I understand that this might be a controversial topic:

I understand that this might be a controversial topic:
There is nothing wrong with rape. There I said it. Most of you wouldn't even be here today if some female ancestor of yours wasn't raped.

1. Most women fantasize about getting raped, just check out what they read and watch, there is always forceful sex/rape in there, in fact, most women have this kinds of rape fantasies AT LEAST ONCE PER MONTH.

2. Women orgasm more ofter & stronger when raped, they even have multiple orgasms.

3. There is a higher chance of pregnancy during rape, women literally start ovulating just for their rapist.

Truth is.. they just don't want to be raped by ugly and unsuccessful men and yeah... you'll never be able to please her like the town rapist. Pic. related, The Rape of the Sabine Women, if the Romans didn't rape those women there would be no Roman Empire.

Attached: rapeofthesabinewomen.jpg (1114x820, 273K)

>nothing wrong with rape
rape doesn't foster a solid family unit and therefore the child grows up to be a nigger.

If it wasn't for rape we would have gone extinct a long long time ago.

use your argument on evolutionists, i think it will at least trigger them into screech mode

Yeah and it's true, due to natural selection and evolution women literally "evolved" to accommodate rape.

You know some cultures didn't have a word for rape before they became "civilized", meaning it wasn't a difference between that and regular sex.

rephrase to 'females' as evolution looks at populations of breeding pairs
i see cows get raped by bulls all the time, that's what makes me $$$

"rape" IS a social construct.

Pretty much.

>But one provocative study, published in 2003, went even further: It found that a single act of rape was more than twice as likely to result in pregnancy than an act of consensual sex.

It's about transcending the things that make us weak humans, not exploiting them.

We've come along way since civilization, and your shitty arguments are just that, low tier.

Keyword being civilized, whether you put it in quotes or not faggot.

You don't deserve your trips, mutt.

it's literally encoded in female DNA.
rape is no big deal, they have been getting raped for millions of years. you wouldn't even been writing that if your female ancestors weren't raped.

t. incel

Let's play a game of spot the nigger.

Hint: This is not a very hard game.

your women are getting raped by niggers and muslims because you aren't doing the raping, dumb asses.

Kill yourself
Your lineage is weak

as if there are no rapists in yours, HAHAHAHA
protip: you exist because your ancestors raped/were raped

Absolutely false opinionated rhetoric

Sorry sweetie but its right.

None of that pardons the behavior in a modern, civilized society. Period. Real men transcend these weak thoughts. Some of us are above our animal instincts, and take pride in it.

btw your whole republic is based on one that existed because a bunch of dudes decided to go to the next village and kidnap and rape all the women.

It still doesn't matter, what happened or how we got to his point. We're at 2018. Do you have some skin in the game? Did some raping recently? You fucking dirt-nigger.

You assume that "civilized" is something that will always exists.

literally the ITS THE CURRENT YEAR argument hahahahahhaa

My lineage, as I am user and you have no clue of me or mine, certainly did not at any time need to have taken anything that would be given freely to us.

I'm sure you're used to rejection though.

Want to know how I know my lineage isn't a product of a rape baby? Because my direct father to son lineage has been catalogued in history for the past 5 centuries and I am the first man in said lineage to call myself American.

You probably don't even know your great grandfather's first name, but I know mine, and his father's father.

So sorry you're a poorfag rape baby bastardized with no lineage or history.

Kike slave

Perhaps, perhaps not. What I do know is that I would never stoop to the level of arguing for rape based on some fallacy ridden argument. If western civilization falls, it will be due to people like yourself.

> too stupid to understand the argument being made

look at the puritan americans, their whole culture is sexualized 24/7 reaching pedophilia but they can't discuss rape

I'm discussing it. It's wrong. End of story, it's real simple. Moral Relativism is a cancer on the face of society, and if you cannot find it within yourself to understand what's right and what's wrong at this point in the game, I truly feel bad for you. Have a good day, and I hope you find the light.

>puritans were sexual degenerates and pedophiles
When you don't know what you're talking about.
>first man in lineage to consider himself American
Brings up 17th century puritans

Lol ok rape baby

You know Portugal has been conquered by shitskins right? Brown eyes = african lineage

>he thinks humans appeared with his grandfather or some shit

so if you were alone on an island with a woman who did not want to procreate and the "future of humanity" depended on it, you woukdn't rape her?

Ah, the Portuguese rape sympathizer is back

Everything you say is true op.
The real problem with rape in modern society is...modern society.
Once a woman has experienced the pleasure of being raped, she is ashamed that her normal ‘civilized’ sex life with her husband or boyfriend will never match that pleasure.
She has to reconcile herself with the fact that the rape was superior to her husband, and she doesn’t know how to sort that out without feeling like a slut.
This destroys her self image as someone who is respectable and pretends to be satisfied with one orgasm from her husband every few months.

>nothing wrong with rape

Can't say I'm surprised.

Rape is bad because it is basically theft. Rape is not and has never been throughout history "sex a cunt doesn't want" it is "sex with a cunt what is owned by another man". The victim is not the cunt because only people can be victims of crimes, the victim is the cunt's owner. Just like if you steal a car or break a man's window rape is just the same.

Attached: suri-cruise-nyc-ftr-2.jpg (600x900, 157K)

finally someone makes some sense in this thread, women are resources.

rape is theft of another man's property