Why do women have to work

Can someone please explain this to me. I understand that women needed to work in the Soviet Union during WWII when the country was being invaded and needed very hand available. I understand why they needed to work in Imperial Japan when the Allied noose was closing in on them.

I do not understand why women need to work nowadays. There is so much unemployment and wages are stagnant. It just makes these women live alone in sad apartments and ride the Tinder cock carousel while they fulfill their so-called societal duty to have a job and "self-actualize."

Whoever thought this shit was a good idea was either a butch lesbian dyke (early 1900s suffragettes) or a Jew.

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>Why do women have to work
they like it.


no they fucking don't, who likes working? like 5% of the population actually as the "boutique advertising firm in a leafy california suburb" job that makes you feel good

>Why do women have to work

so they can afford to pay someone else to raise their kids.

Because i cant employ male nurses since there arent any and hospitals without nurses are not workinh you dumbass.

>so much unemployment
Literally lowest they have ever been
>wages stagnant
The Jew will blame everyone but themselves for the problems they create

Why do women need to work? Everyone should work. Even children to an extent. America became great because man woman and child worked on farms and in factories, when we got super rich after WW2 and wife and kids became leeches, we declined.

>lesbian or jew

It was literally both, kek

traditionally female roles are fine, that's not what i'm talking about

Women working isn't a problem. Women putting a career over their prime years for having kids is the problem. It's completely possible to start a career after having some kids but is never spoken of. Women pursuing careers are more likely to just whore around since they don't got time to settle down.

well I think women should be paid to have children and live in their own resort family communities, all paid for, of course.
this would enable the population to be skewed to be more male, since each female would have more children. more males = more wealth = women don't have to work much.

No they don't.

Hypergamy. They dont want to be dependent on sub8 males for provision.

Hooters needs waitresses too

The problem is that globalist jews have pushed wealth and income inequality to a point where the average income for men in the 30s in the USA is less than 40k/year. Men can’t afford a home, can’t comfortably support a family so they waste away complaining online or get lost in NPC hobbies while women dissolutely whore around and never have kids. When will you people wake up to the fact that society has already collapsed and the kike capitalists you dick ride are at fault ?

this is the first truly interesting point in this thread...can you explain a bit more?
they raise the bar by making their own money and thus the less successful males have even less of a chance with them? but does this necessarily mean they can get the higher status males?

Women working is not an issue, it's the nature of the work.

Women should home school their children.

There, that's a job and it's a fucking important one. Homeschooling is superior for achieving academically and you filter out all the social studies propaganda when you do it yourself.

The issue is that our society gives women the opportunity to make equal wages or more compared to men, so they have no incentive not to work for a faceless megacorporation.

Private corporations give women validation that should be reserved to the family.


Because most women are not attractive.

It means they end up unmarried roasties in their late 30s.

No true Chad would settle for a roastie when they can get a younger model in their 20s.

top tier assessment

Double the workforce, double the money-lending, double the debt

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so women work as a short-term gambit to put the boot on the less successful males, but then realize it backfires in their 30s because chads don't want their used up shit

Because the Federal Gov wants more taxpayers now, they want women focused on careers and sex with everything to make up for family connection, the Dems want more Useful Idiot self-actualized stronk womyn, they both want a ton of women in college to push the high-achieving men out, they want white women to spend more time on careers and less time having kids, they want all the HR cases women bring to ratchet more control on the market and pretend they are fighting for women, all so they can get more votes for power, more voter permission to keep spending money, and letting in all the poor little illegals to gradually make the population more dependent on the gov because the barren women need something to do with their maternal instinct

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aaand here we go. Lets decide which work places are destined for wahmen.

schoolteachers, office assistants, nursing, any other auxiliary assistant position
the expectation is they quit when they are married
just look at japan

case closed

I guess our 2,4% unemployment rate will raise and our poor chads will drop idea of getting babies or married completely or we can just import more niggers which can do our job as Muti Merkel is saying.

literally the exact fucking opposite of what would happen

japan's problems are not due to women being out of the workplace, in fact women being out of the workplace in japan has been part of the reason the country has held on to its economic primacy so long in the face of:

1. brutal overcrowding
2. overbearing, non-innovative corporate culture
3. environmental destruction
4. high prices due to trade deficit
5. nuclear disaster
6. stagnant wages

explain please... since we have more jobs to offer than we have people and these 2.4% are gypsies, cripples and SJW/anarchists. We would turn into Zimbabwe tier country without working women.

the unemployment numbers are always lies, there are vastly more people who have dropped out of the job search due to lack of hope, or people who are underemployed. are you telling me college students have no trouble finding jobs?

shift the women into the underpaid / underemployed jobs that are included in your citation and give the men the breadwinning jobs, watch the stabilization take place

Because being a wage slave for a faceless multinational corporation and a tax cow for a government that wants to replace you and your family with 'diversity' makes you a strong, independent woman.

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because betacuck neets can't provide

Its a marxist/feminist idea totally created by the left. So the left wants women to work and end the 'family system' of civilization. Fuck it, lets go, the only missing piece is ending all marriage and alimony legislation. Work to eat, no free rides, I see the appeal.

agreed. women shouldn't be allowed to work. they should be forced to depend on a man for resources. it's the only way to ensure a stable household. if she has the option of being financially rewarded for independence then it makes it too easy for her to destroy her own family.
harems should also be normalized. a good high earning man should be able to have a dozen wives and it should be viewed as completely normal. when lame ass men are rewarded with sex it has a destructive dysgenic effect on the gene pool. only the best should be able to fuck.

Yes it means they get higher status males... For about 3 hours at a time. One after the other until about 24 when the attention starts to dwindle. Then by 30, they attempt to latch on to a sex staved unsatisfying beta male as a meal ticket. But they aren't always successful. Sometimes they crash and burn.

Just stop you fucking retard.

So their gdp has remained high. So fucking what. All the males under to top percentile of the heirarchy are becoming reclusive hermits. Just take 5 fucking minutes to decipher why that might be, you brainlet.

So the government can get twice the tax money they would get if only men worked. Why do you think there all these programs to get women in male dominated fields like STEM?

We all work too fucking much. Industrialization was a mistake. We somehow work more hours than ever despite all these labor-saving inventions and automation.

They don't. Feminism is slavery. They are too dumb to realize they have been manipulated and are now all wage, tax and debt slaves.
I've had two chicks buy me consoles and tvs over the years. So I got to play video games and play sports with the guys while they worked to buy me shit. Let them drive our buses or collect our garbage. Girl Power!!!

they were tricked. we all were.