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Its gross to see just how much of a fair-weather friend the average republican is, but at the same time it's really cool to see Trump crack the whip LBJ style.

I love it when Graham speaks so aggressively in his SC accent.

that was back in June

This is back from June
Still pretty based but he’s been red pilled for months

one second apart same post


>months ago

Graham 2024 right bros??

how can one man be so based, it's too much

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We're not fairweather, we reward loyalty and principles and shitposting. Right now, Grahams hitting all of those.

>and there you have it

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He’s been loyal to amnesty a lot longer than he’s been loyal to us.

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That man is such a fucking gangster now that he redpilled and realized he shouldn't respect the left anymore
thread theme

Did McCain have something fucking on him? Since he died Graham has sort of jumped the rails, or has all the bullshit the dems are pulling finally made him fed up enough to stop caring?

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McCain is being tortured at Gitmo. Now Graham has to do the Maga dance.

"I love neoconservatism! What's the next country we can invade coach? Don't forget to bring in a bunch of foreigners too while we're at it!"

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Lindsay Graham is the type of guy who needs an out-turned pocket to hold, and thank God he's holding Trump's.

This.....what is it?

How can one gay south carolinian go and do something like this....and totally redeem himself!

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You know you fucked up when you make the gay rhinos swear on national TV.

He forgot how to win. Trump taught him.

SC here. Graham is an eternal Rino and I'll explain what has happened:
>75% chance this is just the normal posturing he does when he's a year and a half or so away from reelection. After which he fucks us over for 4.5 years.
>25% chance he's on TRT and has decided to act like a real man.

This is the best explanation you'll ever get.

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I think the death of McCain gave all republicans a little bit more freedom, I think Graham was just the first to realize it.

>McCain is being tortured at Gitmo.
one can hope

The Lindsey Graham Redemption Arc continues!

fucking G O L D E N G R A H A M

It just sort of baffles me. Graham is a classic "soft southern drawl" politician, they get by generally by being unassuming and somewhat underestimated by others. The Graham of the last month or so is starting to drift into evangelist preacher territory. Which I think is good, it's better to have some fire behind your conviction, but it's such a 180 from his effected, damp-palmed approach to things to date.

He's not someone who could or should be easily trusted, he's proven himself a fair-weather friend at best many times, but it's like the man woke up one day and actually decided to stand up for his professed beliefs, even if it ended up costing him. Flake, meanwhile, seems to be leaning to pick up McCain's crypto-democrat mantle even before this debacle with the nomination. What in the fuck is going on? Is it just some kind of warped shift change, or are people actually starting to give enough of a shit about things that they're actually willing to fight for them?

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>and there you have it

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Soarin Lindsey

LOL fucking what a lad.

can't wait for him to get on msnbc and go nick fish on rachel's ass

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If he came out as Gay (even if he isn't) and ran for the Republican ticket I think he could sweep the country in 2020.

"Aw, hell, I hope Brett is impressed by mah..." Lindsey stared at himself in the mirror. He could only hope Judge Kavanaugh would look at him with more than indifference. "Anger. He deserves to be on the Supreme Court...and I..." He knew he wasn't the most attractive, or the most intelligent, or most of anything. But Lindsey Graham had taken more than a liking to Brett Kavanaugh, compared to southern dames and their infatuations of decades ago.

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This is my favorite redemption arc. Up there with Lyin Ted's redemption.

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If it gets Brett on the bench idfag

>reward guy for doing the right thing, he keeps doing it, turns over a new leaf, goes from lying ted to lion ted.
>criticize guy who is doing the right thing because it's new to him, turn him off from it forever, gain nothing, look crazed and stupid.

I'll take the former, thanks faggot.

Excuse me, there are jews hard at work shilling here:

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sorry faggots, lindsey is my waifu first

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No one said anything about neocons. He goes back that way he can fuck himself. But I won't miss a chance to show that the right welcomes people who realize their errors.

thats probably one of his GOAT tweets!

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wat? none of them even shilling

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Fucking kek she rolled her eyes

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seriously this fukkin timeline

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Graham has been released from the blackmail that the deep state used to keep him under. A true patriot.

stop being mean to lindsey

>LBJ style
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, faggot.

Proof Lindsey is Gay. Would get him fired/removed from SC senatorial office. We all underestimate how much of a vindictive cunt McCain was. You can look it up but the man held grudges like someone from fucking Yugoslavia holds grudges. It is entirely 100% believable McCain would get that kind of blackmail and use it to turn Graham into his little bitch.

>little bitch
in more ways than one?

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That would honestly be fucking hilarious. Piss off every dem in earshot, when they scream, come out and stop living a lie. Embraces the gay community, suddenly the dems and various communist cells either have to openly attack a gay man, one of their most beloved saints, or quietly eat it until they can find some way to destroy him by inches.

Granted it'd be a lot less dramatic then that, but it's always amusing to see the left turn and eat itself, even moreso when they have already swallowed their leg up to the knee before they realize what they're doing. I don't know if Graham is gay or just really, really genteel southern, the line is sometimes thin. Even if he's not, it'd be fucking hilarious and probably a good last-ditch escape hatch to just say he is.

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That was when he was still controlled by McCain’s dark voodoo magic. He is free now

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A daily reminder to the newfags in this thread: (((Graham))) is NOT /ourguy/. Jewish shills have been contaminating this whole board unironically shilling for known kikes like Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, and Trump. We do NOT like them. Time to move on from plebbit kike spam and take this movement to the next level.

Just because he's a queer shabbos goy doesn't mean he can't be a useful idiot.


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>we do NOT like them.

Found the Jew

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Real kikes spotted.

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Thank you! Holy shit, what a faggot.

Lindsey Graham doesn't just live to lick balls.
He exists solely to lick JEW balls.

>I'm not a kike, you're a kike

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You will never pass. You will lock yourself away in your home and become more and more bitter and delusional as you desperately try to convince yourself that you look like a women.

Your only friends, and I use that word very lightly, will be fellow castrated men who will also be suffering the same regret and mental anguish over their poorly thought out decision. The entirety of your "friendship" will be mutual reassurance that you didn't make a mistake and discussing how to make other people fuck up as bad as you did so you won't be alone in your misery.

But you will be alone, even around other people.

Always alone in your head, always suspicious of what others really think about you, always knowing the truth that they are only humoring you out of pity.

Despised by all, hideous, a freak. Incapable of having love, a family, or genuine human connections. Slowly slowly slowly your grip on reality will slip away until, on the rare moment you are forced to confront it, it will be such a shock to you such a painful reminder of what you actually are that the intrusive thoughts will highjack your every waking moment.

3 down, 1 to go

I’m not sure if he is legit or if he is just faking it still. I mean, he cucked to McCain for so fucking long. Lindsey is probably gay, McCain knew and threatened to out him. Lindsey now doesn’t need to worry about that shit, but really, if he is a faggot, he would be gloriously hated by the left and fellow neocons. I hope he turns out gay now.

Brett is a neocon too tho user. However the asshurt from the left may be worth it.

Why have so many of Trump's internal 2016 Republican opponents turned into decent actual conservatives? Rubio, Cruz, and now Graham have all actually done some shit.

This is like 6 months old why do you keep reposting it? You've reposted this at least 10 times over the past few days, probably more since I'm not here 24/7

Maybe it wasn't so much that they were evil cunts as that they were cowardly cucks who the dems had whipped and Trump just put some fire in them.

Cruz is a christcuck, however is great as a senator for Texas. He sticks it to Feinstein and other jews. Lindsey has finally grown a pair and graduated from being a southern twink to at least a top.
I don’t trust them to not be total neocon faggots, but at this point we are past “vote your conscience”. That said both parties are pro war save for 2-3 congressmen

Lindsey 2024!!

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Why would he not be pissed? This fucking thing with Kav is a shit show and sets a new benchmark for future wastes of time and resources. It could be posturing. But if he is someone who actually cares about the people this is a perfectly natural way to behave

I wonder what they had on him to make him bend over (lmao) so much for trump.

McBrain treatment?