Who here is a Mason?
To what degree do they have political control?
I know the Jews are in control. But the Masons exhibit some level of power. The question is, how much, and with what degree of autonomy?
>Inb4: you can’t inb4 your own post

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Other urls found in this thread:


Masons existed first in ancient Egypt.
jews invaded egypt and stole the knowledge and made freemasonry.
freemasonry is the shabbos goysociety

Mason here

90% or more of the masons in the US can't agree on paying light bills or if they'll serve Ragu or Prego with their spaghetti at their next meeting.

Masons claim the first Mason was Nimrod and their god is Lucifer. All their symbolism seems to suggest this as well.

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But it is the jews OP.

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>Mason here
>90% or more of the masons in the US can't agree on paying light bills or if they'll serve Ragu or Prego with their spaghetti at their next meeting.

Past Master here. I agree whole heartedly with this brother user. Masonry has zero influence in today's society.

Continue your day free of this conspiracy theory.

There are 90 degrees of masonry
Like a 90 degree angle
Each degree brings you deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole.
Sex with children and infiltrating governments is not nearly as crack-pot as you might think

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My lodge is about to have a Fall turkey shoot. Hoping to raise a thousands dollars to get the roof fixed and maybe help Joe’s church get their parking lot paved. Tickets are $20, or just donate what you can. Thanks, boys.

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Is joining the freemasons worth it? There is a lodge in Quantico, VA. Not far from where I live

Want to join the Shrine? Here's a filled out petition, I'll just need your signature and $600.