kavanaugh circus.

This is autistic to the highest degree. The man isn't going to ban bumpstocks, he constantly LIES that is his STRENGTH. He gives no fucks, has no honor, and will say ANYTHING. He's probably never going to ban bump stocks, he'll just keep talking about it so it seems like hes at least doing "something" Yeah yeah 2nd amendment infringement etc etc who gives a shit. Get fucking real, at least with Trump shit remains the same. I can have my ARs and my Mags and all my other shit nvgs etc. That's a fuck of a lot better than the democrats who the moment they get in they are gonna make us worse than Europe in terms of gun laws.

You should kindly escort yourself to the line that leads to helicopters reserved for antifa faggots like yourself

Listen you NeverTrumper faggot, I agree that every anti gun law ever passed is an infringement on my rights but I also understand few people think that way.
Punished Kavanaugh will be a great addition to the court and you can rest assured that our rights are more secure under trump than they would have been under Hilldawg.
A win is a win, these battles are won the courts. God willing Ginsburg makes her way to hell and leaves another spot open for another originalist.

^ This man knows what's up.

>Conservatives can't even defend the constitution being infringed constantly
>I-if they take our guns THIS time we WILL rise up!!!
Not buying it, it's just cringy larping. The second amendment has already been infringed, conservatives don't even bring it up anymore or seem to give a shit. Shows how much they """""conserve"""", doesn't it?

Fuck (((weimerica)))

Good, Fuck (((weimerica)))

The NRA is both anti-gun and communist. I'm not even joking. They're totally for the ban on fully-automatic firearms, among the other various petty infringements Congress and local legislators have levied upon our right to keep and bear arms.

They may espouse pro-gun rhetoric, but the effect of their constant compromise and refusal to stand beside a basic principled rights-based defense of firearm ownership is the gradual disarmament of the American populace and thus inevitable transition to full left-wing communism, an unrestrained tyranny of the State. Thus, they are ultimately in the end, anti-gun and communist.

Wouldn't be surprised if it was controlled opposition financed and organized by the federal government.

No, with Trump you can't have your ARs and your mags. See California, Colorado, New York City - among others. The 2A is already dead, the Republicans watched it die and happily so. A vote for the GOP is only delaying the inevitable, the only distinction between them and the DNC is if we end up with mass confiscation in 24 years or 8.

The only solution is overthrowing the federal regime, the sooner it happens the better. The more conservatives pussyfoot and try to negotiate with the left, and concede more and more rights every left-wing election year, the weaker they become as a resistance until secession is virtually impossible.

Democrats banning assault rifles shouldn't even be an option. It should be an automatic trigger to instant secession and civil war. But it's where we're at right now, thanks to decades of Republican pussyfooting and compromise. What would they do if rifles were banned right now? Shrug as millions were forcibly disarmed, and probably ask you to vote for them next election cycle. These people have no principles. They're not willing to die for anything, much less liberty. Our freedom will die with a whimper if we keep on voting them into power.

>but I also understand few people think that way
Then they deserve to lose it all.

If you accept loopholes to gun laws, the left can have loopholes to anything. Borders, drugs, free speech.

Accerationists are no better than communists.

The modern NRA isnt the same beast as it was im the 90s
The fact is the courts are our best hope, a bloody civil conflict will not produce the same results as the Revolution.

>Dems want to ban assault rifles
>assault rifles
>a 2a "supporter" doesnt know assault rifles and machine guns are defacto banned

Be honest, are you a shill?

Man you guys are desperate to get him to lose favor. I'm not falling for it

>trump bans bump stocks
>gets challenged in the supreme court with the newly appointed kavanaugh
>ruling ends up reversing the ban and getting rid of even more restrictions around guns
12D chess

NRA will be pissed if true.

When will the_Donald finally realize he's just another globalist neocon puppet?