Flake Leaving the Tribe - Hinting Nay Vote

Here's a video of Jeff Flake smirking and hinting he's his own man, not that he represents his constituents or his morals and or ethics. We speak of a Graham that is unleashed by the death of McCain but in other we have Flake who is being almost controlled by the spirit of McCain from beyond the grave.

Flake gave Democrats more time to delay. His excuse was was to appease Democrats concerns. But in reality was to dig up more dirt when he knows they would not vote for Kavanaugh no matter what.

I have a bad feeling and he's hinting it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


He's a pedophile.


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brain cancer gun

There are already enough votes to confirm without him.

What a faggot. He deserves the rope.

flakes on the take and because he is retiring he is very likely to vote no on kav to further his post political career

>I have a bad feeling and he's hinting it.

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Wow. I read the headlines, but I didn't think he genuinely said that. He knows what he is. This is pathetic.

I can confirm this. He fingered my butt in 1993. I'll talk to any reporter that calls me at (602) 840-1891.

Sounds like he's saying the exact same thing as the other day. He doesn't have to lock step when hes uncomfortable. He was also CLEARLY making a joke about "failing his tribe." He may not wnd up voting for Kav. But this isn't foreshadow. It's making light of a tense situation. I agree I principal with how he feels. But sometimes you have to realize when you're being a fucking pussy. And the Ford vase was a perfect example of him being a pussy in the face of EVIDENCE.

It would be a scary indictment on innocence until proven guilty.

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No. It’s not. He actually said this.

mfw he tricked other fence sitters into agreeing to extending the witch hunt just for him to vote no anyways lolol this guys an evil genius, would love to see him hanging from a street lamp so i can take selfies in front

He's jewish?

Whoops. I saw another user claiming it fake in another thread.
Here's a link since OP is gay:

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If he did this would it start a civil war?


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it's definitely a tipping point

Proverbs 16:30.

Food for the wise fish. Not beta cuck flakes or illegal cornholio BS rape case.

RINOs everywhere


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No. It would sign his death warrant for prices of undisclosed sins that only a presidential pardon could redeem.

He was asked by Trump to nay say so it doesn’t look like Republicans are full on biased agains wahmen

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Who cares about him. What about the other females? They matter more since he is only one vote and unlike him, they have elections to worry about.

If they vote yes, he get btfo hard.

Yeah, a war of words on Twitter.

His son got in trouble for posting racist, homophobic, and anti semitic shit on Twitter. Wouldn't be surprised if they threatened to witch hunt his son at some point unless he cucked. Not saying he wasn't a flaking piece of shit in the first place, but it's likely related.

I have more respect for Flake's edgelord son, N1ggerkiller, which isn't much respect to begin with

No, Americans are too lazy for a civil war. It would probably just increase Republican turnout in November.

I think he'll vote yes. This is a pretty vague statement. The move for him is complete, he gets to posture as the great compromiser from here out. Flake can say he 'took a stand to bring us together, to try to quell democrat fears and calm panic'. Voting no has nothing but downsides for him as far as I can see. Unless he desperately wants to be loved by the Dems and hated by every Republican forever.
Seems to me like nothing is going to come out of this FBI investigation, if something was going to happen it would've happened by now. Dems are fucked, Flake gets his posturing and moves on.
gg dems

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Yeah. give the democrats the SC seat, that will surely end these witch hunts and give democrats less power...

That clearly isn't it. Paid off or hes sticking it to trump is all I can see.

Ellison. Tomorrow before breakfast.

He's going to jail for domestic violence

Check em

Can I get the video of the beaner lady yelling at Flake? It was right before the vote to push the issue to the senate floor
I caught some of it on Fox News but I haven't been able to find the clip anywhere else

N1ggerkiller, isn't that Chris evans online handle? The one beats niggers verbally and then physically i they don;t remember history correctly?

I'm saying personal witch hunt against his son. They probably told him "tow the line or we will do everything to prevent your son from succeeding in life because of what he said."

How naive are you? It wasn't a joke. He's not conflicted, or being a pussy, or whatever. This guy works for Jews to hurt white people just like Murkowski, Collins, the former John McBrain, and many others.

>openly admits to foiling White interests
The absolute state of cuckservatives in 2018.

Hes Mormon and hes not failing them at all, just carrying thru with his protocols of the elders of utah

>when you farted but the head popped out

I am in no way suggesting violence but I metaphorically hope somebody kills this guy

Some jew has video of flake blowing out the back walls of a puppy dog or a child.

3rd accuser getting debunked. Basta!

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beware that (((mormon))) viper in the grass out west

On the elevator Flake does say that he believes Kavanaugh when the hispanic is yelling at him. Then in the committee he himself limits the investigation to a week, he has zero excuses now. He got exactly what he could have wanted out of this situation as far as I can see it. I'm shocked by how little the dems are accomplishing with this week they've been given, it feels like they didn't actually expect to get a delay, and have nothing available for when they did get one. They can't bring out more accusers, nobody believes that bullshit, and they can't give specifics on the Ford case because the FBI will fuck them using whatever evidence Kavanaugh can dig up. They seem to have nothing left to fight with.
The delay is total horseshit, but it seems to have played out all their cards. They don't have another play, just waiting. What are the dems going to do now? If they don't find some evidence, public opinion continues to shift in our favor, but there's nothing for them to find since Kav is a boy scout. They can't dig anyone up because nobody will buy it. Every move they have now makes their position worse.

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Literally goddamn celebrating his selling out to kike interest.

I guess Flake has never heard of the Trump Curse.

He's obviously grandstanding for publicity, he wants attention and he's getting it.

Flake isn't up for re-election. He quite frankly, doesn't give a fuck anymore. He's doing this for the lulz.

He is so absolutely fucking happy. Hes giddy like a little child. Hes compromised and a huge turd..

jeff fake wants to send his (((mormon federal agents))) door to door in every town kav ever lived in. just door to door. nothing intrusive. just a few simple questions, right? nothing nefarious is going on. nope.

Didn't say he was voting no. Just that he isn't afraid to break party dogma. In this case, asking for the investigation.

I can corroborate that user seems credible

Please refer to my image

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I went to school with both of you and agree that he got fingered.

Without his vote Republicans have 49.

Sauce on that picture?

What the fuck is his problem?

Its on him for the confirmation. It'll either be 49 yes if he says no or 50 yes with a Pence tiebreak if he says yes


How about you post a credible source?

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with the cut finger?

Assuming there are no sympathetic Dems. If just 1 or 2, the entire thing changes

He’s a Mormon. Faggot confirmed.

Judges in the US are confirmed or denied based on the notion of "advice and consent", not based on a notion of "confirmed (innocent) until proved guilty".
Senators should never ever base their vote on presumption of innocence. Their vote is there to protect this country, protect integrity of the office, protect public trust in the institutions. Probable cause is more than enough to strike down a nomination, or even censure a public office holder.
Only in a case of impeachment proceeding presumption of innocence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt will be a proper basis because the Senate is akin of a jury in a criminal trial in that case.

fixed that gay shit.

I have never seen somebody more eager to be liked by liberals who hate his guts.

Should've killed all the Mormons when we had the chance.

This dude has people whispering in his ear that he'll be a hero if he does this, that he can be president, and democrats will vote for him.

What an absolute brainlet to believe them.

Probable cause implies sufficient evidence to charge someone with a crime. We are nowhere near that threshold.

i met all of you at a bar last weekend i can confirm the story as well

He won't vote nay if he is serious about a 2020 run

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if he's even remotely serious with that its O'Sullivan's Law in action.

Yea only when the electricity and water stops running will there be a civil war.


What will his excuse be for voting no if the FBI turns up nothing?

Yea only when the electricity and water stops running will there be a civil war.

Why are you guys sitting here speculating on what his vote will be? It's very clearly going to be a no, and we all know why. He got paid off, simple as that. The dems found a senator who would be more "receptive" towards bribery, and given that he's not up for reelection, he's got nothing to lose. What's a reputation for a man who would sell himself to the highest bidder? Unless a Democrat flips (and they won't since it'd be political suicide), Kavanaugh will not be getting nominated. Not all is bad though, as there's a good chance that this whole fiasco will very likely hurt the dems come election day, or at the very least it'll mobilize more republicans to go out and vote. Either way, the democrats are in a pretty desperate position.


That would make it a tie, with Pence as the tiebreaker, but there are several Dems who've said they're inclined to vote to confirm.


Yea only when the electricity and water stops running will there be a civil war.

Imagine being an elected official and obstinately, proudly, and arrogantly delighting in the fact that you spend all of your time refusing to do the job the taxpayers of your state have elected you to do. No other job on earth exists where you could spend 100% of your time glorifying in not doing any of your work.

hes going to receive cushy jobs at msnbc and cnn for his betrayal, he doesnt care


I like him, everyone is so pissed off now, I just voted for trump because I hated hillary.

The very fact that you're pushing this narrative means I will want Kavanaugh on that seat no matter what comes up at this point

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I like him, everyone is so pissed

His tribe = the Flakes
What they expect him to do = Flake out
What he hopes to do = Continue to disappoint them

He's voting yes

Who is he trying to dogwhistle to when he says "tribe" ?

No, there are quite a few democrat senators who are up for reelection who if they vote against will lose their election. Especially Joe Mansion, I think everyone will be surprised how many democrats vote yes Flake or no Flake. Some of those democrats are weak faggots and they like power. They will do anything to stay in the senate and one vote for a judge is a small price to pay. Remember it's not only republicans that cuck, from the democrat perspective anyone on their side who votes for BK is a turbo cuck.

Shit, I dont remember that party

His tribe = the Flakes
What they expect him to do = Flake out
What he hopes to do = Continue to disappoint them

He's voting yes

I want Kavanaugh to be confirmed. Confirming such a tainted judge will ensure the continued descend of America into social chaos and ultimately whither into nothingness. It will also increase the chance for a civil war, on which I have money in my office pool for. Man...just imagine, millions of americans dead on the streets shot in the head, with their brains draining onto the ground. Sends a thrill down my spine :D