Boy now that you mention it, it sure is funny that all government legal documents use all caps

Boy now that you mention it, it sure is funny that all government legal documents use all caps

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nah, slavery is illegal, right?

Hello were is the proofs :D :DD

Did you know thread?

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except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

You are convicted of the crime of birth. Here is your certificate of guilt.

Yeah, almost like they want the proper names to stand out from the boilerplate text.

>You are convicted of the crime of birth.

Is this something like the justification for taxation from a central banking cartel in control of all finance?

no prooffffs.. ;DDDDDDDDDDD OP talks out his streethole.

Nice to know I’m worth something.

>You are convicted of the crime of birth.

Is this something like the justification for taxation from a central banking cartel in control of all finance?

>You are convicted of the crime of birth.

Is this something like the justification for taxation from a central banking cartel in control of all finance?

i forget how it goes but theres something to do with the wording that robs the individual of human rights. they are called PERSON or something instead of a human being, and due to the wording it renders the individual as not human and thus as legal property.

we were signed away at birth simply for being born

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>21,516 trillion debt
>325,7 million citizens
Yep, you're worth about 66 thousand Dollar in debt.


Currency is no longer backed by gold collateral. It's backed by human collateral, neofeudalism.
"Backed by the full faith and credit of the US government" is really "backed by US citizen chattel slaves"

Washington DC is a territory not under US law. maritime law is what the fringe flag denotes in a court. USA is technically a corporation. thats what they say

Capitis Deminutio Maxima

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How do I short you faggots?

Interesting perspective and a good explanation for sometimes feeling like I'm worth nothing.

yeah you can file a trademark on your name and then unincorporate yourself from the state and then they can't fuck with you

check out the moorish citizen crap they figured this shit out days ago it's all old law definitions that have to do with maritime trade

Yeah I went down that rabbit hole years ago, It all goes back to cesti que vie act of 1666 or some shit. The king of England declared all of his subjects “lost at sea” and took their shit into trust as collateral for loans from ((them)) to finance the war he was fighting against the Dutch who had decimated his navy. Funny similarities in history, jews funding brits to fight krauts who were standing up for what’s right.. yeah the king would declare a dead sailor “lost at sea” and take his estate into trust, then he devised some plan where he set his subjects shit ablaze in a great fire and took everyone’s shit into trust. It evolved into the government claiming babies and all there future taxes and productivity as collateral on loans from central banks. Crazy shit.

Am I being detained?

>I don't want to work

Ah, so OP is a lazy faggot who doesn't want to work, pay taxes and act as an adult. I get it. I felt like that too. When I was 15.

There is no group of people more unironically stupid than people who believe in this.

does doing this mean you wont have to pay taxes or debt??

>crime of birth
>"lost at sea"
when you are born, you come out of your mother womb.
its all bullshit. its jew trickery, as usual. the water from birth, they say you are "birthed" like a ship that births into the dock at sea. and the womb water is the ..sea. and you are a ship.

fukcign stupid niggers this is a country dumb niggers

theyve made this up then tyink your too stupid to see

>crime of birth
>"lost at sea"
see its all bullshit. it goes like this. you are born out of your mothers womb. theres the womb water. a boat births into the dock from sea to the land. they claim the womb water is the sea.

see its ajew trick. they think your too dumb to see. they actually insinuate this shit.

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this sounds like bs, how am I a corporation?

>100% goy post

When you're slammed on the ground and handcuffed, will your legal bullshit argument help?

When the court laughs at you and slams a gavel?

Power comes solely through recognition and respect. You hold none with this bullshit, legally correct or not.

Therefore all your claims are worthless regardless of your legal spasms.

hows a corporation is a person?
legal status has nothing to do with reality

>laughs at you
be laughing our ass off rolling around on the floor laughing at you. you cant jail someone who doesnt give a fuck or make your threats and use it for public threatening on people who dont fucking care you fuckign welfare nigger pussy

>laughs at you
be laughing our ass off rolling around on the floor laughing at you. you cant jail someone who doesnt give a fuck or make your threats and use it for public threatening on people who dont fucking care you fuckign welfare nigger pussy

>100% goy post

>you cant jail someone
I assure you, they can certainly put you in a box.

Even if this was true American citizens would rebel and otherthrow the government before they payed over 60k a pop. I’d personally quit my job and join the fight. If we were collateral, then we are a collateral they can never call on.

I'm a Boat LLC.

Not when you add extra steps and cloak it with a shield of beurocracy


this is bullshit but i believe it

well im a shitty stock option if thats the case.

This is the best slavery though. I can do nothing or I can do anything

It's because you are subject to Admarilty law not common law and the presumption of innocence does not stand in court. Thats why court flags have gold fringes. To denote that they are under military law. Its all sounding really fucked up

I guess it's cool to know the mechanics of it all. Instinctively
most of us know that might is right and laws are only as good as the ability to enforce them

You are so goddamned retarded it's sad. Try driving around with no license and spouting this shit when you get pulled over.

>in debt

One day you faggots will actually read this and there might be a real change.

I see no problem with this in theory. We have codified the idea that we're all working together to further the interests of our society by being subject to a common set of rules.

The real problem is that i see no reason to work my ass off and pay taxes so trayvarius can have 15 children with 6 sheboons.

Fix the ethno problem, and this becomes a moot point. We'd all have roots and a (relatively) common history to draw on.

They'll still send armed thugs

Theres dozens of youtube videos with schizos trying these arguments with cops and in courts. Success rate is about 1% and thats only with street level cops who dont want to deal with disruptive spergs wigging out and talking about maritime personhood and shit. They dont know what the fuck you are talking about and dont care.

The capital letters bullshit is insane. This unicorporared person stuff has never helped anyone out of trouble

>inb4 good goy

Tldr; you sound dumb and noone cares